Quote Originally Posted by SoccMan2 View Post
I was talking to a Friend of mine who lives in Hamilton and lives pretty close to Hamilton's new Tim Horton's Field and he was saying that other than the Ticat's games there he has not noticed much of anything else happening there, so how does a publicly funded stadium make money with a main tenant that only uses the stadium like what 10 times a year? I'm sure it's rented out for community use like youth and high school teams and adult league sports and stuff but can a stadium like this make money from 10 CFL games and then renting the field out to community sports? When BMO Field had only TFC as the only tenant at least they had TFC had about 20 home dates, so I can't see how a stadium like Tim Hortons Field makes money.
No idea

This is the fallacy that most economic studies point to when billionaires argue that tax dollars be used for stadiums. Virtually all find that there is no positive economic impact despite the claims.