Hello everyone!

I am a Toronto FC supporter and I have written a book that documents the honeymoon period of the club (back when we were all young and naive, collectively believing that Mo Johnson still knew what he was doing). The book is entitled “A Season And A Half” and if you search for it on Facebook you can become a fan and then read more information about the book, including how to purchase it. There are two versions of the book available: a black and white version (that I highly recommend you buy) that is only $10.99 and a more expensive version that is $42. The more expensive version has colour pictures and better quality paper, but I could not bring the cost any lower than what it is and even I admit that it is a bit pricey, which is ultimately why I made the second black and white version as well, to give buyers a choice. In addition, 24% percent of the net proceeds will be donated to the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation (and no, the number 24 was not chosen at random).

I hope that at least some of you purchase the book as it presents a detailed history of the stadium location, club formation, as well as numerous other aspects of the club. I even mention The Red Patch Boys. Also, I wrote the book specifically for fans such as yourselves and as far as I know it is the first Toronto FC book in existence, so that in itself makes it special. 

So far the book has sold moderately well and has received positive reviews. I am now trying to get Toronto FC on board too.

Even if you don’t buy the book, please spread the good word so that the legend of TFC can continue to capture the hearts of soccer fans the world over!

Toronto 'Til I Die!!!

Thank you and have a happy Easter.
Alan Laycock

P.S. Here are some quick links, but I encourage you to join the Facebook Fan Page, as it contains more information:
