Sun Media announced Tuesday that it will join other Canadian publishers in selling paid subscriptions to online content.
The revelation didn’t garner the same backlash as when similar plans were announced by The Globe and Mail and the Toronto Star. But then, news of the new $5.99 a month Sun+ service — which will launch next Tuesday — wasn’t immediately explained on its website. When it was, at the end of the day, the reader comments section was closed.

The models may become less modest: While the SUNshine Girl started in Toronto in 1971 as a snapshot of a wholesome young woman on the street, the feature eventually emulated the Page Three girls of The Sun tabloid in the U.K., who have been pictured topless each day since 1970. But the Suns across Canada repeatedly affirmed their commitment to keep nipples out of the picture. Will the desire to get more online subscribers finally change the game?