Quote Originally Posted by JoesphNdo View Post
What on earth were Defoe (however it turned out) and a *current Italian international and squad rotation player at f'n Juventus* Giovinco if not prime A list DPs, are teams out here signing Mbappe or something!? Those are two of the biggest DP signings in MLS history in terms of the prestige/age/status of the player at the time of the signing. Bradley was a pretty big one, too.
Defoe was older and Giovinco was A list to maybe people who follow Serie A closely. I loosely follow it and I didn't know who he was prior to us signing him.

Generally A listers are the names that sell tickets to average folks who loosely follow the sport. Defoe was one I guess but he didn't last a season and started speaking out before fall. Rooney, Lampard, Higuian, Zlatan, etc are the big A listers. Worldwide superstar types. I don't see us getting any as a full time player. Cesar was our brush with the A list.