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  1. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by maxpower View Post
    The timbers army are fantastic aren't they? They truly do everything a supporters group should. I heard one story where they had some sort of run in with their FO over tickets or something rather. Anyways, in short, the timbers army boycotted the entire season. and because this was before they had renovated there stadium, the stadium fences were small enough so all of the timbers army could watch every game from ladders outside the stadium...



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    Quote Originally Posted by Roogsy View Post
    Actually RPB did not tell anyone not to sing. That initative was taken by NEE and many RPB followed suit because we agreed.

    For all the complaints on this board about "protest", I only recall 2 actual protests by supporters. The 1st was the demonstration at Gate 4 by about 100 fans and the 2nd was the green/silent protest of 2010, and yes I participated in both of them (for those who keep asking me "what do you do".)

    There has never really been anything since. Despite our shockingly poor record. Which always makes me chuckle when I hear complaints about "all these protests". 2 protests in 6 years with a club that has this kind of track record is extremely forgiving.
    I agree and if the will is there to protest against the three stooges from the leadership of this group I would follow in a heart beat.

  3. #123
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    Quote Originally Posted by toronto toronto View Post
    I see a lot of opinions, suggestions and complaints time in and time out surrounding our clubs supporter culture on the current state, on how we compare to other club supporters groups/sections and what we should look like or be.

    I am not to sure what has been done historically by the numerous supporter groups or what is in the pipelines, however to state the obvious, I believe we need to take a step back and say to ourselves where do want to be and what steps do we have to take collectively to get there. There will be obstacles within and between the other supporter groups as well as with MLSE, however that is a given. Hypothetically, if we wanted to have a similar situation like that of Philadelphia in terms of a unified supporters section with designated supporter cards and being self monitored, how do we accomplish that, what does the framework look like to achieve this end result? .

    There should be no reason why we can not achieve what currently Portland has in terms of support and a unified supporters section "regardless" of our clubs performance for the past 6 seasons. I use Portland in the ladder as I am confident that the majority of the TFC supporters would like to be in the similar environment of what they currently have. So let’s ask ourselves the question, what is being done as we speak to get where want to be and do we know what that looks like?

    I fail to see any vision.

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    The CCL games seemed pretty good, correct me if I'm wrong. Let's just hope the videos producers show the respect they should to a team that gave them a whippin'. Let us also hope this video motivates the creativity of a Pro-TFC film maker.

  5. #125
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    I think there is some confusion here Alonzo, this post was not attended to state my vision rather a perspective of what I am seeing. However, since you called me out, what is your vision, what are you currently doing about it right now "collectively" to acheive it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Alonso View Post

    I fail to see any vision.

  6. #126
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    He didn't "call you out". He was agreeing with you.

    - Scott
    “Heroism breaks its heart, and idealism its back, on the intransigence of the credulous and the mediocre, manipulated by the cynical and the corrupt.” ~Christopher Hitchens

  7. #127
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    My appologies Alonzo.
    Quote Originally Posted by Shakes McQueen View Post
    He didn't "call you out". He was agreeing with you.

    - Scott

  8. #128
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    Wow guys.

    I think this thread has run it's retarded course.

  9. #129
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    Yeah. Im not posting any more of this stuff lol

  10. #130
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    I'll be obvious here.

    A part of the problem (not the whole problem) is the south "supporters" end is filled with people who either want the cheapest ticket or want to be close to the supporters culture without contributing. As long time hard core fan/supporter numbers fall (for obvious reasons), the number of casuals move in who don't know songs/ don't want to be one of 5 people singing. It weakens the South Stands. There is nothing wrong with casual fans, they are what fill stadiums around the world and are what we want to attract at this point in our clubs life.

    We need a strong supporters section though and it needs to be the size of the entire south stand. Its good for us, the team, the club and the fans that come out every week new or old. We all know its not possible now for 2 reasons. 1) Supporters groups don't have control over the supporters section 2) TFC's results have been shit

    Given the clubs form and the FO we have, its fuckin miraculous so many of you come out to sing and bounce. Its down to a skeleton crew right now for supporters. Thats where we are and I think its a pretty strong god damn skeleton crew. Eventually results will change (I think) and ALL the SGs should be ready when it does. But with the current structure of the South End, there is only so much that can be done... MLSE jacks up tickets, people start looking for the cheapest. That lands them in the South. If there isn't a way to convert them, even for 90 mins into loud, raging, foaming at the mouth TFC supporters then we need control over our end.

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    One more note... All fans are batter and bruised from this club now. There is almost jack shit to be consistently excited about. But we need the fight and piss back in it. When TO SGs were cock of the walk in its earlier years is the attitude of the fans I loved. Last place in the league? fuck it we are still the best. No one is to be blamed for their drained optimism. The realists have called this team what it is a while back. Cool. Its just the skeleton crew now. The ones who support this club are most likely delusional so why not go full retard and get some of that fuckin attitude back. Fuck everyone, fuck portland, phili and seattle. Fuck the moon fuck the sun and fuck 1-9. We have the most hard core fans because no other SG group can take what we have been through.

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    Yeah, I think anyone who has followed MLS since the inception of TFC can attest to the patient, resilient nature of our fan base.

  13. #133
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    I said it once and think it fits here. Much of our patients and resilience is due simply to the love of the game.

  14. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManUtd4ever View Post
    Yeah, I think anyone who has followed MLS since the inception of TFC can attest to the patient, resilient nature of our fan base.
    the same can't be said about the casuals looking for cheap seats. i actually heard someone tell pete that he was in their seat during the philly match.. i would've loved to have heard him go to security if pete hadn't moved. that would've been a fun exchange. hope the new guy enjoyed looking at my package the entire game while i was on the capo stand.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wagner View Post
    you are a registered user, so you are a guest.

    ... You mentioned a few posts back that you're supporting through non-RPB means, how about focusing more on that, tell us about that.
    That's really condescending man. Just because he is no longer a member doesn't make him any less a supporter. Don't know him other than a quick nod on match day but over the years I saw him putting in his time on the drum to the detriment of not being able to watch the game and participating with passion in 112. Just this year he made a sizeable contribution for the banners made for the CCL match against LA... his heart is in the right place 100%, we would do well to have more like him.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wagner View Post

    if you're going to give a criticism, how about also provide a possible solution??
    He offers solutions all the time. Try listening.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jack View Post
    I don't see where anyone is blaming a scapegoat. His request is pretty clear and independent of the subject matter of the thread. If you feel like you are being scapegoated, perhaps ask yourself why. From where I'm sitting, it looks like he's asked you to tone down your negative rhetoric.

    The fact that there is a strongly negative element amongst the TFC support, a very divisive element who would rather criticize and divide than provide positive ideas and work together, is plainly evident. When people decide to move beyond that and really work together on things, we will be on the right track. Right now, there is not much to move our excitement forward, neither on the field nor in the front office. It's hard to get your passion up for singing and chanting when you feel taken advantage of by the suits. This means we should dig deep, do it for each other and unite, rather than take shots, go our own way in bitterness and divide.

    Division amongst the support only helps the suits.
    Then stand the fuck up and do something about it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jack View Post
    I don't see where anyone is blaming a scapegoat. His request is pretty clear and independent of the subject matter of the thread. If you feel like you are being scapegoated, perhaps ask yourself why. From where I'm sitting, it looks like he's asked you to tone down your negative rhetoric.

    The fact that there is a strongly negative element amongst the TFC support, a very divisive element who would rather criticize and divide than provide positive ideas and work together, is plainly evident. When people decide to move beyond that and really work together on things, we will be on the right track. Right now, there is not much to move our excitement forward, neither on the field nor in the front office. It's hard to get your passion up for singing and chanting when you feel taken advantage of by the suits. This means we should dig deep, do it for each other and unite, rather than take shots, go our own way in bitterness and divide.

    Division amongst the support only helps the suits.
    This is great stuff in theory.

    I have never been a member of RPB but have contributed to many of their efforts financially and via protests. I've stood alongside members during matches and given 100% on game day without fail. I have also put forth ideas on this very forum and to other RPB members in person. On the forum, I am generally ignored and it's why I haven't posted for a long while now. There is a brotherhood here and if you're not a part of it, you seem to be wasting your breath. Then you have members say stuff like "why don't you join if you want to have a say?" This group does not feel inclusive from an outsiders perspective and lacks both leadership and direction from what I know from the members that I do know in it. In the discussions I have had in person with some of the members I know, I am told that the group as whole moves forward with new ideas very slowly as it seems not to have a clear and definitive direction. Not only do they move slowly they are easy to give up on some ideas. I have shared ideas with members in person, only to have them tell me "we tried that ONCE but it didn't work out so....... it's in the past". If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again. Building outstanding support as a group doesn't mean giving up if it doesn't work out the first, or second or third time. The goal should always be to succeed in delivering results no matter how long it takes. That requires organization, dedication, direction and cohesion.

    I am a hardcore TFC supporter and have done the research and from what I've seen this group is divided internally and lacks clear and definitive direction which is the sole reason I never joined, not the perceived negativity that sometimes rears itself in posts by registered users.

    Back on topic, Portland looks great. Gotta give props there and as others have mentioned much could be learned from the boys in Chicago too.

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    well if we want the support Portland has (which i am guessing 95% of the supporters here would want) we can not reach that goal until we try to make changes such as the supporters having more control of ticket sales, general admission supporters section, lower supporter prices, less strict rules on flags/banners, have the front office working more with supporters rather then against each other. Changing these things is the only way our support will go forward the way would like the group to go forward. How can we do this I am not sure, but we would need everyone to come up with some ideas and try to achieve these goals!

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    Quote Originally Posted by toronto toronto View Post
    My appologies Alonzo.

    No worries man, I've misunderstood others many times and unfortunately i didn't realize it a few times and jump to conclusions as well.... it happens.

    As to the rest of your comment pm me if you really want to know and I'd be glad to discuss it with you.



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