By all rights, that shouldn't have happened last night. There was no indication over the last couple of months that TFC had anything in them like this, and Philly is one of the elite teams in the East. I can only think of a couple of reasons why this result happened.

1. Hurdman must have said something or the players were acutely aware of his presence. That's the only difference between last night and the previous couple of months.
2. Philly coaching staff drew up a game plan based on Bradley-ball, which TFC didn't play last night. Perhaps Dunfield managed to break them out of that ret, like someone mentioned upthread?
3. Philly players underestimated TFC based on current form and eased up mentally. They thought they were playing a team with no morale that would roll over and got burned.

I mean, the difference between this game and the previous couple of months was so stark, and the result so unexpected. I was one of those tinfoil-hat wearers, I would look into someone on the Philly team being on the take or someone in the MLS Front Office pulled some levers to ensure TFC won. I'm wondering what the other teams will come up with to counter now. I'm curious, but not hopeful (that's been beaten out of me this year) to see how they come out next game.