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    Default FIFA Congess Endorses 6+5 Rule

    Posted here due to it's possible impact on our club.

    FIFA Congress endorses ‘6+5’ rule
    8 hours, 47 minutes ago

    SYDNEY, Australia (AP)—The world’s national soccer associations voted overwhelmingly in favor of introducing a rule to limit foreign players in domestic club competitions.

    In a ballot at FIFA’s 58th Congress on Friday, 155 associations voted in favor of supporting the idea of requiring clubs to start all matches with at least six players who are eligible for the national team.
    Five associations voted against and 40 abstained.
    FIFA president Sepp Blatter proposed the ‘`6+5” rule, saying it would safeguard the national identity of clubs and national teams. It was unanimously endorsed Tuesday by FIFA’s executive committee.
    But it has been opposed by some of Europe’s biggest and richest clubs and contravenes the European Union’s principle of free movement of workers.

    The Congress backed the presidents of soccer’s world and European governing bodies “to explore all means within the limits of the law to ensure that these crucial sporting objectives be achieved.”

    So maybe now we will get more Canadians on TFC.

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    If this goes through Arsenal is the first one that comes to mind. All they got is Walcott starting I believe.

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    BBC world was all over this, running it as the main news headling this morning. They see the main issue being that this ruling contravenes the European free market and labour laws.

    Should be an interesting one to watch....

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ron Manager View Post

    So maybe now we will get more Canadians on TFC.
    too bad Sepp isn't going to pony up some more money to get the good Canadians back from Europe

    But I guess if ya don't mind a midfield including Harmse, Gala, and Melo with Lombardo up front, we can survive with what we got

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    All of Croatia's team are in England or Germany.
    Since none of them will want to come back to play for such a shitty league, how would this work for other Eastern Euro teams?

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    They voted. I'll worry when they start enforcing it. We don't even follow the FIFA calendar over here...

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    So the message is "Let's get Racism out of the game and promote Nationalism too?"

    Why can't a player just be a player, a club be a club and let national football associations take care of themselves?

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    This is the worst idea ever!!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by MrHawk View Post
    All of Croatia's team are in England or Germany.
    Since none of them will want to come back to play for such a shitty league, how would this work for other Eastern Euro teams?
    I think the theory is that in the long term, it will balance out. Only the exceptional players will move to the big leagues, and the lesser (yet still potentially very good players) will stay in their home leagues, bringing up the quality of those domestic leagues. Eventually the gap between the bigger and smaller leagues lessens, both by increasing the quality of the lesser leagues, and decreasing the quality of the big leagues, and more and more players will be willing to stay and play at home. Combine that with the fact that countries will look to start developing their own players again instead of just buying them, that should increase the overall quality of the player pool.

    That's my theory on how **they** think things will work. I completely disagree with it, and think it will backfire on them.

    I don't think it's going to happen anyway. EU Labor Laws > than FIFA laws. The variation that I can see happening is that a club will have to field a certain number of players that have trained with the club from a certain age, regardless of nationality. This doesn't violate any EU labor laws, and there are already restriction of this nature on rosters for the Champions League (and likely the UEFA cup, not sure though).

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    Either that, or more people will find ways of changing nationality so the can play where they want, thus further hindering the progress of lesser national team programs like Canada.

    We can call it the Hargreaves-du Guzman maneuver
    Last edited by Flashman; 05-30-2008 at 08:55 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MrHawk View Post
    All of Croatia's team are in England or Germany.
    Since none of them will want to come back to play for such a shitty league, how would this work for other Eastern Euro teams?
    That's the reason the league is shitty…can you imagine a Croatian league with the country's top players?

    The problem in many countries aren't the teams or leagues…it's the economic, social and political stability/issues that drive players (and other nationals with skilled trades) away from their Motherland.

    I would think this will be tied up in the courts for sometime…can you say…BOSMAN…
    “We changed the entire league’s opinion of the viability of soccer in North America. And then we blew it because we chickened out." —Tim Leiweke

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    very true, although it's not like the owners of the top clubs don't have money, it's that they are money grubbers.

    Is it possible for a guy who currently plays for a country to switch to a different NT?

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    Well I think this is GREAT IDEA !!!
    Reason why not even ONE TEAM from GB is not on Euro 08 is the policy we have it right now.
    Maybe this is not good for Arsenal or Manu,Inter,Real M. but I don't care about big poachers of world football talent anyway.It will be interesting to see how this will work out with EU,I can see this going to court.

    This will not happen overnight anyways.

    "To go forward, we would say that it is the result that six players eligible to play for the national team of the country should be on the field of play at the beginning. It means that with the substitutions you could have 3+8 at the end.
    "We need some consultation with the government authorities, especially in Europe, but we would propose to start a '4+7' in 2010, '5+6' in 2011 and we would be ready to apply '6+5' in 2012."

    'The application of such a system would start only at the end of 2010 and we would start progressively with four, five and six.
    'Even if it is necessary, because we have had Manchester United winning the European Champions League with six players eligible for the Great Britain team at the beginning of the match, so we are not far away.
    'Chelsea had four.
    Zenit St Petersburg, when they played Glasgow Rangers, they had up to seven. Glasgow had four or five. 'We are not far away from a situation.
    'Speaking about it is illegal? For whom? For when? If there is a law, a law can be amended.
    'I have already now a meeting with the speaker of the European parliament - chairman as we say, but you say in the British version, the speaker - on June 5 in the afternoon in Brussels, as he said, to explore now the ways. 'If he says to explore the ways, it's not to say 'stop it', so you see we're on the right track.''
    Germany's Franz Beckenbauer:
    "Three English teams in the semi-finals [of the Champions League], Manchester United and Chelsea in the final, an extraordinary match.
    "But then after the match everyone regretted a single fact. That England will not be represented at the Euro [2008].
    "There is a reason for that," he said, alluding to the glut of foreign players at English clubs.
    "This is the case in other countries too. We have clubs in Germany where there are no German players on the field. That is not in the interest of football and its future.
    "In our committee we have discussed this issue. It did not take much time. We want to support the FIFA president and the UEFA president because we need to find a solution with the European Union.
    "It is a thorny issue. Europe is not [in] a comfortable position but we will do all we can to help the FIFA president reach this objective," he told the 200 assembled members.
    "[The rule] is considered illegal by the European Union. Within the football family we don't all agree. Some of the leagues were against, some in favour, clubs generally against.
    "[If the rule as it stands were implemented] then we as UEFA would find ourselves in a difficult place and could find ourselves in court.
    "I fully share the philosophy and objectives of the rule. We are in full agreement when it comes to the general idea."
    I think they now enough about football situations than any of us.
    and TFC John to write that FIFA:
    So the message is "Let's get Racism out of the game and promote Nationalism too?"
    is simply stupid,sorry nothing personal but it is.
    Great love does not exist without joy and without great suffering ,that's why One club is worth only as much as its fans !

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    Quote Originally Posted by denime View Post
    Well I think this is GREAT IDEA !!!
    Reason why not even ONE TEAM from GB is not on Euro 08 is the policy we have it right now.
    I don't get how that would make a difference......maybe I'm just overlooking something. If a youth or player is playing in one of the top European leagues, should he be developing regardless of where they play??

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    this will only be better for the game in the long run...even MLS has rules about domestic players...TFC has an exception for a short period of time...

    having more canadian players developing on TFC and eventually vancouver and montreal playing in the mls will dramatically improve the national program.

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    I understand why it would mean something in Canada, because it would expose more players to top flight teams even though the elite (like JDG), would still go to European teams as part of their foreign 5. But how does this help a place like England???

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    Quote Originally Posted by Flashman View Post
    Either that, or more people will find ways of changing nationality so the can play where they want, thus further hindering the progress of lesser national team programs like Canada.

    We can call it the Hargreaves-du Guzman maneuver
    I think they are changing rules for this as well. The uncapped player would have to be living in the country for 5 years to change. (Up from 2 years - still won't stop everyone I would think though)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nodoubtguy View Post
    I don't get how that would make a difference......maybe I'm just overlooking something. If a youth or player is playing in one of the top European leagues, should he be developing regardless of where they play??
    That is a problem,they DON"T play,they sit on bench.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nodoubtguy View Post
    I understand why it would mean something in Canada, because it would expose more players to top flight teams even though the elite (like JDG), would still go to European teams as part of their foreign 5. But how does this help a place like England???
    What nation has the least number of foreign players in their and most of their own players playing SERIA A league?
    Hint :
    they are current World Champions.

    Maybe having your own players PLAYING instead of bench worming helps to your own National team to win every now and than.Having a team like Red Star Belgrade wining a champions league(like 1991)motivate kids to play more that sport and you have bigger talent pool in that country.
    It is not only about big ones,even here NBA,NFL,NHL the chance to the clubs there have bad result first choice on draft in order to get more teams winning the title.Not like in Scotland where is only between two teams,England 4.
    'As (Newcastle manager) Kevin Keegan recently said: 'I can only start my season to fight to be fifth or sixth or seventh. It is impossible for me to go into the final four'.
    This rule will bring teams that developing their players better results,buying successes is becoming very boring lately.As for MLS and TFC it is different story.Young league and team no choice than get players from outside the country,for now.
    Great love does not exist without joy and without great suffering ,that's why One club is worth only as much as its fans !

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    This is a common problem, esp across Eastern Europe. A lot of players will get scouted by top teams, get signed to them and waste their best years sitting on the bench for a top team because they wanted a high road contract.

    For Keegan to say that he can only fight to be 5th/6th spot. that can also be to the fact that Manchester United, Chelsea, Arsenal, Liverpool have the money to spend on top players.

    As for Red Star, they were the last Eastern Euro team to have any real success in Europe and it was all Serbian players (except for Prosinecki who was mixed I believe and a few others of Serbian descent, but born in Croatia), so I can see your argument

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ron Manager View Post
    Posted here due to it's possible impact on our club.

    So maybe now we will get more Canadians on TFC.
    An exception may be made since TFC is in an American league. Maybe Canadians and Americans would be considered domestic. If not, we're getting the shaft bigtime.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nodoubtguy View Post
    This is the worst idea ever!!!
    YES! For Inter's sake, I hope Mourinho will cast his all-watchful eye on Italian talent.

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    Quote Originally Posted by redcard View Post
    this will only be better for the game in the long run...even MLS has rules about domestic players...TFC has an exception for a short period of time...

    having more canadian players developing on TFC and eventually vancouver and montreal playing in the mls will dramatically improve the national program.
    But if the new regulations go into play, then it will become increasingly difficult for those Canadians that are good enough to play at a much higher level in Europe. That can stunt the development of really good Canadian players.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nodoubtguy View Post
    I understand why it would mean something in Canada, because it would expose more players to top flight teams even though the elite (like JDG), would still go to European teams as part of their foreign 5. But how does this help a place like England???
    If a team only has 5 slots, they become the foreign slots become a bit more valuable. You only have 5 slots for foreigners, you are going to use those slots on exceptional foreign players where you can, and guys like De Guzman that are very good but not great players can get overlooked more often.

    It's no different than what we have with TFC. We would have a much better squad if we didn't have to fill positions with Canadians. We wouldn't all be worried about the potential that Lombardo is going to be on the pitch this weekend, we would have better alternatives.

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    I like this rule, it encourages teams to develop talent (which a lot already do). Also, being a top quality domestic player will mean big $$$ for those players (assuming they are of Spanish, Italian, English or German origin).

    I feel (as in most situations like this) it'll be the poorer African's that suffer the most. Suddenly they become less desirable due to the domestic rule. If a player has been with a teams academy for 4 years, then that is enough time to discount this rule IMO.

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    Quote Originally Posted by denime View Post
    What nation has the least number of foreign players in their and most of their own players playing SERIA A league?
    Hint :
    they are current World Champions.
    well with the exception of Becks, isn't the entire English team based in England?? so what difference does it make??

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    Quote Originally Posted by stugautz View Post
    I feel (as in most situations like this) it'll be the poorer African's that suffer the most. Suddenly they become less desirable due to the domestic rule. If a player has been with a teams academy for 4 years, then that is enough time to discount this rule IMO.
    The standard for the African national teams will drop since more players will be playing in their domestic leagues and not the top euro leagues....

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    If anybody thinks this will destroy teams like Arsenal, Liverpool, Chelsea, etc. they are crazy. All it will do is drive up the price of English players. Now instead of spending money in other countries they will all be competing over the same few English players. Theo Walcott's transfer fee will look tiny in a few years. The second tier of teams in England still won't be able to outspend the top clubs and will be forced to use lower quality English players as well as lower quality foreign players (really no different from today). The next Wayne Rooney won't end up staying at Everton just because of this rule. Instead the English players currently in the Championship will be moving up to the Premiership and lowering the quality of the league in the process. Eventually they might improve back to the level of play currently enjoyed in the league, but it would hurt in the near term.

    As far as how Canada and TFC would be affected, I don't think there will be a huge effect. A lot of the Canadian born players playing in Europe have dual citizenship so they probably would still be eligible as domestic players under the 6+5 system. The best Canadian players (like de Guzman & Hutchinson) will still play in Europe, but a few of the second tier players might be convinced to return to Canada. TFC will be at a significant disadvantage compared to the US based teams (especially if Montreal and/or Vancouver are in MLS by that time).

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    It is nothing more than a dream for Blatter. The Bosman case was about this exact point.

    Courts everywhere have been unaminous - rules like this are a restraint on the rights of workers, and sport is not important enough to justify exceptions.
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrianW View Post
    The best Canadian players (like de Guzman & Hutchinson) will still play in Europe, but a few of the second tier players might be convinced to return to Canada.
    But they will be limited to where they can play. De Guzman would be playing in Holland, not it Spain.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ensco View Post
    It is nothing more than a dream for Blatter. The Bosman case was about this exact point.

    Courts everywhere have been unaminous - rules like this are a restraint on the rights of workers, and sport is not important enough to justify exceptions.
    Exactly. What will come though is the rule that the players must be trained by a club. That does not violate EU laws.

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    Quote Originally Posted by brad View Post
    But they will be limited to where they can play. De Guzman would be playing in Holland, not it Spain.
    what about JDG at Deportivo??



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