Sorry, just a little critical of this approach. If you are a person who feels they are a "fan" of all Toronto teams, my gut feeling (and I know it is a general sweep of a multitude of humans) is you are far more a "viewer" or "follower" of those teams than a "fan". Fan means a deeper connection, tapping into something more soulful than water cooler conversation.
If we were in Spain and a group of fans of Atletico Madrid, would we be saying "Ah, Real Madrid is out of Champion's League, this might be a time to convert some of their fans"? No, you suffer with your team through thick and thin. You expect other fan's to, too.
It is in the interest of Bell and Rogers to have this city stay a bandwagon city, with viewers who will switch their interests (and eyeballs) from screen to screen, from sport to sport. They NEVER want anyone to connect deep enough with their team's misfortune that they won't watch sports or tv or their phone for a while...
If you a big Leaf fan, you have interests that frankly I don't share. If you have chosen to not support TFC at any time during their first 11 years, fair enough. Not going to spend a second to try a change your mind.