Quote Originally Posted by JoesphNdo View Post
At least, unlikely with Jozy, the opportunity cost with TAM $ is alot lower than a big DP contract so I'm kind of on the fence on this myself and it wouldn't be nearly as disastrous even if it does backfire. Heart says having him play his whole career here would be special, head agrees this isn't the absolute best use of that cap space given injuries. I think it's a middling use of the space, we could do better, but we could do worse (We arguably already are with Bradley) so it's not a slam dunk that we could get an immediately better return it really all comes down to how likely we believe he is to have recurring injury problems going forward.

Long winded way of saying if he leaves I understand, but if he stays on a high TAM deal my heart would rule my head and not be all that upset even though it likely isn't the absolute best use of those resources
Good summary.

A couple of people here are seriously bent by the Oso on max TAM outcome, but who exactly are we getting for equivalent dollars?

Just to pick an example, we could try for Eryk Williamson (a player that is supposedly available). The Extratime guys think would cost $1.5-2M in GAM plus whatever you would have to pay him when his contract expires (he is on $550K now, it's going up a lot in 2024 I think). He too comes with injury risk.