Quote Originally Posted by Auzzy View Post
Weather Network saying 11 C / feels like 10 C, sun & clouds for game time in South Parkdale. Shirts AND shorts off!

Auro questionable for this game, tightness in the hamstring area. They should go easy with the guys if there are any concerns; avoid the injury issues from last year. How do they line up if Auro is out? Perhaps 3 in the back with Ciman; plus DeLeon on the right wing (or sliding to RB if they want to morph that into 5 at the back).

Or 4 at the back, with DeLeon at RB, and both Delgado & Chapman starting in midfield? It's too bad because DeLeon has been a real motor going forward, as well as breaking things up & helping in defensive midfield.
I think there would be 2 options with Auro out:

(1) We may see the JMo switch from 2016.

JMo -- Moor -- Mavinga -- Morgan
Bradley -- Delgado
DeLeon -- Poz -- Oso

(2) switch DeLeon back to RB, sub Chapman beside Poz