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  1. #181
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gringo Starr View Post
    This, exactly this. I can endure the Drama and being a shit team but not the boring, dreadful play. Last night had me missing Poz, a guy who could make something out of nothing. I never questioned having season seats before but driving home last night, after a crap day at work, having to buy drinks and food at the stadium due to a lack of time pre game, after watching that dire performance I may start giving it some thought. It was just so dull
    I've been a season ticket holder since year 1, and have decided to give them up next year. I'll just pick a few games per season to go to and buy tickets on the open market. The cold 7:30pm home games in March are also a contributing factor.

  2. #182
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gringo Starr View Post
    This, exactly this. I can endure the Drama and being a shit team but not the boring, dreadful play. Last night had me missing Poz, a guy who could make something out of nothing. I never questioned having season seats before but driving home last night, after a crap day at work, having to buy drinks and food at the stadium due to a lack of time pre game, after watching that dire performance I may start giving it some thought. It was just so dull
    Quote Originally Posted by BritSOL View Post
    I've been a season ticket holder since year 1, and have decided to give them up next year. I'll just pick a few games per season to go to and buy tickets on the open market. The cold 7:30pm home games in March are also a contributing factor.
    This is what worries me. This club is pissing people off and there’s no easy way back. If opinions like this are finding their way to a supporters board, imagine what the average person who buys tickets feels.

    What story could they possibly sell to get anyone to hang on for renewals? A new coach (that we should have had 6 months ago)? More star signings? (Might not change anything)

    Once again we’re stuck with a dysfunctional ownership group that is badly impacting the trajectory of football in this city. In another universe, we’d be filling a 40k seat stadium by now and ever growing in popularity. Instead we’re at best stuck in neutral by a inept, lazy, dysfunctional, shit-bag ownership group that doesn’t seem to look beyond how much money they can take out of our pockets at the next possible opportunity.

  3. #183
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    Quote Originally Posted by ag futbol View Post
    This is what worries me. This club is pissing people off and there’s no easy way back. If opinions like this are finding their way to a supporters board, imagine what the average person who buys tickets feels.

    What story could they possibly sell to get anyone to hang on for renewals? A new coach (that we should have had 6 months ago)? More star signings? (Might not change anything)

    Once again we’re stuck with a dysfunctional ownership group that is badly impacting the trajectory of football in this city. In another universe, we’d be filling a 40k seat stadium by now and ever growing in popularity. Instead we’re at best stuck in neutral by a inept, lazy, dysfunctional, shit-bag ownership group that doesn’t seem to look beyond how much money they can take out of our pockets at the next possible opportunity.
    Welcome to 2013 part II

    Better be a "rollback to year one pricing" again or I might be out too.

  4. #184
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ultra & Proud View Post
    Welcome to 2013 part II

    Better be a "rollback to year one pricing" again or I might be out too.

    So let me ask you and anyone else who is contemplating cancelling this: what are the things that would convince you to stay?

    Full disclosure: I generally go to 3-4 games a year + playoffs and otherwise watch at home. Too many other things I like to do which has always scared me off buying season seats. I’ll always watch at some level but personally, absent a deep playoff run (I could care less if we make the playoffs in the current watered-down format) or major management / ownership changes, I’m going to be watching less as opposed to more next year.

  5. #185
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    Quote Originally Posted by ag futbol View Post

    So let me ask you and anyone else who is contemplating cancelling this: what are the things that would convince you to stay?
    I used to go to every match but now can't do Wednesday because of work. I skipped a few monsoon matches here and there over the past few years but to go down and see what is out there now is a slog. An expensive, tiresome slog with little on field entertainment value besides outrage and anger.

    Few things I would like to see (reasonable things):

    - Some FO responsibility. Not a townhall again but get Manning & Bill up there to do some kind of state of the union address and not just pump out BS. Own up to the problems and offer solutions instead of excuses. A shake up would be nice though.
    - Don't jack ticket prices if the on field product doesn't justify it. They did that through all the early ugly years and are doing it again. Team should earn that increase. Them spending foolishly and failing is something they should eat, not us.
    - Engage the fanbase again. Not sure why they decided to go AWOL now but now there is only pointless social media trash; fashion pics, few training pics, & a few "clever" one liners here and there. They abandoned the whole community aspect they used to have and instead just used it for marketing rather than actually getting out to the people.
    - Not a deal breaker but safe standing has been promised for about 5 years and nothing. Now silence on it and everything else practically.
    - Not to beat the drum of cheapness but teams like Atlanta do offer value in their food menu. That in itself makes going more attractive than the gouging most teams, especially MLSE teams, do. I see some of it on Twitter where lower level teams in Europe are using food or beverage deals to get bums in seats. This would be a smart move.

    TFC used to feel like a grassroots movement type thing; there was engagement, events, buzz and now it's really reverted to pure fringe sport level like lacrosse or rugby. If you aren't into it enough to go look for it, you won't find it and that kind of sums up how I feel the organization is viewing the fanbase now.
    Last edited by Ultra & Proud; 06-02-2023 at 09:25 AM.

  6. #186
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    I upped my SSH number from 2 to 4 this season after my elderly neighbours decided after last season to not renew...and I am somewhat regretting concept was for me and my regular soccer buddy to use my original 2 and to sell the other 2 (at barely cost) to the older couple who still wanted to attend a few games (and could thereby use their old, familiar seats), some friends who often expressed an interest in checking out a couple of games, and maybe introduce TFC to some people who weren't familiar with the "experience" and get them enthused about live soccer ...I admit that it was also partly a way of controlling who stands beside me...

    As it turns out, it's been a bit of a struggle to get them filled...and I almost feel embarrassed asking for money to watch this level of play...I am a day one supporter/SSH, but's just frustrating that we can't put out a more entertaining product after all these years...memories of the 2017 euphoria are fading fast...
    "Supporting the T.F.C from Bronte"
    Section 111 Row 12 Seat 13

  7. #187
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    Quote Originally Posted by ag futbol View Post
    Once again we’re stuck with a dysfunctional ownership group that is badly impacting the trajectory of football in this city. In another universe, we’d be filling a 40k seat stadium by now and ever growing in popularity. Instead we’re at best stuck in neutral by a inept, lazy, dysfunctional, shit-bag ownership group that doesn’t seem to look beyond how much money they can take out of our pockets at the next possible opportunity.
    All this is so true!
    Should be framed and put on the wall.

  8. #188
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ultra & Proud View Post
    I used to go to every match but now can't do Wednesday because of work. I skipped a few monsoon matches here and there over the past few years but to go down and see what is out there now is a slog. An expensive, tiresome slog with little on field entertainment value besides outrage and anger.

    Few things I would like to see (reasonable things):

    - Some FO responsibility. Not a townhall again but get Manning & Bill up there to do some kind of state of the union address and not just pump out BS. Own up to the problems and offer solutions instead of excuses. A shake up would be nice though.
    - Don't jack ticket prices if the on field product doesn't justify it. They did that through all the early ugly years and are doing it again. Team should earn that increase. Them spending foolishly and failing is something they should eat, not us.
    - Engage the fanbase again. Not sure why they decided to go AWOL now but now there is only pointless social media trash; fashion pics, few training pics, & a few "clever" one liners here and there. They abandoned the whole community aspect they used to have and instead just used it for marketing rather than actually getting out to the people.
    - Not a deal breaker but safe standing has been promised for about 5 years and nothing. Now silence on it and everything else practically.
    - Not to beat the drum of cheapness but teams like Atlanta do offer value in their food menu. That in itself makes going more attractive than the gouging most teams, especially MLSE teams, do. I see some of it on Twitter where lower level teams in Europe are using food or beverage deals to get bums in seats. This would be a smart move.

    TFC used to feel like a grassroots movement type thing; there was engagement, events, buzz and now it's really reverted to pure fringe sport level like lacrosse or rugby. If you aren't into it enough to go look for it, you won't find it and that kind of sums up how I feel the organization is viewing the fanbase now.
    This 100%-when this is clear to the fans-you have to wonder how the club has become so out of touch.

    I would like to see Manning out but I don't see it happening-but that he openly brags about his Italian transfermarket plan tells me he has no clue how to build a team and that he only cares about ticket sales. It's as if he missed the important part of the Italian celebration-the part where they won-does he think the fans would have been on the streets waving flags if Italy had lost?

    I would like to see manning come out and explain why we don't have a third DP-if he can be front and centre for the big announcements then he can also be there to deliver the bad news.

    I used to go to every game, drove my partner bat shit crazy planning summer vacations around the TFC home schedule but now the National are playing at Ontario place this summer same night as the MTL game. Since this team can't be bothered to show up against a rival why should I so I'll go see the National and I'll go watch Dan Mangan in the fall, I know I'll get value on those nights. I want to love this team, but it has some reflecting to do, and some work to do, but I don't think it has the self awareness to do it.



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