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  1. #31
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    I sat in the middle of 104 on Saturday. It was stunning how little noise from the South End makes it over there. I could see people belting it out, it just wasn't making it over there. Add to that nobody makes a peep over there, including during Oh Canada, it was awkward when the piped in part ended.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by gomesv View Post
    I don't believe there was 18,000 at this game for one second......maybe 15.....don't believe MLSE and their numbers...
    MLS counts "tickets distributed". Not bodies through the door.

  3. #33
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    tribal rhythm MUST GO!!!!!!

    the south west cant get any songs going with those guys behind us always playing out of tune

    i think its time i complain to my rep, just like others did about us standing too long

  4. #34
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    It may sound like nitpicking but all of these things related to "atmosphere" matter. Whether we are talking about the lack of restrooms, the roof and its impact on both acoustics and comfort, the parking, the ease of access, the lack of TTC service for anyone north of the stadium, etc.

    It comes down to the notion of perceived value for our dollar and we are putting out more dollars than virtually every other MLS club.

    You look around the league and fans are being treated to new buildings, with terrific designs in locations that are easily accessed. Face it, BMO is a hassle to get to for a good percentage of their season ticket base. I know that MLSE don't necessarily control parking in there nor do they control ongoing construction.

    However, I've got to hope that the are taking notes and when it comes time to renew this management deal that they seriously consider a new location and amenities that are reflective of the dollars being spent.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lobo View Post
    you disagree with me, strongly ... so you think it IS the public library?
    You're making an extremist argument. Nobody said they should turn off the music, like a public library. I said they should turn it down.
    It wasn't this loud last year in the north west sections. If I can't have a conversation with the person next to me, it's too loud. Again, it's not a rock concert where I expect to sit there quietly next to my guest for the whole hour before the match.... which has been the case during all the games so far. And me and my bro were getting burgers in the north end after gates opened and we thought about sitting by the Food Building and eating our stuff... but when we heard the DJ blasting music at ear piercing levels across the patio, we immediately went up to our seats to have a conversation (but that wasn't any better due to the music).

    Come and visit section 125 and you'll see.

    I think they made a mistake by sticking all those new speakers on the north light poles. They should have kept the same ones as before and put speakers on the south light poles. Things were perfectly fine volume-wise last year in the north.
    Last edited by rocker; 04-02-2012 at 03:28 PM.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by rocker View Post
    You're making an extremist argument. Nobody said they should turn off the music, like a public library. I said they should turn it down.
    It wasn't this loud last year in the north west sections. If I can't have a conversation with the person next to me, it's too loud. Again, it's not a rock concert where I expect to sit there quietly next to my guest for the whole hour before the match.... which has been the case during all the games so far. And me and my bro were getting burgers in the north end after gates opened and we thought about sitting by the Food Building and eating our stuff... but when we heard the DJ blasting music at ear piercing levels across the patio, we immediately went up to our seats to have a conversation (but that wasn't any better due to the music).

    Come and visit section 125 and you'll see.

    I think they made a mistake by sticking all those new speakers on the north light poles. They should have kept the same ones as before and put speakers on the south light poles. Things were perfectly fine volume-wise last year in the north.
    I am in the south end and the sound doesn't appear to be any different/louder for me this year versus last year, which I am happy for, so not sure what the goal was for the new system or why they felt it needed to be beefed up. I also sat in other areas of the stadium last year and it sounded fine. That sucks that it is so loud in 125. I would definitely complain about that. You should be able to talk during the game without yelling. It would annoy me too. I used to hang out on the patio pregame with my poutine but now I don't and I head back to my seats because of the volume of the bloody DJ. I can't have a conversation there at all. The Smoke's people are struggling too because they can't hear you well when you are trying to order and when the poutine is ready nobody can hear their ticket number anymore. Pretty crazy. At least I am not forced to be there and I can leave. Would be different if it was blaring at my seat.

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    If the season keeps going like this! (I hope not),with MLSE ticket increase for next year, I think at least a good portion of season ticket holders will walk away!I think the TFC will be remembered for coming into the league and helping MLS acheive new heights,but in the end they (TFC) couldnt help themselves.We always on this board made fun of teams that had empty stadiums and That MLS should move teams to other cities, but I think slowly we are becoming just like those teams like the Chivas,Dallas,Yes I am going to say it Columbus etc.....Its a real shame that this looks like the way its going here in Toronto.Its just too bad! Even my BRO who is strong backer of MLSE for years is starting to change his tune! Many people say this city is cursed for sports teams, I say the only curse in this city is MLSE!

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    Quote Originally Posted by rocker View Post
    You're making an extremist argument. Nobody said they should turn off the music, like a public library. I said they should turn it down.
    It wasn't this loud last year in the north west sections. If I can't have a conversation with the person next to me, it's too loud. Again, it's not a rock concert where I expect to sit there quietly next to my guest for the whole hour before the match.... which has been the case during all the games so far. And me and my bro were getting burgers in the north end after gates opened and we thought about sitting by the Food Building and eating our stuff... but when we heard the DJ blasting music at ear piercing levels across the patio, we immediately went up to our seats to have a conversation (but that wasn't any better due to the music).

    Come and visit section 125 and you'll see.

    I think they made a mistake by sticking all those new speakers on the north light poles. They should have kept the same ones as before and put speakers on the south light poles. Things were perfectly fine volume-wise last year in the north.
    I believe that they are trying to avoid pointing speakers towards Liberty Village and the other communities north of King Street. It may seem like a long way away but under the right circumstances and wind directions, the sound will easily carry there.

    That's why they've aimed all the speakers to the south.

    All that being said, it is hit and miss as to whether or not we hear them in the south end.

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blizzard View Post
    I believe that they are trying to avoid pointing speakers towards Liberty Village and the other communities north of King Street. It may seem like a long way away but under the right circumstances and wind directions, the sound will easily carry there.

    That's why they've aimed all the speakers to the south.

    All that being said, it is hit and miss as to whether or not we hear them in the south end.
    fuck em. day/early night time for the games. fuck their noise complaint if they got any. they can't be as prissy as those Toronto Islanders for complaints
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    I go about the world, hand outstretched, and in the stadiums I plead: ‘A pretty move, for the love of God.’

    And when good football happens, I give thanks for the miracle and I don’t give a damn which team or country performs it.”

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    Quote Originally Posted by ryan View Post
    It's the bullshit "value add" tactics that mostly spawned from Apple's rise from the grave. (perhaps someone else, i'm no business major)
    Continue to overprice the shit out of your product, but add value to "justify it". So instead of reducing ticket price, just add value with DJ's and high profile friendlies, blah blah.
    I think it has more to do with the fact that loud DJs are what MLSE thinks crowds want. During the raptors games, they even have the DJ on during the play, not only breaks in action. Leaf games, Jays games, Argos games, etc, are also equally as bad. Even the Marlies blast the music at all opportunities.

    I have attended alot of live sports and I enjoy TFC the most because it provides a true atmosphere. Live events are best when a crowd is into it, even the players seem to feed off it and step up their game. Sadly, teams always seem to think they should be using every stop in play (and now even the pre and post games) to try to create some fake vibe. They should take their cue from the european teams, and hopefully we'll have our players walk out to some type of crowd song like Liverpool/Celtic with you'll never walk alone.

    As for the empty seats. the Santos game pretty much summed it up. The premium ones are overpriced. And arguably, the product on the field is not that much of a selling point, so fans in the cheaper seats are starting to weigh their options of going to the game, or just eating the tickets. I think aside from the Montreal, Vancouver, NYRB and Ex game this year, we'll be seeing many crowds similar to this weekends.

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by rocker View Post
    You're making an extremist argument. Nobody said they should turn off the music, like a public library. I said they should turn it down.
    It wasn't this loud last year in the north west sections. If I can't have a conversation with the person next to me, it's too loud. Again, it's not a rock concert where I expect to sit there quietly next to my guest for the whole hour before the match.... which has been the case during all the games so far. And me and my bro were getting burgers in the north end after gates opened and we thought about sitting by the Food Building and eating our stuff... but when we heard the DJ blasting music at ear piercing levels across the patio, we immediately went up to our seats to have a conversation (but that wasn't any better due to the music).

    Come and visit section 125 and you'll see.

    I think they made a mistake by sticking all those new speakers on the north light poles. They should have kept the same ones as before and put speakers on the south light poles. Things were perfectly fine volume-wise last year in the north.
    ^ this exactly it....try it in your home , 2 speakers pushed loud definitely sound like crap compared to 4 speakers at a lower volume, surrounding the room....

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    This is the first year I bought season tickets and if they raise the price I wont renew, especially without the playoffs.

    I can buy a ticket for 20 or sometimes get a freebie. The price we pay already is one of the highest in the league.

  13. #43
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    Empty seats is more enjoyable for me as a season ticket holder.

    It's not like there are less ppl in the south side cheering, so you still hear them go crazy and keep the aura up.

    I particularly enjoy the empty seats for the early CCL games, I mean the Canadian Cup championship prior to CCL. I bring a couple of ppl to each one and we sit and talk in the lower dead center nicer chairs seats.

    Pros of less ppl at the game:
    Less ppl walking past me as I sit throughout the game.
    Less ppl walking up and down the stairs getting in my way.
    Can leave at 45th min and be at a cash register and back with plenty of time left.
    Can chill outside with ample room.
    Way better when leaving the stadium. I take the streetcar.

    I like the DJ playing music, makes me in a good mood. I prefered DJ wristpect from last year. I really don't know the DJ this year, hopefully he plays good rap. I hope the DJ stays forever.

    Haven't really noticed a sound issue of it being too loud, must be my seats.

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    I get what you to mean to come extent, one of the coolest games I attended in terms of experience, I guess it was just different was the Arabe Unido CCL match at BMO. It was one of the emptiest I had seen BMO out of the Dallas makeup, so I was able to sit with a buddy right behind the TFC bench and hear all the dialogue. Ashtone and Oscar also made their first team debuts as academy call ups for this match.

    Remember The Man, The Legend, The Goal 5-12-07 and All That #9 Left On The Pitch, Thanks For The Memories !!!

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Detroit_TFC View Post
    I sat in the middle of 104 on Saturday. It was stunning how little noise from the South End makes it over there. I could see people belting it out, it just wasn't making it over there. Add to that nobody makes a peep over there, including during Oh Canada, it was awkward when the piped in part ended.
    Yeah...there's lots of people not singing the anthem now. Not me, though. I remove my hat, raise my scarf and I sing. Loudly. As does my son next to me.

    Actually, I still belt out the last names of the starting 11. It would also be nice to know who the substitutes are, though.

    And yes, the drummers I was referring to are the Tribal Rhythm Nation people.

    The "nightclub" at the entrance to the food building is obnoxious. The line ups to get a beer after a game are now much shorter than they used to be, and I don't hink it's because of fewer people at the game.
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    Of courage, peace and quiet strength, Of the Canada that I love.
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