Hey Guys!

So Saturday is the first game of the season. I know Im f**king pumped, and Im sure everyone else is feeling the same!

Big games calls for the one and only TFC Supporters United March!!!!! Home Opener last year, Montreal, CNT, Chicago, all epic march's! So Lets do it again!

We're going to do this like the last game of the season (Chicago).

Pre-game: Chill at shoeless, drink, chant, whatever.

We will be making our way down to Lamport for 2:30. This is where you guys, NEE, and U Sector will meet. We will get 15 minutes of chanting and drumming going, and at 2:45 we will make our way to BMO. This gives supporters clubs plenty of time to get ready, tifos prepared, whatever you need done.

What I need from all of you is anything to contribute to the march! Whether it is Flags, Drums, Two-Sticks, Flares, Fireworks, ANYTHING to contribute to the march, BRING IT!!!!!

Every March Needs A Banner! The Problem is, is that we do not have a message to put on it! If you have any ideas or suggestions for the banner, please post below.

There is also a poll above to see if everyone is down with this idea.

Thanks Guys, And see you all Saturday!