Quote Originally Posted by barticusz View Post
Totally agree. And yet even by making the absolute worst roster ever produced in MLS, he still was managing to get more points per game the dunfield who is working with a better roster than the start of the season.

11 games, 1 win, 10 losses, 6 goals for, 24 goals against. Whatever bad habits TD is trying to undue, it’s only gotten worse.
Being marginally better than terry dunfield isn't exactly a reason to be proud

Nobody believed dunfield was the answer, being better (or more accurately, less crap) than him doesn't prove anything. It'll be whether we improve after a year of herdman or not that you can judge. And even then it'll be a case of a bad hire and not a wrong dismissal

There is absolutely no credible argument that we should have stuck with Bradley. He completely shat the bed on roster construction (and on gutting the talent we did have) worse than anyone in league history, had a divided dressing room and was completely unable to get even mediocre results from the squad that was left. His successors being bad can't change the reality that was him here. He'll be judged on his results here and they are what they are.