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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by ensco View Post
    ^You are wrong. The buyer may have had a provisional deal in place with Fabregas or Ronaldo or whomever, but I am saying that in every case you cite above there was some interaction between the two clubs before the legal docs (usually notice of termination) were executed.

    In. every. case.

    If you think we gave Genk and additional 2M euros because we are nice guys, well... you are welcome to your opinion.
    Spanish club presidents promise players before they're elected in charge of the term. How, therefore, can they have an agreement with the club when they aren't even in charge of the team yet? They'll have spoken to the player though and verbally agreed a team. It's why transfers happen nearly instantly when the clubs agree a price.

    So. Not. in. every. case. Japp Stam literally left Man United because he publicly outed them for doing this.

    Nobody said we gave Genk 2m to be nice, we gave Genk 2m to ensure we got our man early and since we didn't want to go through some long drawn out court case to decide if a release clause was valid or not, nobody did, including Genk. It was a negotiation. Both sides had some leverage, and a price (below market value) was agreed

    What I'm saying is nobody cares what we did, clubs do far nastier shit than this and nobody bats an eye lid. You seem to think we'll try to buy a player from a team next year and they'll be like 'no you're the boogeymen who ruined Genks season!', they won't, they'll say 'do you have the cash?' same as every transfer. They wouldn't know, nor would they care, about the outcome of the Belgian league in 2019
    Last edited by JoesphNdo; 05-17-2019 at 12:19 PM.



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