Don't know if this would even be possible, or if it's something MLSE would even consider, but how do you guys feel? Would you be in favor of TFC leaving MLS to play in the CPL?

Couple of pros and cons off the top of my head.

- We'd be playing in our domestic league against other Canadian teams and players (the way it should be). More interest for the casual fan going up against the likes of Ottawa and Hamilton as opposed to Chicago & Philadelphia.
- Helping grow the game in this country. Having a former MLS team in the league would go a long way to legitimizing it as a serious D1 league.

- Lower quality soccer, at least in the beginning. From what I hear the CPL would be somewhere in between the NASL and MLS. With a lower salary cap and no DP's (?), it would be harder to compete with the rest of CONCACAF.
- Uncertain future. We can't say for sure that the CPL will be a success. With MLS expansion fees rising and the cap going up every year, it's safe to say that MLS won't be folding any time soon.

If this can't happen right away, maybe it's something to consider for the future? There are many cities out there with MLS aspirations and there might not be enough room for all of them. Maybe MLSE can sell their spot in the league for a nice profit once MLS gets to 30 teams or so.