Quote Originally Posted by Joe Kool View Post
I always suggested to TFC I would like to see a no carb or low carb option and maybe actually some vegetables that is not just a garnish and actually a main part of a meal. Grilled chicken Caesar salad maybe or maybe some kind of spinach salad with the egg/bacon. Wouldn't be too hard. Sometimes I want something light like that and don't always need/want carbs although I get that it is a cheap filler to have with most items and that is why there is lots of wheat and potato based options. Some people also do keto or other restrictive diets too so would accommodate more people I would think.
in the early days, Mr Greek (or something like that) was under the south end section. We used to get Kebabs and Salad from them. It was damned expensive, but it was an alternative to the other higher calorie stuff. That's long gone now, but would be easy enough to replicate with all the grills around.