Quote Originally Posted by jloome View Post
Yeah, well....

I hate to tell you dude, but the Canadian print media has been utterly gutted in the last two decades. When I started at the Sun in Edmonton, we had eighteen reporters covering city news. When I left, they had four.

Broadcast had always been shit, rarely broke anything and mostly has been able to function by ripping-and-reading newspapers for years.

Toronto papers and outlets didn't fare any better. There's little profit incentive in media and most of the companies that put those debt-laden, slow-to-change companies into receivership have share value because of their capitalization, not their profit margins.

So basically the only healthy daily coverage left is CBC, which is funded (albeit at a rate below the public services of 20 other commonwealth nations).

Keep in mind that when I joined a city paper in '97, they were already egregiously poor at almost everything compared to twenty years before that, due to a lack of competition allowing owners to save costs via poorly trained staff, then using those savings to address heavy corporate debt.

Lineage ad rates were one-tenth of the U.S., and the quality was already suffering when Asper bought Canwest and began the trend of heavy bias and cuts to counter acquisition debt.

TFC's coverage was kind of shit even when there were multiple outlets doing the job. We've never had a Steve Goff here, a local guy who routinely breaks big stuff. It's all "I got the announcement first" crap, low hanging daily spot news fruit.
I feel like all KJ has always been the most in the loop of anyone. He always speaks as if he understands a little more than he lets on and every now and then he'll drop a tidbit of info to prove it.