It's taken me a couple of days to get to this because every time I think about what happened, I get into another state of panic. This is regarding us being penned in the tunnel after the game.
I need your help on 2 counts.
The first, I need to find a (very kind) woman with curly dark hair, who had a 1-2 year old son that was wearing blue ear protectors and she was also there with her husband. Any leads would be greatly appreciated as I have to thank her profusely for looking after me.
The second, a guy brought a phone number to the lady that helped me and said he had the whole thing on video if I wanted to press charges. I then misplaced that phone number but would really like to have the videos as I have decided that, whilst I really don't want to relive what happened, something needs to be said and done about it.
I guess I need one more piece of help, too. What do I do here? How do I make sure that it doesn't happen again? I was absolutely terrified for my own and everyone else's safety and what started as frustration from everyone for not being allowed to go to the toilet, soon turned into panic. I read the rules that said we would be held for 20 min after the game - nowhere did it say held at seats. The away fans section concourse was fenced in, why weren't we allowed there where it was safer to hold that many people? Do I complain to TFC and have them help? Olympic Stadium? The security firm? The Impact FO?
Thanks so much, in advance