I think overall excitement for the Reds throughout Toronto and beyond is something still in development. While I do believe there has been improvement, the interest in watching games beyond types like us and a handful of casual viewers when not in the stadium just is not there yet when considering TV ratings.

Even when you look back at say the first three seasons, 2007-09 with all the buzz that was going around TFC that was making their games and BMO Field something you had to attend it still was very much an in-stadium experience. Was there a lot of discussion on the roster makeup, who was starting where and what, no, not at all. I really did not think a majority of those attending the games though too much about it outside of the two plus hours they were down at the stadium.

Now with what Seba is doing there is potentially for something to really happen, especially if they get into the playoffs and get on a run. The city is a big event town and it BMO can get that vibe of being a place that is something you must experience, it could get special. The Jays playoff run, the Raptors the last few seasons despite their recent flaws proves this. It going to take time and I think we can all agree we will always be here to some extent anyways, it’s getting the rest of the city to the party that will be the challenge.