Quote Originally Posted by JuliquE View Post
Gonzalez was cramping up, after the last game, and they were monitoring him, going into this, whilst Delgado was, of all the players, the one Vanney described as most spent; I think that'd be a huge gamble, and you always want to avoid starting players you, guaranteed, have to sub out.

Had high hopes for Chapman, but I've not been a huge fan of his attitude, on the pitch (don't like to be too critical of what a player does in his/her spare time). I don't think Vanney trusts Chapman in what is fair to have called must-win games, and you really can't fault him, based on what we've seen; not ready to give up on Chapman, but he needs to get it together, and fast.

In fairness, Houston didn't want to reschedule, during our run last year, and that might have been a middle-finger to the league. That said, I think it's clear we put all our eggs into the Champions League basket, where we lost zero momentum, after that Houston match. My point was, when our starters aren't in the line-up, I can't see them too affected by a loss like this, as was proven last year.
I figured that was the case with Marky. Thanks!