Quote Originally Posted by 69Chevy396 View Post
I suspect, mlse will do whatever they can, to keep Osorio, for the reasons that you give. However, if the team believes it has another shot at contention, before losing our current designated players, than they will do what is needed to bolster our weaknesses, at least in the short turn. If, they go the trade route, I cannot think of any player more attractive than Osorio. If Waston isn’t available, perhaps another, highly rated defender. What are the options? What would Delgado, or Chapman, or Auro fetch? We don’t want to give up on Moor or Morrow, do we? The team can pick up another offensive piece, or two, and hopefully, get lucky like Atlanta did. Finding a star defender is much harder, and would require a bit of a sacrifice.
Otherwise, keep Osorio, keep Seba and Mavinga, start rebuilding, bust up the team abd work on a five year plan (that may be the preferred route).
Moor plus funny-money for Walker Zimmermann sounds interesting; obviously a HUGE sacrifice/gamble… but, as you say, always sell a year early, rather than too late—Moor, himself, said he'll take this off-season to try and get healthy enough to start consistently for 2019, AT LEAST (I think he knows the end is nigh, the way he emphasized that last bit).

Not sure how practical this is, but we might have the inside track on Zimmermann, given our "connections" to LAFC (Bradley, Beita, Kaye).