Here is the link to bid on tickets for TFC at the L'impact next Wednesday at Saputo. The min. bid is $49 and the buy it now is $225 LOL if anyone is interested. Will likely be a very important night for the Reds in their quest to make the V Cup Final and a shot at returning to Champions League.


This is the first game that they have opened up to the general public just not season ticket holders.

The government is now authorizing us to host a limited number of guests at Stade Saputo. To give an equal opportunity to all to get access and to be a part of this unique event, we have put in place an allocation system through Yoop
Click the button below to access Yoop and set your price now. The platform will allow all supporters to set a price for Yoop access passes, starting at only $49, plus taxes. Depending on the price you set, the platform will inform you of your chances of getting access. If you’d like to avoid this process completely and simply purchase access passes up front, you can skip the “My Price” option and “Buy Now”.