Quote Originally Posted by jloome View Post
You don't think Nelsen was lost, but you're asking us to accept your opinion on Vanney. Look, I see problems in all of these guys because we've never hired an experienced coach or had a balanced roster. But Nelsen was completely clueless. Without Defoe scoring, we were utterly lost.
But we could defend to an extent. He wasn't great at all but I was good with giving him those last 10 matches to sink or swim. Sure he'd be gone by now but things would have been much different if Nelsen was allowed to blow the season on his own. Maybe we would have looked in a different direction in the off season than Vanney. Too late now.

And Nelsen wasn't totally lost. Just going forward. We were organized and defended okay. Not great but okay.

Now take Altidore and Giovinco out and do we have 9 points? Does Vanney adjust the tactics to put up a fight? Nope. He fails just like Nelsen did.