Today the Philly Union announced they will be playing Valencia in a mid season friendly later in the summer. And of course TFC will have at least one or more friendlies later this season as well I would guess.

I for one think this practice needs to stop. Friendlies in the North American context DO NOT WORK!

Pre season friendlies in Europe are used to tune up the club for the season ahead, just like the Carolina Challenge Cup. No self respecting European club would ever schedule a friendly in the middle of a competitive season would they? They know fans would not stand for it and would consider it nothing but a cash grab. It also has an impact on the competitive standing of the club with the risk of injuries being high in a meaningless match.

Remember the tail skid we went on after Ronnie O'Brien (arguably our best player at the time) went down against Aston Villa?

Since we operate on a different schedule than Europe this practice needs to end. Period.

Thoughts anyone?