Sooooooo...its very likely that for the first time Seattle is taking our team a tad more seriously then they do stuffing ballot boxes for Goal of the Week.

And that will inevitably mean some of them will be on here looking for juicy tidbits to discuss over a Birch Beer and also a view about the preeminence of their team as seen by this outlying part of the MLS multiverse that revolves around Cascadia with its hub firmly at KingDome II there in Seattle.

I think this is the perfect opportunity to welcome the people who invented MLS into our midst with a quality discussion of how Seattle is loved and admired.

Allow me to go first with what I think is pretty much the perfect symbol of the supporter heir's to those mighty 5000 who attended SeaDog's games.

This to me is the perfect metaphor for the Seattle Sounder supporter.

Environmentally aware and also made of sturdy plastic.

Easy to crank by hand by management upon command.

Can both suck and blow.

And, of course, that XBox green that is as important a symbol of the team's roots as is the Blue in Blue Jays.

Mind you, I don't know how this thing will operate on a snowy night in December in Toronto, but we shall all find out.

Anybody else?