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Thread: Cann Injured

  1. #121
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    I always thought that Nana's performance earlier in the season was only part of the reason for his lack of playing time. Once John Molinaro broke the story regarding his contract situation, it seemed logical to assume that Winter was trying to send Nana and his agent a clear message. I didn't berate Winter's decision at the time because regardless of the circumstances, Cann and Williams deserved to start ahead of Nana based on their form.

    However, at the moment, Nana is number one on the CB depth chart, and in Winter's case, I hope logic prevails over principle.
    Last edited by ManUtd4ever; 06-02-2011 at 10:39 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by denime View Post
    I was told Mariner is on the phone 24/7 since Tuesday, they are looking for CB inside the league.I'm not sure how this works since no one can sign players before July 15.
    They can trade within the league at any time, the July 15th date only applies to signing players from other leagues or players who are currently without a contract.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ManUtd4ever View Post
    At the moment, Nana is automatically number one on the CB depth chart, and in Winter's case, I hope logic prevails over principle.
    Maybe Winter should be hoping that Nana is still willing to play for him and TFC and isn't "injured".

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    But as a supporter while we would like the team to put out the best XI, we can't control that.

    That's why I can complain about player selections, and throw my hands in the air, but at the end of the day, it's not going to change the coach's mind.

    It's like that in any sport, all around the world.

    Now you can probably put some pressure on the FO to fire the coach... but to get the FO to pressure the coach to play player x, y, z... most coaches will just quit on the spot.

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    Quote Originally Posted by CretanBull View Post
    Maybe Winter should be hoping that Nana is still willing to play for him and TFC and isn't "injured".
    I don't recall Winter ever making a false statement that Nana was injured.

    In any case, regardless of what has transpired between Winter and Attakora, I think this is an absurd comment, and I think you know it as well.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ManUtd4ever View Post
    I don't recall Winter ever making a false statement that Nana was injured.

    In any case, regardless of what has transpired between Winter and Attakora, I think this is an absurd comment, and I think you know it as well.
    You've misunderstood me. I was saying that after the way Winter has mistreated Nana and threatened his career, Winter better hope that Nana is still willing to play for him now that he's desparately needed (and doesn't fake an injury to screw him right back).

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    Quote Originally Posted by CretanBull View Post
    Here's a question that would be uncomfortable for some people to often has he been wrong? For all of the attacks and insults thrown at him, I think history has proven him to be right far more times than he's been wrong.
    Actually, as is the case here, history has proven that Roogsy is quick to point out when other people come around to his point of view - which is perfectly fine, but bringing someone around to your point of view isn't the same as being proven right.

    We still don't know the exact circumstances surrounding why Nana isn't playing, and what the rationale is for it - and Roogsy's information appears to come exclusively from sources among the players, who would be just as likely to colour facts and information with their own bias, as management would be (my crystal ball tells me I'm going to be told this is absolutely false). I'm sure he gets a lot of genuinely good information, too.

    At any rate, I'm not looking for an argument. I find the tinge of bitterness in Roogsy's posts to be humorous, which was all I said. And he doesn't deny it's in there, haha.

    Frankly, I find these conversations to be incredibly tedious at this point. Peoples' opinions on this board are so easy to predict at this point, that I can paraphrase other peoples' posts before they are even written. I'm tired of fighting. I'm tired of being a paratrooper in the 101st Keyboard Kommandos.

    There are lots of genuinely good reasons to be incredibly pessimistic about the state of this team - the ownership, the management, the players, the league, et cetera. I understand the people who have negative impulses towards this team - they've earned it through years of fan abuse, and lowered expectations.

    I also understand why Roogsy takes the side of the player in these disputes with management, though I suspect his self-admitted personal relationship with some of TFC's players may influence and somewhat bias his judgment (and he obviously won't agree, so it isn't worth debating). He's standing up for the "little" guy against the corporate behemoth with a dubious reputation for player relations. His rationale is admirable, even if I think his methods and certitude here can occasionally stray into the arrogantly condescending. But you know what? Lots of people here have been guilty of that in the past, myself included.

    Man alive I'm just tired of the aimless squabbling. I spend less and less time in the TFC sections of this board, because the conversations are just re-treads of the same tired subjects. Sometimes I wish they'd just fold the team, because in a lot of ways, this really isn't fun any more.

    Apologies for the length, and meandering subject matter. This was very much a stream of consciousness.

    - Scott
    Last edited by Shakes McQueen; 06-02-2011 at 11:17 PM.
    “Heroism breaks its heart, and idealism its back, on the intransigence of the credulous and the mediocre, manipulated by the cynical and the corrupt.” ~Christopher Hitchens

  8. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whoop View Post
    But as a supporter while we would like the team to put out the best XI, we can't control that.

    That's why I can complain about player selections, and throw my hands in the air, but at the end of the day, it's not going to change the coach's mind.

    It's like that in any sport, all around the world.

    Now you can probably put some pressure on the FO to fire the coach... but to get the FO to pressure the coach to play player x, y, z... most coaches will just quit on the spot.

    To me being a supporter means providing encouragement and demaning accountability from both the players and the front office. I'm not under the illusion that - alone - I can do either, but being part of a larger group means fostering and developing certain attitudes about what's acceptable from our players and our front office.

    While I don't think that its our role to demand a particular starting XI (nor would I respect a coach who would give in to such demands) I do think that we can demand that our coach treats players with a certain level of respect and doesn't lie to the same way that we demand that the players representing our team and city do so with pride, honour etc.

    None of us here hestitate to call out a poor preformance from a player, but when some of us do the same to our FO we're abused for it. When a player makes a mistake that hurts our team there are numerous threads dedicated to tearing him apart. When management makes a mistake that hurts our team, we see people making excuses for them and mocking the people who do speak out.

    Roogsy gets called bitter and dismissed as a troll for commenting on the Winter/Nana situation (in a moment of vindication - a couple weeks ago most of the people who argued with Roogsy then accept his position now), but there are endless posts about Gargan, Harden etc. sucking and none of the posters making comments there are being called bitter trolls.

  9. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by CretanBull View Post
    You've misunderstood me. I was saying that after the way Winter has mistreated Nana and threatened his career, Winter better hope that Nana is still willing to play for him now that he's desparately needed (and doesn't fake an injury to screw him right back).
    Alright, I apologize for misunderstanding what you meant by "injured".

    Nonetheless, is it not absurd to assume that Attakora won't be willing to play for Winter and prove himself if he's called upon?

    He's still a professional athlete, and even if he feels that his playing time has been sabotaged to pressure him into signing into a contract extension, feigning injury to avoid playing in the starting lineup wouldn't exactly be the ideal manner in which to vindicate himself.

    Now if you were being sarcastic, then you can just ignore my post.
    Last edited by ManUtd4ever; 06-02-2011 at 11:31 PM.

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    You're always welcome in All Sports Scott. LOL

  11. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by CretanBull View Post
    To me being a supporter means providing encouragement and demaning accountability from both the players and the front office. I'm not under the illusion that - alone - I can do either, but being part of a larger group means fostering and developing certain attitudes about what's acceptable from our players and our front office.

    While I don't think that its our role to demand a particular starting XI (nor would I respect a coach who would give in to such demands) I do think that we can demand that our coach treats players with a certain level of respect and doesn't lie to the same way that we demand that the players representing our team and city do so with pride, honour etc.

    None of us here hestitate to call out a poor preformance from a player, but when some of us do the same to our FO we're abused for it. When a player makes a mistake that hurts our team there are numerous threads dedicated to tearing him apart. When management makes a mistake that hurts our team, we see people making excuses for them and mocking the people who do speak out.

    Roogsy gets called bitter and dismissed as a troll for commenting on the Winter/Nana situation (in a moment of vindication - a couple weeks ago most of the people who argued with Roogsy then accept his position now), but there are endless posts about Gargan, Harden etc. sucking and none of the posters making comments there are being called bitter trolls.
    I think a lot of what is said in the TFC section should be taken with a grain of salt.

    But I'm along the same lines as Shakes. Not so much over this argument per se or about Winter or about players or the FO, but how you end up just avoiding the main sections altogether.

    It's like I said earlier in the week, you agree with the players, you're labelled as anti-FO. If you disagree with the players, you're labelled as pro-FO. It's like there are no shades of grey.

    It's either one way or no way. Kind of like TFC. LOL

  12. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shakes McQueen View Post
    Apologies for the length, and meandering subject matter. This was very much a stream of consciousness.
    Its all good

    I agree with the spirit of your post, you just have to remind yourself that (for the most part) the argueing stems from passionate people who care - perhaps more than they should - about these matters. What might come across as argueing for the sake of it is often defending a deeply held belief.

    I don't know if you know Roogsy, but if you met him in real life you'd know that he's a pretty positive person who's almost always smiling and good for a laugh. Over the years I've had A LOT of people tell me that my real life personality is the polar opposite of what I project in my posts. Its just the nature of these boards and the competing passions that get expressed here.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Whoop View Post
    It's like I said earlier in the week, you agree with the players, you're labelled as anti-FO. If you disagree with the players, you're labelled as pro-FO. It's like there are no shades of grey.
    Absolutely. As much as I disagree with Roogsy on some stuff, I can also completely relate to his exasperation with simply being sloughed off as nothing more than a negative "hater" who loves DeRo.

    I hate the simplistic debates.

    - Scott
    “Heroism breaks its heart, and idealism its back, on the intransigence of the credulous and the mediocre, manipulated by the cynical and the corrupt.” ~Christopher Hitchens

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shakes McQueen View Post
    Absolutely. As much as I disagree with Roogsy on some stuff, I can also completely relate to his exasperation with simply being sloughed off as nothing more than a negative "hater" who loves DeRo.

    I hate the simplistic debates.

    - Scott


    Damn, that's the perfect word for me. It perfectly eloquates how I feel about this team.

    I don't care if people like me, or agree with me. But I do get bothered when people accuse me of having an agenda and not caring about this team. While I don't care for the front office, if I didnt' care about the team itself I wouldn't be banging my head on these boards day and night.

    It isn't fun on my side either folks. But I asked myself a question a long time ago. Do I do nothing or do I stand up and say what I know? Obviously you guys know what I picked.

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    Quote Originally Posted by CretanBull View Post
    Its all good

    I agree with the spirit of your post, you just have to remind yourself that (for the most part) the argueing stems from passionate people who care - perhaps more than they should - about these matters. What might come across as argueing for the sake of it is often defending a deeply held belief.

    I don't know if you know Roogsy, but if you met him in real life you'd know that he's a pretty positive person who's almost always smiling and good for a laugh. Over the years I've had A LOT of people tell me that my real life personality is the polar opposite of what I project in my posts. Its just the nature of these boards and the competing passions that get expressed here.
    Thanks CB!

    The cheque is in the mail!

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    Quote Originally Posted by CretanBull View Post
    I don't know if you know Roogsy, but if you met him in real life you'd know that he's a pretty positive person who's almost always smiling and good for a laugh. Over the years I've had A LOT of people tell me that my real life personality is the polar opposite of what I project in my posts. Its just the nature of these boards and the competing passions that get expressed here.
    I've not yet had the pleasure of meeting Roogsy in person, along with most people here, actually.

    And yes, I too have been told that I project a different personality in person. I suspect that's just because of a) the nuance of face to face communication, and b) the removal of the internet buffer. People are more well socialized and measured when they are immediately forced to put a face with the person they are talking to.

    EDIT: And I should add I've got no ill will towards Roogsy - the point of my post was to project the exact opposite. I understand Roogsy's frustrations, even if we don't always draw the same conclusions.

    - Scott
    “Heroism breaks its heart, and idealism its back, on the intransigence of the credulous and the mediocre, manipulated by the cynical and the corrupt.” ~Christopher Hitchens

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    I echo CB's statements about Roogsy.

    And if you ever want to hit the peelers... he's your man. LOL

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    I'd almost bet money that Attakora will be traded for ethier Hainault or Jakovic.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Stryker View Post
    I'd almost bet money that Attakora will be traded for ethier Hainault or Jakovic.
    CB for CB I don't think so,we are short a CB,RB or AM,DM for CB would be better for us right now,and trade you mention it would be a steal for us,both of those players are years ahead of Nana.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stryker View Post
    I'd almost bet money that Attakora will be traded for ethier Hainault or Jakovic.
    While I wouldn't be surprised that Attakora is traded, how would this make sense?

    We'd still be stuck with Harden, new defender, and Henry. We'd still be in a lot of trouble

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    Quote Originally Posted by CretanBull View Post
    They can trade within the league at any time, the July 15th date only applies to signing players from other leagues or players who are currently without a contract.
    It doesn't always apply to players without a contract, for what it's worth. Players can be signed outside the transfer window if they were already out of contract and unattached where their previous club was concerned at the end of the last window. Only problem is that players that are actually worth signing to a fully pro contract usually don't wind up in that situation obviously.

    Beyond that people with inside sources are getting the preferred spin of their source, who may have an agenda for wanting it to appear on a well-read messageboard. The principle of caveat emptor very much applies because if you ever get involved in the game at any kind of competitive level you'll seldom meet a player who will tell you that they got dropped from the starting lineup or failed to make it onto a team because they weren't good enough. There are always weird and wonderful ways to rationalize what happened without bringing that explanation into the equation.

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    Quote Originally Posted by denime View Post
    CB for CB I don't think so,we are short a CB,RB or AM,DM for CB would be better for us right now,and trade you mention it would be a steal for us,both of those players are years ahead of Nana.
    It'd make sense if Nana wasen't the only thing we were offering them. IE allocation or the ghost known as Sturgis was also thrown in.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Stryker View Post
    It'd make sense if Nana wasen't the only thing we were offering them. IE allocation or the ghost known as Sturgis was also thrown in.
    It doesn't make sense to trade CB for CB when you are short a CB,no matter who or what you trow on top of it to get the deal.
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    Quote Originally Posted by denime View Post
    It doesn't make sense to trade CB for CB when you are short a CB,no matter who or what you trow on top of it to get the deal.
    And letting him ride pine till his contract expires and getting squat for him makes even less sense.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Stryker View Post
    And letting him ride pine till his contract expires and getting squat for him makes even less sense.
    Agree,it doesn't make sense,but now that Cann is injured he will get playing time so to trade him now for another CB will not solve our problem.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stryker View Post
    I'd almost bet money that Attakora will be traded for ethier Hainault or Jakovic.
    But aren't those teams high on their defenders? I don't see it happening unless adds another asset with Attakora to get either one of them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Roogsy View Post

    Damn, that's the perfect word for me. It perfectly eloquates how I feel about this team.
    Flatulence would be my word.



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