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  1. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yohan View Post
    I think a lot of it is a Torontonian thing. We're friendly to others, but we don't tend to invite conversation from strangers. Striking up conversation with strangers tend to be something you do when you don't have anyone else to talk to, and most patrons of Joe's go with friends or family.

    find the Asian guy with an RPB scarf. Or in 112. I'm not very hard to find lol.
    So wait, are you recommending NOT initiating a convo then? Wait for a member to approach instead? I had my partner there but not in the conjoined at the hips kind of way. I strike up chats with strangers wherever, whenever even when we're together, and so does my partner. But OK, maybe we were too friendly then.

    I'm the (mostly) Asian lady in 120. But sometimes I'm mistaken for Hawaiian... or Peruvian... or some remote place in Spain, or First Nation, or Chinese (by only ONE Chinese prof in China) or Greenland, or Jamaican. Depends where my "assessor" comes from. In the Netherlands, I "must be Indonesian". Mostly, Torontonians stamp me as Filipino. I'm not hard to find either

  2. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eleven View Post
    So wait, are you recommending NOT initiating a convo then? Wait for a member to approach instead? I had my partner there but not in the conjoined at the hips kind of way. I strike up chats with strangers wherever, whenever even when we're together, and so does my partner. But OK, maybe we were too friendly then.
    Not at all. Feel free to try to strike up a convo. I personally enjoy talking to others especially about soccer. But recognize that not everyone enjoys talking to strangers and prefer to hang out with their friends and families and respect their privacy.
    “Years have gone by and I’ve finally learned to accept myself for who I am: a beggar for good football.

    I go about the world, hand outstretched, and in the stadiums I plead: ‘A pretty move, for the love of God.’

    And when good football happens, I give thanks for the miracle and I don’t give a damn which team or country performs it.”

    -Eduardo Galeano

  3. #93
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    I think a lot of us who have been around for a long time might not remember the early days of getting to know each other. I am not shy and I walk up and talk to anyone, but not everyone is like that. Partly, Joe's has become so popular as a pre-game/post-game that I often would think it's just fans there for a drink. I guess we should try to seek out those looking for RPB connections. There are many of us who have known each other for a long time and we do tend to hang with groups of RPB friends when we are out (although I do always make a point of trying to say hi to as many people as I can--probably leftover President habits or something. ). Anyway, I will try to be more welcoming to people at Joe's. This discussion is good to remind us that there are new people who want to get involved and perhaps feel like the vibe isn't so welcoming.

    With that said, I invite anyone who wants to get into RPB to find me . I love meeting people and putting a face to message board names and I love seeing new people looking to get into TFC. I admit that I sometimes wonder where the new blood is, but it sounds like it's out there and we need to recapture some of the magic of the early years when we were getting to know each other.
    Toronto FC team everrrrrrrrrr -Jozy

  4. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yohan View Post
    Not at all. Feel free to try to strike up a convo. I personally enjoy talking to others especially about soccer. But recognize that not everyone enjoys talking to strangers and prefer to hang out with their friends and families and respect their privacy.
    Hence my not continuing conversations and/or starting with some because of verbal/visual cues.

    Anyway, it's not about me anymore. It's about the perception and how much or how easily this group wants to expand its membership and the steps its members are willing to take to achieve it.

    I understand a lot of relationships have been nurtured through the years and some members have had to come knocking numerous times to find where they can fit. I'm talking about those who'll only go once to determine fit.

    My perception from the responses now is, newbie must keep trying until accepted. The one-timers, oh well.

    My suggestion for growth... determine the process & circumstances under which a prospective member can go check out your group, where someone is available for intros and Q&A...whether at Joe's or events, and then post it in the Join Us Membership area. Again, this is not about me or any specific individual. This is about if/how the group moves forward on this topic.

  5. #95
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    Eleven, I may be mistaken, but I'm sensing a bit of anger? In your posts.
    It seems like there are a lot of people that are trying to give you advice, but you keep letting it bounce off of you. If you had a bad experience with RPB, I'm sorry. However, if you truly want to be part of the group, you have to put in the effort, and realize the history that some of the guys and girls have.

    Unfortunately, it's not realistic for somebody to stand at the door, and spark a conversation with every single person that comes in. Especially if they don't make it known that they're new and want to talk.

  6. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ivy View Post
    Unfortunately, it's not realistic for somebody to stand at the door, and spark a conversation with every single person that comes in. Especially if they don't make it known that they're new and want to talk.
    Isn't that Joe's job? Hahaha

  7. #97
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    ^^what you are missing is the vibe is generally one of people wanting to hang out with their friends and not really welcoming to new people. Now, that is not a critique. Totally cool and understandable to want hang out with your friends on game day and not be bothered with playing welcoming committee. However, in the context of expanding membership and being an open group it is relevant.

    I'm a social butterfly and can talk to anyone. I'd probably be a regular had I had better experience's years back when I made the effort. Again - not a complaint, but a comment. Take it for what it's worth.

  8. #98
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    I think some people are expecting the Water Buffalo Club from the Flintstones where everyone is easily identified and comradery runs throughout. You're simply not going to get that from a supporters group of a 7 year old football club in a 20 year old league that don't even sit together in the stadium. Joe's is a very informal atmosphere, but it's still not an 'internet meet' every week. It's just people with similar interests having a pint an hour before the game.

  9. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by MartinUtd View Post
    I think some people are expecting the Water Buffalo Club from the Flintstones where everyone is easily identified and comradery runs throughout. You're simply not going to get that from a supporters group of a 7 year old football club in a 20 year old league that don't even sit together in the stadium. Joe's is a very informal atmosphere, but it's still not an 'internet meet' every week. It's just people with similar interests having a pint an hour before the game.
    I think this is it perfectly.

    When I joined up I found RPB to be the most accessible group and I still believe they are. But I grade accessibility as a person at the bar I can ask about issues or someone online I can message. I'm not really sure why people expect a welcoming committee.

    I go to games with my group of friends and talk to a few other RPB on occasion. A lot of us get along, a lot of us don't talk. I pay my dues because I believe in the idea of a the RPB and because I think the leadership does a great job on behalf of the fans and the members. I also pay dues because I think the direction of the RPB is the closest to what I want the image of our supporters to be. I see it almost like a vote. Granted, there are some in the group with whom I have nothing in common other than TFC and I wouldn't base my experience in the group on my conversations with one or two people. That just seems odd.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jack View Post
    I think a lot of us who have been around for a long time might not remember the early days of getting to know each other. I am not shy and I walk up and talk to anyone, but not everyone is like that. Partly, Joe's has become so popular as a pre-game/post-game that I often would think it's just fans there for a drink. I guess we should try to seek out those looking for RPB connections. There are many of us who have known each other for a long time and we do tend to hang with groups of RPB friends when we are out (although I do always make a point of trying to say hi to as many people as I can--probably leftover President habits or something. ). Anyway, I will try to be more welcoming to people at Joe's. This discussion is good to remind us that there are new people who want to get involved and perhaps feel like the vibe isn't so welcoming.

    With that said, I invite anyone who wants to get into RPB to find me . I love meeting people and putting a face to message board names and I love seeing new people looking to get into TFC. I admit that I sometimes wonder where the new blood is, but it sounds like it's out there and we need to recapture some of the magic of the early years when we were getting to know each other.
    Those first few seasons were fantastic, when you knew everybody at Joe's and we were a huge, rowdy family. Even Joe himself (assuming he still owns the joint?) coming with us on a road trip to NY (anyone else remember playing in that early morning supporters tournament at old Giants stadium hung right over?) was legendary. Great times.

  11. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ivy View Post
    Eleven, I may be mistaken, but I'm sensing a bit of anger? In your posts.
    It seems like there are a lot of people that are trying to give you advice, but you keep letting it bounce off of you. If you had a bad experience with RPB, I'm sorry. However, if you truly want to be part of the group, you have to put in the effort, and realize the history that some of the guys and girls have.

    Unfortunately, it's not realistic for somebody to stand at the door, and spark a conversation with every single person that comes in. Especially if they don't make it known that they're new and want to talk.
    Either your Spidey senses are off or I have seriously failed articulating the intentions of my posts. Rather than "advice" bouncing off me, it's that I've already done what I'm being advised to do. Which is why I keep reiterating it's no longer about me. It's about you, the members. So, no, not angry. Just trying to provide useful feedback on your initial question so that it can be used to determine how to improvise membership numbers.

    I dunno, maybe some of my posts got missed. I agree that it's unreasonable for one person to stand at the door, essentially as a greeter. That's why I suggested it is a "responsibility" shared amongst the members of just being aware and them directing the person to whoever is signing up newbies that day.

    I also commented that if no one is willing to do so, then oh well for the one-timers. If that's how the group/individuals would like to keep, then so be it...just keep in mind that perhaps that's why registered users aren't members. Your group, your culture. However you choose to run it, doesn't bother me. It just helps me decide whether it's a group for me to join or not. <-- to convey no anger, just how it is.

    I was only trying to be helpful if indeed the group's intention was to increase membership. I don't know how else to articulate this.

    I'll finish off with: I appreciate this forum and all that I learn from it. And thank you to all who volunteer their time to admin & mod & compiling daily news links & contribute so much valuable content.

  12. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by brad View Post
    ^^what you are missing is the vibe is generally one of people wanting to hang out with their friends and not really welcoming to new people. Now, that is not a critique. Totally cool and understandable to want hang out with your friends on game day and not be bothered with playing welcoming committee. However, in the context of expanding membership and being an open group it is relevant.

    I'm a social butterfly and can talk to anyone. I'd probably be a regular had I had better experience's years back when I made the effort. Again - not a complaint, but a comment. Take it for what it's worth.
    I need to learn to be as succinct as you

  13. #103
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    Would it be possible to hold a table (maybe along the North wall) where a few senior members hang out with some open seats for newbies to gravitate towards?

    It is uncomfortable to get out to Joe's and hope to see familiar faces or make an effort to reach out to new people. Myself I know a few from a road trip to Mtl and from introducing myself to Coach/Loyal from the membership team. But when I don't recognize anyone I mostly just hang out on my phone.

    So if there was a table or even the chairs along the pool table that was the go-to spot for new people that would make things easier.

    Especially pre-game is difficult because Joe's is frantic and everyone is getting food/drinks and their hellos in with old friends before marching out.

  14. #104
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    The north tables at the bar side of Joe's are where most of the execs and team leaders sit in anyway... Always a good place to start a conversation.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Voodooman View Post
    To the person who is in High School, don't worry about your age! I joined when I was in high school, and my brother is in elementary school( well he is graduating from that now) and stays with the RPB often. The age doesn't matter with this group, everyone has a common interest which brings us all together. If you want to talk though and share experiences of being the young guy and going to the bar without being able to drink, it is perfectly fine. It has honestly gotten to the point for me with being in season for half a year, I never got into drinking or anything, and I just order that Iced Tea aha.
    Thanks for the advice and sharing ur experience man! The main problem is more the location than anything else as I live all the way up in Barrie, this is my first year with season tickets and I already have to drag my dad to games because driving to
    the games is such a pain, tho when we do get there he doesn't complain so much with Giovinco and all aha, anyways it's the Barrie thing that's preventing me. After reading everything tho I think I'm going to get a membership as I LOVE these boards and the things everyone in the southend does. There needs to be more accessible info on what it is to be a member of RPB on these boards (maybe a link at the top of the page at all times?) anyways I'll be getting membership soon!
    edit: after some searching I just realized that there is a red patch boys site separate from the forums with a big membership tab on the front page, I had literally no clue
    Last edited by portu; 07-03-2015 at 02:05 AM.

  16. #106
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    I have a not very helpful reason for you:

    I moved to Asia near the end of the first season and, well, I'm still there. Not the best locale to make the most of an RPB membership.

  17. #107
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    Well I'll point out that if there are one-timers that haven't tried again but spoken up in here - We've forwarded info to membership.

    If there are one-timers that haven't piped up in here but want to hang out and talk about membership or anything else group, team, footy related or random as Ivy said above we're on that North side of Joe's on busy gameday.


    Like another said away games at Joes is ideal to get to know some members that can't miss a match or an opportunity to raise a pint with like minded peeps.

    I try to always say if I'm making it down to Joe's for games to let anybody know. Anyone can do the same in-thread or by PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shwade View Post
    Too lazy to do 'member'ish stuff...I'll leave that to better people.

    Here for the discussions and insight.

    What he said

  19. #109
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    former member of another SG, but unfortunately can't commit to one anymore as too much time is taken up by "real life" now......about all I can offer now is to drum on game day.......

    I come to this board because as mentioned, there seems to be the most TFC talk here and I like to discuss stuff like tactics & team set-up with fellow supporters.....

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    Quote Originally Posted by Fort York Redcoat View Post
    If there are one-timers that haven't piped up in here but want to hang out and talk about membership...
    File photo of Pete showing the newbies around.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Califax View Post
    File photo of Pete showing the newbies around.

    And yes I'll be there for 10ish tmr evening. Maybe wearing a rose, maybe a shirt. Both very big maybes.

  22. #112
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    I want to thank everyone for their feedback here and just let you all know that the executive and moderators are discussing these issues amongst ourselves. Also, keep the suggestions and critiques coming because this is the sort of information we need to help improve the group! Eleven's posts about obstacles for new members are especially noteworthy and we're already brainstorming some solutions to the problem.

    To be honest, I can think of more than a few people who really wanted to be members but were put off due to the various obstacles that sprung-up in the process. They had the money and the enthusiasm, but for one reason or another they couldn't find anyone to take their cash and sign them up, or were discouraged after talking to established members who may not have been as welcoming as they probably should have been. And that's on us. More often than not it's a systematic break-down and not the fault of any individual, but the group accepts that it's an issue we need to work on.

    Everyone who wants to be a member and fulfills the requirements should never leave Joe's frustrated and annoyed because they weren't served properly. Again, I want everyone to know that this discussion and the feedback is something we appreciate and will use the information you're all giving us.
    Did the USA , of all countries, just fix soccer? - C. Ronaldo, May 27th commenting on the FBI-led investigations into fraud and corruption throughout FIFA.

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    There will be at least couple of RPBs at Joe's tonight for LA game at 1030. feel free to drop by and say hello
    “Years have gone by and I’ve finally learned to accept myself for who I am: a beggar for good football.

    I go about the world, hand outstretched, and in the stadiums I plead: ‘A pretty move, for the love of God.’

    And when good football happens, I give thanks for the miracle and I don’t give a damn which team or country performs it.”

    -Eduardo Galeano

  24. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eleven View Post
    Hence my not continuing conversations and/or starting with some because of verbal/visual cues.

    Anyway, it's not about me anymore. It's about the perception and how much or how easily this group wants to expand its membership and the steps its members are willing to take to achieve it.

    I understand a lot of relationships have been nurtured through the years and some members have had to come knocking numerous times to find where they can fit. I'm talking about those who'll only go once to determine fit.

    My perception from the responses now is, newbie must keep trying until accepted. The one-timers, oh well.

    My suggestion for growth... determine the process & circumstances under which a prospective member can go check out your group, where someone is available for intros and Q&A...whether at Joe's or events, and then post it in the Join Us Membership area. Again, this is not about me or any specific individual. This is about if/how the group moves forward on this topic.
    That is a load of BS, I joined the forum after a trip to Montreal, joined membership a couple of months later and everyone was VERY welcoming.

    I still can't put 60% of board names to faces, but it is a really great bunch of people.

    Remember, lots of people are also shy to say the first 'hi' so you can do it too.

    It's not like RPB is some tough rough Ultras group, we are a bunch of soccer nerds.

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    I've mentioned it before and will say so once more.

    Organizing the RPB, and encouraging growth through chapters seems to me to be a much better method.

    I understand those that say it should be "organic" but if the group wants to actively recruit and grow then leaving it to chance and circumstance doesn't make much sense.

    Organizing in person through Joe's can only work until a critical mass is reached.

    The pub can only hold so many people and one person can only be involved with so many people at one time.

    From my personal experience I tried to join and fit in to RPB on my own the first time back in 2008/2009 but during that period of time there were too many of us and things were booming.

    I gave up.

    Then I realized that there was a KW Chapter of RPB that had organised themselves. I tried joining RPB through them and it stuck. The main reason being that 30 people are easier to relate to then 200+.

    RPB Chapter development shouldn't be left to grow organically. It should be mandated and grown intentionally through the group in my opinion.

    Barrie, Windsor, London, KW, St Catherines, Hamilton, Oshawa, Guelph, Milton, Alberta, BC, USA, etc.... all have RPB members and many more untapped TFC fans.

    Being a part of a local group that supports TFC under the RPB banner should be the objective IMO.

    It can't be done out of Joe's if growth is the objective.

    Please PM me if you care to chat about it as I have put a lot of thought into it and don't want to leave a ten page post here about it.

    EDIT: I should also mention that Toronto itself should have borough chapters: Parkdale, Liberty, North York.. .etc.

    It doesn't have to be rigid, people can join this way or not. But it's an avenue that is "people first" and untapped/untried. Use the few Barrie RPB members that we have to grow a chapter in Barrie. What do we have to lose?
    Last edited by Alonso; 07-04-2015 at 08:37 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by portu View Post
    Thanks for the advice and sharing ur experience man! The main problem is more the location than anything else as I live all the way up in Barrie, this is my first year with season tickets and I already have to drag my dad to games because driving to
    the games is such a pain, tho when we do get there he doesn't complain so much with Giovinco and all aha, anyways it's the Barrie thing that's preventing me. After reading everything tho I think I'm going to get a membership as I LOVE these boards and the things everyone in the southend does. There needs to be more accessible info on what it is to be a member of RPB on these boards (maybe a link at the top of the page at all times?) anyways I'll be getting membership soon!
    edit: after some searching I just realized that there is a red patch boys site separate from the forums with a big membership tab on the front page, I had literally no clue

    Im in Barrie, sure I don't get out to Joes nearly as much as I did back in 08/09/10, but we still come down from time to time. . It's never about the bar, it's about the relationships you make within the group when you do get out.

    We we could try meeting up here in Barrie for away games. It's a stretch but if we start something people may come.

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    Quote Originally Posted by TFC Tifoso View Post
    former member of another SG, but unfortunately can't commit to one anymore as too much time is taken up by "real life" now......about all I can offer now is to drum on game day.......

    I come to this board because as mentioned, there seems to be the most TFC talk here and I like to discuss stuff like tactics & team set-up with fellow supporters.....
    This pretty much sums me up as well (save for the drum part).

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    Hope to see a lot of new faces at Joe's this Sunday!!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Carter View Post
    Im in Barrie, sure I don't get out to Joes nearly as much as I did back in 08/09/10, but we still come down from time to time. . It's never about the bar, it's about the relationships you make within the group when you do get out.

    We we could try meeting up here in Barrie for away games. It's a stretch but if we start something people may come.
    I just can't imagine a place where the game would be shown and I'm not really one to impose my will upon a bar to change the channel, but I'm up for it

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alonso View Post
    I've mentioned it before and will say so once more.

    Organizing the RPB, and encouraging growth through chapters seems to me to be a much better method.

    I understand those that say it should be "organic" but if the group wants to actively recruit and grow then leaving it to chance and circumstance doesn't make much sense.

    Organizing in person through Joe's can only work until a critical mass is reached.

    The pub can only hold so many people and one person can only be involved with so many people at one time.

    From my personal experience I tried to join and fit in to RPB on my own the first time back in 2008/2009 but during that period of time there were too many of us and things were booming.

    I gave up.

    Then I realized that there was a KW Chapter of RPB that had organised themselves. I tried joining RPB through them and it stuck. The main reason being that 30 people are easier to relate to then 200+.

    RPB Chapter development shouldn't be left to grow organically. It should be mandated and grown intentionally through the group in my opinion.

    Barrie, Windsor, London, KW, St Catherines, Hamilton, Oshawa, Guelph, Milton, Alberta, BC, USA, etc.... all have RPB members and many more untapped TFC fans.

    Being a part of a local group that supports TFC under the RPB banner should be the objective IMO.

    It can't be done out of Joe's if growth is the objective.

    Please PM me if you care to chat about it as I have put a lot of thought into it and don't want to leave a ten page post here about it.

    EDIT: I should also mention that Toronto itself should have borough chapters: Parkdale, Liberty, North York.. .etc.

    It doesn't have to be rigid, people can join this way or not. But it's an avenue that is "people first" and untapped/untried. Use the few Barrie RPB members that we have to grow a chapter in Barrie. What do we have to lose?
    I just wanted to touch on chapters a little bit as usually the "organic" sentiment comes from the execs. The reason we don't mandate joining through a "chapter" is that chapters in and of themselves take quite a bit of work to organize and maintain and keep folks apprised of whats going on. If someone came up and said I'd like to start the Niagara region chapter and wants to run with it then we'd work with it and see how we get best support the "growth" of that chapter. So as long as there are willing bodies to step up and make it happen it'll be supported but we don't actively have the volunteers and the manpower to start also running chapters directly. It's also very difficult to run a chapter from a region we are not necessairly from; while I grew up in Niagara and went to school in Peterborough I couldn't start running those chapters because my activity in those communities is limited.

    Hope that adds a bit of clarity to why the statement is usually - "we'll let it grow organically" and what is meant by it.

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