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  1. #61
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    I end up asking myself every season ... Why am I still a member of RPB?
    The answer is that as an older fan "from away" I was amazed at how welcomed I was when I first joined up. People understood that I could not be as involved as the locals in the RPB activities but that did not stop them from offering me a chance to help where and when I could and wanted to. Tailgates, membership at Joes pre-game, the occasional banner or two stick painting session on game day in the BMO parking lot ... it was all good and a chance to make new friends.

    Yeah ... they call themselves Red Patch BOYS ... but who could forget the ladies of the club getting together and doing a calendar for charity early on??
    The skull and crossbones with the Red Eye patch? A classic done up by one of the female members of the RPB.
    It showed the kinds of people I was dealing with and I appreciated that the RPB was more than just TFC support and more than just a bunch of guys.

    I am one of the original 75 Mile Bastards and that made me realize that I was not unique as far as my situation supporting TFC goes.
    I don't get to TFC games as much as I used to but still feel very welcome by old friends when I do.

    I can afford the $2 or so a month it costs to be an RPB member. It supports club activities and allows the supporters group to have an independent voice for me and for all of us. And so I keep up my membership, as well as my membership with The Bytown Boys here in Ottawa, and will do as long as I can ... and as long as you will have me hanging around. Keep up the good work.

  2. #62
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    I have contemplated whether it makes sense for me to remain a member for some time now for a number of reasons. I live in Ajax which is not too far from TO but definitely not drop-in distance to go to Joe's for away games and I find it hard to make it down to the stadium area early enough to make it to Joe's on gamedays. I know there was a Durham chapter of RPB trying to get stuff together for away game viewing up here from time to time but my other big problem I have with participating in anything is my wife's health. She has a fairly critical and chronic condition that ties up alot of my time with me taking care of her so I can't even make it to a local bar that often. That is also why I can't make it downtown to banner sessions or anything usually because I can't really leave her alone on weeknights and my kids are not old enough to take care of her either. I would love to be more involved and my kids would love to be part of things too. Maybe one day. As far as renewing my membership every year I do it without question for the most part. I don't find it is very much money and if the money helps with a banner or whatever I am good with it since I can't be there. I have not met alot of RPB over the years but the ones I have are great people from all walks of life. My kids were lucky enough to participate in the RPB player escorts a few times and I have brought them for some RPB marches. I find the people running the group seem to be really good people and work really hard to keep things going in a dignified manner and I appreciate that. It brings me pride to be part of the group and I always figure one day I may be able to contribute more. For now I will just chime in on the board and attend things where I can. Alot of registered users on this board really contribute alot of good commentary too. I appreciate everyone that contributes in a positive way....member or non-member. It all enriches my TFC supporter experience. Cheers!

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mateo1985 View Post
    I'm a new RPB member. Just signed up this year for this board and the RPB its self. My first RPB experience was at an away game viewing (Dallas game with the rain delay). I was hesitant to come up to a bunch of guys wearing TFC swag at first but when I did they ended up being a really cool bunch of guys who were very welcoming. I walked into to Joe's alone and walked out with at least 7 new friends so don't be shy lol.... Just join, come and introduce your self!!! It's worth it!!!
    Glad you on board bud, you've been a great help!

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark in Ottawa View Post
    I end up asking myself every season ... Why am I still a member of RPB?
    The answer is that as an older fan "from away" I was amazed at how welcomed I was when I first joined up. People understood that I could not be as involved as the locals in the RPB activities but that did not stop them from offering me a chance to help where and when I could and wanted to. Tailgates, membership at Joes pre-game, the occasional banner or two stick painting session on game day in the BMO parking lot ... it was all good and a chance to make new friends.

    Yeah ... they call themselves Red Patch BOYS ... but who could forget the ladies of the club getting together and doing a calendar for charity early on??
    The skull and crossbones with the Red Eye patch? A classic done up by one of the female members of the RPB.
    It showed the kinds of people I was dealing with and I appreciated that the RPB was more than just TFC support and more than just a bunch of guys.

    I am one of the original 75 Mile Bastards and that made me realize that I was not unique as far as my situation supporting TFC goes.
    I don't get to TFC games as much as I used to but still feel very welcome by old friends when I do.

    I can afford the $2 or so a month it costs to be an RPB member. It supports club activities and allows the supporters group to have an independent voice for me and for all of us. And so I keep up my membership, as well as my membership with The Bytown Boys here in Ottawa, and will do as long as I can ... and as long as you will have me hanging around. Keep up the good work.
    Great to hear Mark. Hope you and the Bytown Boys are taking care of Weideman for us

    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Kool View Post
    I have contemplated whether it makes sense for me to remain a member for some time now for a number of reasons. I live in Ajax which is not too far from TO but definitely not drop-in distance to go to Joe's for away games and I find it hard to make it down to the stadium area early enough to make it to Joe's on gamedays. I know there was a Durham chapter of RPB trying to get stuff together for away game viewing up here from time to time but my other big problem I have with participating in anything is my wife's health. She has a fairly critical and chronic condition that ties up alot of my time with me taking care of her so I can't even make it to a local bar that often. That is also why I can't make it downtown to banner sessions or anything usually because I can't really leave her alone on weeknights and my kids are not old enough to take care of her either. I would love to be more involved and my kids would love to be part of things too. Maybe one day. As far as renewing my membership every year I do it without question for the most part. I don't find it is very much money and if the money helps with a banner or whatever I am good with it since I can't be there. I have not met alot of RPB over the years but the ones I have are great people from all walks of life. My kids were lucky enough to participate in the RPB player escorts a few times and I have brought them for some RPB marches. I find the people running the group seem to be really good people and work really hard to keep things going in a dignified manner and I appreciate that. It brings me pride to be part of the group and I always figure one day I may be able to contribute more. For now I will just chime in on the board and attend things where I can. Alot of registered users on this board really contribute alot of good commentary too. I appreciate everyone that contributes in a positive way....member or non-member. It all enriches my TFC supporter experience. Cheers!
    Glad to see you take pride in helping where ever you can with the group. Alot of the Durham boys are great lads. Nice little group always in there best voice when they come to games.

  4. #64
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    To keep in short without repeating, even though I live 75% of my year out in New Brunswick, I still enjoy just watching from the television and just hearing/seeing what the RPB does to the crowd. I got to meet a lot of friends, and actually have been able to attend some really awesome events throughout the years I never thought I would ever do. From actually singing in a studio (I still can't believe I did that) to having a dinner with Lieweke/Nelsen to playing in a fun indoor league and even playing in a tournament or two with RPB, it has been the other stuff that I have remembered most. It creates a second family environment, and for someone like myself who has no uncles, aunts, grandparents etc., I consider some of the guys to be honourary family aha.

    To the person who is in High School, don't worry about your age! I joined when I was in high school, and my brother is in elementary school( well he is graduating from that now) and stays with the RPB often. The age doesn't matter with this group, everyone has a common interest which brings us all together. If you want to talk though and share experiences of being the young guy and going to the bar without being able to drink, it is perfectly fine. It has honestly gotten to the point for me with being in season for half a year, I never got into drinking or anything, and I just order that Iced Tea aha.

    I am glad this thread got made as it has brought some great discussion points as well as issues that RPB as a whole could work on to which they never would have thought of without this thread.
    Play-by-Play Commentator for League 1 Ontario.
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  5. #65
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    I did join at one point - 3 years ago - but then I got a new job and it took up much more of my time, and I immediately just didn't have time to get more into the support unfortunately.

    I've also always had issues about the different supports groups at TFC (that's why I didn't join at all until 3 years ago). I completely understand why different groups originally formed (Lynx fans in one group, the new TFC fans in the other, one group wanting to support in a different way to the other) - but personally I think its a terrible idea to have these separate factions. One large SG will always have more power than separate groups with the same number of fans. Big groups of people hold weight and power.

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jack View Post
    We do not always see eye to eye with the FO and maintaining complete financial separation allows us to keep our positions clear. We often work together with them, but we don't need or want MLS mandated sponsor activity rammed down our throats, either.
    Fair enough. Easier to bypass that headache.

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eleven View Post
    5. Went to Joe's during last season's march to final home Montreal game, found it "clique"ish. Lots of closed groups of people and it was very difficult to " integrate". A lot less welcoming than I have experienced with non-supporter groups congregating at a pub I.E. Oranje supporters at Betty's on King East. Maybe #3 would help.
    So I completely understand that feeling. I've had tickets since day one with my Dad. He has zero interest in the supporters aspect of TFC, but I wanted to check it out. I showed up at Joe's in year one by myself for an away game and literally talked to nobody. Sat at the bar, watched the game, had few drinks and went home. Thought this group wasn't for me. Went again and forced myself to be open and initiate conversations and boom......I found where I wanted to be. Then the ball started rolling.....Joe's, games in 112, Thursday night drinks, away games.

    This is where it gets difficult. I've now known many of the good people on this board for years and years. My close social circle that I talk to/hang out with on a day to day basis outside of TFC is mainly made up of people I've met through here, and biggest of course is I met my then future wife through this group. While it may seem like "cliques", these are bonds that are now much bigger than TFC.

    It a hard thing to do, but be open and start talking to people and they will respond. I know the group can do a better job at opening up to new people but you also need to understand that when we're at Joe's, we are with friends that are almost family now.

  8. #68
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    I've followed the steps to join, but haven't heard back. Figured it were down to my living abroad, so I remained patient. I've hinted at this once or twice, before, but didn't want to "push it."

    Was on the fence for awhile, as I attempted to feel my way around the group, via the forum. I agree that it can feel "clique-ish," at times, when your views are either overlooked or taken apart in a fashion some of the more respected members wouldn't experience (your DP's or "designated posters," if you like lol).. but, if we're all being honest, that mirrors the way things are in life, away from the group. I'd be remiss not to mention the numerous positive experiences/exchanges I've had with members and non-members, alike, most notably with one of the RPB hooking up with me to help in my pursuit of a couple jerseys.

    As far as maintaining a welcoming environment: perhaps you can make a special arm-band, patterned after the traditional captain's arm-band, complete with an RPB badge, that would be made available to new members, so they can be easily spotted at social gatherings of any kind. From there, it would just be a matter of communicating to your membership that they should do what they can to especially reach out to anyone wearing these special arm-bands.

    Spit-balling, here, but I hope I've helped, in some way.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nodoubtguy View Post
    So I completely understand that feeling. I've had tickets since day one with my Dad. He has zero interest in the supporters aspect of TFC, but I wanted to check it out. I showed up at Joe's in year one by myself for an away game and literally talked to nobody. Sat at the bar, watched the game, had few drinks and went home. Thought this group wasn't for me. Went again and forced myself to be open and initiate conversations and boom......I found where I wanted to be. Then the ball started rolling.....Joe's, games in 112, Thursday night drinks, away games.

    This is where it gets difficult. I've now known many of the good people on this board for years and years. My close social circle that I talk to/hang out with on a day to day basis outside of TFC is mainly made up of people I've met through here, and biggest of course is I met my then future wife through this group. While it may seem like "cliques", these are bonds that are now much bigger than TFC.

    It a hard thing to do, but be open and start talking to people and they will respond. I know the group can do a better job at opening up to new people but you also need to understand that when we're at Joe's, we are with friends that are almost family now.
    I just want to co-sign this (not the future wife part). I went through the same things.
    Toronto 'til I die - but I think they're trying to kill me.

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by jack
    Valid point. In spite of this, we have many female members who are strong contributors and the gender-specific name hasn't limited them. I agree it could be seen as something less than inclusive. It would be a tough thing to change the name at this stage, but your point is valid.
    Name is awesome and quite appropriate even if one doesn't know its origins. Not looking for it to change, even if this were still Year 1. I'm surprised to not have heard from the strong female contributors. An entire life's worth of experience exposed to bias because of a name has perhaps coloured me too much. Out of curiosity, are there women members who signed up without having male partner/friend who were members too?
    As a regular drummer in the stands, I'd love to hear from you on this one!
    *lol* I meant lots of ideas in general, not specifically about drumming My marching band days was just setting the beat, pace of the march, marking out the turns, and twirling the sticks 10 feet into the air while marching. It was eons ago, but I still remember all the beats.
    The opinions expressed are those of the posters, not the group (I know, I know). We voiced our strong condemnation of the whole thing. It was absolutely offside and not in line with our values as a group.
    Understood/appreciated that from the majority even then. I suppose I'd ask for the forum name of a person in order to avoid those very few.
    I appreciate you taking the time to give thoughtful feedback. I hope you will continue to participate and don't feel shy about introducing yourself at Joe's or at games. I promise not to "clique" you. Online interaction is great, but this group was built in person.
    Thank you for your consideration It probably won't be at Joe's though. Just found a place with 120 craft brews on tap in Liberty Village I want to try out. ONE. HUNDRED. AND. TWENTY. Mostly Ontario breweries too. Will post link in Beer thread.

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eleven View Post
    Thank you for your consideration It probably won't be at Joe's though. Just found a place with 120 craft brews on tap in Liberty Village I want to try out. ONE. HUNDRED. AND. TWENTY. Mostly Ontario breweries too. Will post link in Beer thread.
    I'm sure you've already tried their BEER FLIGHT or whatever they call it. Gives you 4 different beers for $10... not bad at all.

  12. #72
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    I maintain my membership mainly to support the board and the group.

    To anyone apprehensive about showing up to Joe's alone, I have done this a few times and was made very welcome by anyone I approached.

  13. #73
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    Always loved the support RPB, U-Sec and NEE showed from inaugural home game. Met them in person, all open and friendly. Officially joined on an away trip in 08 I think by hunting down Phil and Naturegirl. Loved everyone I've met and it's only fair to contribute back to a community of friends like a family. Contributed all I could when I could, then faded away when life threw me a combination of challenges that almost took me out for good. Past experiences and memories (all the crazy away trips. come on.. Puerto Rico and Mexico City for TFC.. what a blast) shaped my view on RPB, what you get out of RPB is how much you put into it. I may be close, I may be far. I may no longer able to come to home matches or always active on the forum or paint a banner, but RPB is family. Now I'm based in Texas, but I'll be a member as long as at least one of us exists.
    RPB Road Warrior: supporting Toronto FC anywhere on planet earth

    TM: YYZ Red Patch Army #18, FC

  14. #74
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    I would like to become a member but my attempts to email have been returned. If anyone can connect me it would be much appreciated.
    On another note, it can be quite intimidating on the forums if you are newer to soccer or less knowledgable about the sport. It's just people's opinions but it's never easy to be the new kid on the block.
    BTW, I've learned a ton just reading what you all write! Thank you.

  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eleven View Post
    Thank you for your consideration It probably won't be at Joe's though. Just found a place with 120 craft brews on tap in Liberty Village I want to try out. ONE. HUNDRED. AND. TWENTY. Mostly Ontario breweries too. Will post link in Beer thread.

    Just did a search on this place...think I'm in love

  16. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by __wowza
    i have really bad social anxiety. you can't really tell because i'm normally the guy who never shuts up.. but it took me awhile to get involved in the group because i experienced what you described. i walked into joe's back in 08 and was like.. "yeah, not happening". when i started going to smaller events (banner painting sessions, banner planning stuff, etc), i felt a bit more comfortable, and people were more receptive to a random stranger showing up. some people can pull up to a booth and go "hey! i'm so-and-so. you on the boards at all?", some people can't. i'm extra sensitive to stuff like this, so being in a smaller group of people made dialogue / getting to know people a lot easier. it wasn't a beer or two a half hour before the match in a crowded bar.

    i think it's kind've a two way street for me. half of the time i wonder if it'd be weird randomly introducing myself to someone, the other half i'm wondering if they're thinking the same. then again we also have members who're more standoffish, or they're there with their kids, or partners, or whatever. i don't know where i'm going with this. i don't wanna speak for other people and it's 5AM.

    either way, if you see someone with a lucha mask at joe's come say hi.

    to be completely honest, i'd get my membership for the members section alone. i dig the song / design stuff, but having a say in what the group presents directly (voting banners, scarves, chants, etc) is kinda cool. right now we're in the midst of redesigning match threads based off input from the members. plus chrisfizik has been doing TFC photoblogs for games which are fuckin awesome, on top of the fact that free tickets tend to pop up there pretty often. i'm not telling people to get membership for the chance to get free tickets (it's an awesome bonus), all i can say is one of those tickets already paid for the cost of my membership and i get a whack of content on top of it, not to mention the other perks.
    Having made 5 trans-oceanic moves in my life, if there was any social anxiety in me before the first one, it was well and truly gone by my 3rd when I was 16. I initiate conversations with strangers ALL the time anywhere about anything especially when there are visual cues. Having said that, I don't CONTINUE conversations because of verbal or body language cues. And really, that's what I experienced at Joe's when I initiated chats. My translation of those cues was that members, in the flesh, weren't looking to expand membership. It may sound so; however, I'm not griping. I'm writing all this so that, in future, some might choose to consciously project a more welcoming stance to new faces for a few minutes...and then direct them to the signer-uppers.

    Had to look up what a Lucha mask was, but I'll approach you the next time I see you...but it probably won't be at Joe's.

    I'm more interested in providing choices for decision-making than the actual decision. With enough good choices, the chosen matters me.

    As far as free tickets go, I've already given one away to a forum member. No idea if he is an RPB member. We met at the gate for the tix handoff... it was funny. He couldn't find me where I texted I would be. Not a single person other than me (and them 2-3m away) in that spot for 6-7 metres. So I phoned him, saw him go to answer and walked towards them. Reached them as he answered and I said "you're right in front of me, aren't you?" He turned. Hahahaha. It's cause he wasn't expecting to get his free tix from a woman at the game on her own.

    Responding to further comments about being the initiator of conversations... I did. I almost always do over a wide range of demographics in various countries, cities, villages, social environments, etc. I have in-person friendships through a coffee forum while I was in the Netherlands and they were spread out in England, France, Vienna, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Finland and one UofT prof in Toronto. When I returned to Canada after a 10 year absence, I gave up corporate $$$ regular paycheck for $8.50/hr coffee job for the love of the thing. That job though... not only did I learn to chat with made my day to welcome new people to the neighbourhood and intro them to regulars as well as regulars to each other. Never mind kiddie play dates, I've help set up doggie play dates! Starting up convos is far from my weakest points.

    I have good personal hygiene: I don't smell bad. People tell me I have nice teeth: I smile a lot. Strangers randomly tell me I have a nice smile: I'm approachable. I can dabble in 5 languages: I can find ways to communicate.

    So, if the onus is on a new person to (want to) obtain membership, how many times would one suggest said person attend the admitted clique"ish" events and what else should (s)he do other than initiate conversations (didnt work for me) in order to find his/her "spot"? Sounds harsh? Perhaps if one were to look at it from a 1st impressions viewpoint, it might encourage more members to consciously foster a more inclusive environment if enticing new membership is an important goal. What if the onus of membership were on the members instead? Kudos to those of you who kept trying! Do you wonder how many didn't...and didn't tell you why?

  17. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kamp Berg View Post
    I would like to become a member but my attempts to email have been returned. If anyone can connect me it would be much appreciated.
    On another note, it can be quite intimidating on the forums if you are newer to soccer or less knowledgable about the sport. It's just people's opinions but it's never easy to be the new kid on the block.
    BTW, I've learned a ton just reading what you all write! Thank you.
    Quote Originally Posted by JuliquE View Post
    I've followed the steps to join, but haven't heard back. Figured it were down to my living abroad, so I remained patient. I've hinted at this once or twice, before, but didn't want to "push it."

    Was on the fence for awhile, as I attempted to feel my way around the group, via the forum. I agree that it can feel "clique-ish," at times, when your views are either overlooked or taken apart in a fashion some of the more respected members wouldn't experience (your DP's or "designated posters," if you like lol).. but, if we're all being honest, that mirrors the way things are in life, away from the group. I'd be remiss not to mention the numerous positive experiences/exchanges I've had with members and non-members, alike, most notably with one of the RPB hooking up with me to help in my pursuit of a couple jerseys.

    As far as maintaining a welcoming environment: perhaps you can make a special arm-band, patterned after the traditional captain's arm-band, complete with an RPB badge, that would be made available to new members, so they can be easily spotted at social gatherings of any kind. From there, it would just be a matter of communicating to your membership that they should do what they can to especially reach out to anyone wearing these special arm-bands.

    Spit-balling, here, but I hope I've helped, in some way.
    PM sent to set you guys up for membership.

    If there's anyone else that hasn't got either a response back or is looking to sign up for membership please PM myself, CoachGT, or Miss Jones and we will help you out.

  18. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eleven View Post
    Having made 5 trans-oceanic moves in my life, if there was any social anxiety in me before the first one, it was well and truly gone by my 3rd when I was 16. I initiate conversations with strangers ALL the time anywhere about anything especially when there are visual cues. Having said that, I don't CONTINUE conversations because of verbal or body language cues. And really, that's what I experienced at Joe's when I initiated chats. My translation of those cues was that members, in the flesh, weren't looking to expand membership. It may sound so; however, I'm not griping. I'm writing all this so that, in future, some might choose to consciously project a more welcoming stance to new faces for a few minutes...and then direct them to the signer-uppers.

    Had to look up what a Lucha mask was, but I'll approach you the next time I see you...but it probably won't be at Joe's.

    I'm more interested in providing choices for decision-making than the actual decision. With enough good choices, the chosen matters me.

    As far as free tickets go, I've already given one away to a forum member. No idea if he is an RPB member. We met at the gate for the tix handoff... it was funny. He couldn't find me where I texted I would be. Not a single person other than me (and them 2-3m away) in that spot for 6-7 metres. So I phoned him, saw him go to answer and walked towards them. Reached them as he answered and I said "you're right in front of me, aren't you?" He turned. Hahahaha. It's cause he wasn't expecting to get his free tix from a woman at the game on her own.

    Responding to further comments about being the initiator of conversations... I did. I almost always do over a wide range of demographics in various countries, cities, villages, social environments, etc. I have in-person friendships through a coffee forum while I was in the Netherlands and they were spread out in England, France, Vienna, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Finland and one UofT prof in Toronto. When I returned to Canada after a 10 year absence, I gave up corporate $$$ regular paycheck for $8.50/hr coffee job for the love of the thing. That job though... not only did I learn to chat with made my day to welcome new people to the neighbourhood and intro them to regulars as well as regulars to each other. Never mind kiddie play dates, I've help set up doggie play dates! Starting up convos is far from my weakest points.

    I have good personal hygiene: I don't smell bad. People tell me I have nice teeth: I smile a lot. Strangers randomly tell me I have a nice smile: I'm approachable. I can dabble in 5 languages: I can find ways to communicate.

    So, if the onus is on a new person to (want to) obtain membership, how many times would one suggest said person attend the admitted clique"ish" events and what else should (s)he do other than initiate conversations (didnt work for me) in order to find his/her "spot"? Sounds harsh? Perhaps if one were to look at it from a 1st impressions viewpoint, it might encourage more members to consciously foster a more inclusive environment if enticing new membership is an important goal. What if the onus of membership were on the members instead? Kudos to those of you who kept trying! Do you wonder how many didn't...and didn't tell you why?
    Thanks for your perspective. Some interesting thoughts.

    I think a lot of it is a Torontonian thing. We're friendly to others, but we don't tend to invite conversation from strangers. Striking up conversation with strangers tend to be something you do when you don't have anyone else to talk to, and most patrons of Joe's go with friends or family.

    It's sometimes hard to tell who is by themselves at Joe's or not. It is easier to find other teams supporters that sometimes visit Joe's and have a convo with them. And I make a point to have a convo with them, because it's a rare chance for me to meet people from other cities.

    I live in Kitchener-Waterloo so it's hard for me to get to Joe's, but for anyone looking to talk about TFC and soccer in general, find the Asian guy with an RPB scarf. Or in 112. I'm not very hard to find lol.
    “Years have gone by and I’ve finally learned to accept myself for who I am: a beggar for good football.

    I go about the world, hand outstretched, and in the stadiums I plead: ‘A pretty move, for the love of God.’

    And when good football happens, I give thanks for the miracle and I don’t give a damn which team or country performs it.”

    -Eduardo Galeano

  19. #79
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    This is how I see that conversation going down if it were me.

    "Are you Yohan?"

    "Just because I'm Asian and support TFC, you think I'm Yohan?"

    It wasn't Yohan.

  20. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yohan View Post
    ....I live in Kitchener-Waterloo so it's hard for me to get to Joe's, but for anyone looking to talk about TFC and soccer in general, find the Asian guy with an RPB scarf. Or in 112. I'm not very hard to find lol.
    Guys named Yohan living in KW back when I grew up there were generally comfortable wearing lederhosen at the Schwaben Club - all our worlds have changed for the better.

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    I'd echo wowza's story for myself. Social anxiety and feeling like the group is a bit cliquey. Now on the inside looking out, it's not.

    Rewind two years and I was coming into my 3rd as a SSH, with a pair of seats, often selling the 2nd ticket and coming alone, as my close friends and family just aren't into footie. The ones that would come, would be the drunken dbags we loathe, so I wouldn't want to bring them anyways. So I figured out a way into RPB. Joined up smaller events, last years opening banner painting. Just 10-ish people, easy to suppress the anxiety and get into it. By the time that's over, I now knew 10 members. Showed up early enough for the Seattle game at Joe's, found some I now knew at a table and just took up a seat. Managed to meet those at the table who didn't paint, now know 15 members. Opener rolls around, I follow in those I know and find a place in 112. Met more people around me in the area. And so it went to today, where if I'm not at a game, I get messaged "where the hell are you?" as opposed to the beginning when I was just on the outside thinking it's just clique that I couldn't get in.

    You need to find your own foot in the door that fits your comfort zone, it'll snowball from there. There's a place for everyone in RPB, you just need to start somewhere.

    Perhaps since there is an impression of a barrier to entry, maybe RPB can organize "new member" nights where we put up a thread, 5ish newbies can sign up at a time, then pre-game some RPB vets take them under their wing at Joes. Integrate and introduce them to everyone around instead of forming our usual social circles. Then drag them into 112 (should they wish) and involve them in the heart of what we do.

    Something along these lines may help those who struggle to find it easy to get themselves involved. Like I said, once you get in, you'll be fine. Only problem is, tables only seat so many! :P

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    Personally, I have been attending games since ~2008. It started as an occasional outing, growing from there until taking seasons of my own in 2010. Honestly, I had no real exposure to the game before that. I am not a "sports" guy, it doesn't rule my life. That said, the atmosphere and culture of what Toronto FC represents has grown on me immensely. I have relocated to section 111, and it's great to be "in the middle" of it all, rather than stuck up in section 226. Why am I not a member though, honestly, I don't know what I could contribute. I am typically a quiet guy, fairly reserved. Perhaps it may be my lack of understanding of what it means to be a RPB, or what the expectations are of it's members.

  23. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryan View Post
    Perhaps since there is an impression of a barrier to entry, maybe RPB can organize "new member" nights where we put up a thread, 5ish newbies can sign up at a time, then pre-game some RPB vets take them under their wing at Joes. Integrate and introduce them to everyone around instead of forming our usual social circles. Then drag them into 112 (should they wish) and involve them in the heart of what we do.

    Something along these lines may help those who struggle to find it easy to get themselves involved. Like I said, once you get in, you'll be fine. Only problem is, tables only seat so many! :P
    Away game viewing. Not as busy as game days, and pretty much anyone wearing a TFC kit is probably an RPB in front of the big screen. Introduce yourself and grab a seat!
    “Years have gone by and I’ve finally learned to accept myself for who I am: a beggar for good football.

    I go about the world, hand outstretched, and in the stadiums I plead: ‘A pretty move, for the love of God.’

    And when good football happens, I give thanks for the miracle and I don’t give a damn which team or country performs it.”

    -Eduardo Galeano

  24. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by MartinUtd View Post
    This is how I see that conversation going down if it were me.

    "Are you Yohan?"

    "Just because I'm Asian and support TFC, you think I'm Yohan?"

    It wasn't Yohan.
    I'm somewhat notorious
    “Years have gone by and I’ve finally learned to accept myself for who I am: a beggar for good football.

    I go about the world, hand outstretched, and in the stadiums I plead: ‘A pretty move, for the love of God.’

    And when good football happens, I give thanks for the miracle and I don’t give a damn which team or country performs it.”

    -Eduardo Galeano

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    Quote Originally Posted by Yohan View Post
    I'm somewhat notorious
    That much is true. I saw you posting on Vidman's FB wall a while back. The whole KW thing comes full circle. I wonder if I met you in the KW scene back in the early 2000's at some point.

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    I'd absolutely love to join, but I live way out in Edmonton. If I ever make my way back out east I will be looking to join and get season's tickets.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ryan
    You need to find your own foot in the door that fits your comfort zone, it'll snowball from there. There's a place for everyone in RPB, you just need to start somewhere.
    Again, that puts the onus on the "newbie" potential. One could reasonably hypothesize that the likelihood of membership sign-up would increase if that was facilitated by the membership the first time, non?
    Perhaps since there is an impression of a barrier to entry, maybe RPB can organize "new member" nights where we put up a thread, 5ish newbies can sign up at a time, then pre-game some RPB vets take them under their wing at Joes. Integrate and introduce them to everyone around instead of forming our usual social circles. Then drag them into 112 (should they wish) and involve them in the heart of what we do.

    Something along these lines may help those who struggle to find it easy to get themselves involved. Like I said, once you get in, you'll be fine. Only problem is, tables only seat so many! :P
    Nice idea. It could work. I do believe though that all it takes is for the members to keep in the back of their minds that membership growth is a shared activity/responsibility. As I mentioned, just redirect them to someone who will facilitate signing up to intro them into the group culture, events, etc.

    Another viewpoint is that some people may show up at Joe's to assess whether or not they even want to join the group. I'm not desperate to join a group. I looked into it because it seems like a fun group and I thought I had something to contribute, support wise, even though I'm still learning the game as far as tactics and analytics go, nor am I a Day 1 supporter. I didn't even know we had a team until the summer after I came back to 416. I was so excited and wanted to go to games...but at the time, going from reg paycheck with benefits to a minimum pay job was a brutally steep lesson in redefining my lifestyle according to the new budget.

    With a few responses, I feel as if my posts are somewhat misunderstood. I'm not looking for excuses or reasons. My responses are intended to help the group to find ways to facilitate sign-ups, the FIRST time in future. I'm hoping for solution suggestions/consensus more than anything else...or isn't that the point of the initial question posed by Ivy?

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    Eleven, I can't give you much more advice then people already have; I would suggest trying this: Go to Joe's before a game (2 hours before) grab a beer, and walk around introducing yourself to anybody you see wearing RPB. A lot of people have seen this thread and will now know who you are. When you find somebody you're comfortable with, sit down and have a chat. Ask them to tell you who's who. I haven't met a single person in this group who was awkward or didn't want to shoot the shit when approached. Ever. It might be hard, but give that a try.

    Remember, most people are tipsy happy, and nobody is judging you or talking behind your back - it's not that kind of group.

    Good luck - hope I meet you soon.

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    Also, if anybody is having the same problem with getting into a "clique" at RPB, PM me, and I'll give you my personal contact info. I'll gladly meet you on game day and hang out with you.

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    I'll echo the cliquish vibe. I've gone to Joes on a few occasions before games and tried to strike up some conversations. The general vibe I got was people were hanging out with their friends and not really looking to meet new people. No harm in that, but certainly didn't make me want to go back.

    Had the same experience at th RPB town hall I went to



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