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View Full Version : Chivas willing to postpone game and MLS still says NO

09-03-2008, 05:53 PM
reading this in the Sun today, Chivas had agreed to postpone this saturdays game with TFC , with the situation TFC is in and the League
still says NO.....FFS:mad::mad:

09-03-2008, 05:55 PM
yeah... we have discussed this in the news forum.

it's a big stinker...

09-03-2008, 05:59 PM
Before I comment, I will say that MLS should have done something given all of the players we have away.

Now for my comment. Do you really think that they care what the other team says? Does it matter? Do the inmates run the asylum? If the MLS moved the game because of Chivas it would set enormous precedent wouldn't it?

What I am trying to say is...Leagues don't do shit just because two teams agree on something.

Fort York Redcoat
09-03-2008, 06:28 PM
Other leagues do. Just sayin'. But you're right. It would set a precedent unheard of.

09-03-2008, 06:38 PM
Before I comment, I will say that MLS should have done something given all of the players we have away.

Now for my comment. Do you really think that they care what the other team says? Does it matter? Do the inmates run the asylum? If the MLS moved the game because of Chivas it would set enormous precedent wouldn't it?

What I am trying to say is...Leagues don't do shit just because two teams agree on something.

When Celtic were on their run to the Uefa cup Final, Dundee agreed to postpone a match so they could get prepared, Now it would be Nice if the MLS HQ would sit down and really puts the leagues best interests ahead
of anything else..its not like it an american team with the stadium booked for a previous date and can't be moved..its BMO and a make up game
should be no problem....Come on Garber...do the right thing their is still time.

09-03-2008, 07:04 PM
Before I comment, I will say that MLS should have done something given all of the players we have away.

Now for my comment. Do you really think that they care what the other team says? Does it matter? Do the inmates run the asylum? If the MLS moved the game because of Chivas it would set enormous precedent wouldn't it?

What I am trying to say is...Leagues don't do shit just because two teams agree on something.

unfortunately this is true

09-03-2008, 07:13 PM
sorry but the vast majority of people have this completely wrong

MLS is right. If TFC choose to load up on international players, then TFC must bear the consequences. International players would be worth more if it were otherwise.

09-03-2008, 07:23 PM
sorry but the vast majority of people have this completely wrong

MLS is right. If TFC choose to load up on international players, then TFC must bear the consequences. International players would be worth more if it were otherwise.

all TFC asked the league to do is postpone a game, and MLS could easily do so wen both teams agree to a change...MLS is not looking good here.

09-03-2008, 07:27 PM
sorry but the vast majority of people have this completely wrong

MLS is right. If TFC choose to load up on international players, then TFC must bear the consequences. International players would be worth more if it were otherwise.

Let's see FIFA calendar days this weekend.....

....Serie A ....not playing games
....EPL..... not playing games
...La Liga....not playing games
...Ligue 1..Bundesliga....guess what....still not playing games.

MLS....let's continue on...cause we're smarter than everyone else....we're american...the biggest, strongest and most intelligent.....let's play games on the FIFA weekend even though it makes absolutely no f*cking sense.

But ya....MLS has it "right".....(commence huge rolling of the eyes)

09-03-2008, 07:42 PM
this is fuckin bullshit............
the fans at the game better do some sort of protest, lets see something to show the big shots that run the mls that we are pretty pissed off about thsi

TFC Tifoso
09-03-2008, 07:53 PM
sorry but the vast majority of people have this completely wrong

MLS is right. If TFC choose to load up on international players, then TFC must bear the consequences. International players would be worth more if it were otherwise.

Are you for real?!?!.....that's worse than something giambac would say!...If MLS truly does want to be successful, they will do so on the names of international players...even if TFC took some top homegrown talent, they'd still get the shaft, beacuse some country called CANADA is playing as well this weekend.

09-03-2008, 08:08 PM
It doesn't seem to make any difference for us if we have the starters on the field...

09-03-2008, 08:15 PM
sorry but the vast majority of people have this completely wrong

MLS is right. If TFC choose to load up on international players, then TFC must bear the consequences. International players would be worth more if it were otherwise.

They're not wrong about this.

Pretty much every league in the world doesn't play on FIFA dates.

And just about every league in the world has regulations in place for postponements due to missing a large numbers of players. I think for the EPL its 7-9 starting players.

The rules are intended for flu, accidents, etc but would equally apply in this circumstance if any league was crazy enough to play on FIFA dates. Which they are not.

The fact that the MLS has neither rule in place just illustrates how Mickey Mouse they are.

09-03-2008, 08:18 PM
If MLS truly does want to be successful, they will do so on the names of international players...even if TFC took some top homegrown talent, they'd still get the shaft, beacuse some country called CANADA is playing as well this weekend.

maybe MLS isn't willing to be sensible 'cos they don't want the american public to see it being accomodating to non-americans? just a thought...america has never ceased to amaze me..

Whatever the case may be, this BS has me seriously re-considering whether to renew my seasons tickets or not..

09-03-2008, 08:27 PM
Is there an e-mail address for Garber somewhere? of course it wouldn't make any difference but to get some frustration off my chest about this crap..

09-03-2008, 09:02 PM
You are all wrong. And I am not giambac.

These were the rules going into this season, and for years before. The fact that MLS play on FIFA dates is somewhat crazy (although I think it's more complicated than most people think), but doesn't change what MLS should do in this particular case.

Just a "for instance" (there are many others): part of why Guevara was available at such a low cost was his very public stance that country comes before club. Same for Ruiz. If MLS scheduled around FIFA dates, Guevara and Ruiz would be worth more, and Chivas and LA would have got more for them.

Try to get the league to stop playing on FIFA dates, sure. But looking for mid season dispensations that alter the competitive balance isn't right.

TFC Tifoso
09-03-2008, 09:35 PM
fair enough at least your argument makes sense, but MLS is working on a very antiquated system...hopefully a change is in order soon, because right now it seems that MLS expects this league to survive on mediocre domestic players...not good.

09-03-2008, 10:02 PM
You are all wrong. And I am not giambac.

These were the rules going into this season, and for years before. The fact that MLS play on FIFA dates is somewhat crazy (although I think it's more complicated than most people think), but doesn't change what MLS should do in this particular case.

Just a "for instance" (there are many others): part of why Guevara was available at such a low cost was his very public stance that country comes before club. Same for Ruiz. If MLS scheduled around FIFA dates, Guevara and Ruiz would be worth more, and Chivas and LA would have got more for them.

Try to get the league to stop playing on FIFA dates, sure. But looking for mid season dispensations that alter the competitive balance isn't right.

maybe, but you are looking at moving one game, not a full schedule,
its not rocket science... we have 4 games in september out of 30 days..MLS can't find one day in the other 26 to play the game? come on now!!

09-04-2008, 12:02 AM
ensco, your argument might present some validity if you can show something to indicate that any of the teams based their hiring preferences on international status. I don't know if that's the case or not, but without a league regulation in place, dispensation in that circumstance should only be on compassionate grounds.

Having said that, I know there are rules in english footie allowing teams to apply for postponements based on nine or more absences, and I believe with injuries we have more than that. If MLS is missing a regulation it should have, there's nothing to suggest that it couldn't be implemented; and if the other teams ALL don't object, why not do it before it makes a farce of this fixture?

09-04-2008, 05:29 AM
OK, let's make a few comments on this subject.

1. Chivas and TFC have both agreed to reschedule the match.
2. Garber and MLS are being pompous,arrogant,narrowminded and typical of North American style of managing a professional league, poorly.

A question, if the match was cancelled because of weather or a power outage, would the match be rescheduled?
I do think the league has the discretion to cancel or reschedule matches as they like.

Looks very bad on Garber and the MLS.

09-04-2008, 06:38 AM
ensco, your argument might present some validity if you can show something to indicate that any of the teams based their hiring preferences on international status. I don't know if that's the case or not, but without a league regulation in place, dispensation in that circumstance should only be on compassionate grounds.

Having said that, I know there are rules in english footie allowing teams to apply for postponements based on nine or more absences, and I believe with injuries we have more than that. If MLS is missing a regulation it should have, there's nothing to suggest that it couldn't be implemented; and if the other teams ALL don't object, why not do it before it makes a farce of this fixture?

jloome, Goff and Ives both mention the likelihood of international absences when discussing the merits of players who might be available to the league. Ives discussed it several times when the Guevara to TFC rumours were going strong. I think it's no accident that we have so many of these international players, it's indicative of the personnel problems of an expansion team - you tend to get players that are rejects, for whatever reason, of other teams.

I don't know why we don't have a postponement rule, but we should. It's just wrong to bring it in mid-season, that's all.

I think that, with more than half the teams being junior tenants in their stadiums, MLS has reasons to believe that they just can't get games rescheduled properly. When Houston at DCU had to be rescheduled because of weather, DeRo and Onstad had to play a league game the night before the All-Star Game. It hurt the ASG buildup (they weren't here for any of the events) and DeRo only played 35 minutes (although luckily he scored the winner!)

Don Julio
09-04-2008, 07:10 AM
I can see how the league would have trouble allowing TFC to postpone a game just so they'd have a better chance of winning it - it's not really fair to the teams that we are (allegedly) fighting for a playoff spot with. Not just Chivas, but the others. Should they start allowing teams to postpone games when some of their best players are injured? It opens up a serious Pandora's Box.

It's ridiculous for them not to respect FIFA dates, but it's not very reasonable to expect them to change this fact mid-season.

09-04-2008, 07:12 AM
I can see how the league would have trouble allowing TFC to postpone a game just so they'd have a better chance of winning it - it's not really fair to the teams that we are (allegedly) fighting for a playoff spot with. Not just Chivas, but the others. Should they start allowing teams to postpone games when some of their best players are injured? It opens up a serious Pandora's Box.

It's ridiculous for them not to respect FIFA dates, but it's not very reasonable to expect them to change this fact mid-season.

Don Julio, you just said what I've been trying to say, but you did it a lot more clearly!

09-04-2008, 07:33 AM
Whatever the case may be, this BS has me seriously re-considering whether to renew my seasons tickets or not..

I'd be interested if you choose not to renew.

09-04-2008, 07:53 AM
jloome, Goff and Ives both mention the likelihood of international absences when discussing the merits of players who might be available to the league. Ives discussed it several times when the Guevara to TFC rumours were going strong. I think it's no accident that we have so many of these international players, it's indicative of the personnel problems of an expansion team - you tend to get players that are rejects, for whatever reason, of other teams.

Bear in mind that MLS has instituted rules to prevent this from happening, specifically having limitations on the number of DPs and internationals a team can field. It becomes more complicated when you allow teams to trade these spots - that is part of how Toronto is getting hit here.

The probabilities of a US based team experiencing the same dificulties are low. It would be extremely difficult for a US team to accumulate enough domestic players that would play on the US National Team, and they have less of a need of international players to fill some spots. Part of the reason that the rules were changed last year for Toronto was because there isn't the same depth of talent in the Canadian market.

I suspect that similar problems will occur when additional Canadian teams are added to the league. This may develop into an issue that harms Montreal's and Vancouver's expansion bids more than anything else - the international rules may have to be further modified when they enter the league, and more of this may happen if MLS hasn't respected FIFA dates by then.

09-04-2008, 08:00 AM
I can see how the league would have trouble allowing TFC to postpone a game just so they'd have a better chance of winning it - it's not really fair to the teams that we are (allegedly) fighting for a playoff spot with. Not just Chivas, but the others. Should they start allowing teams to postpone games when some of their best players are injured? It opens up a serious Pandora's Box.

It's ridiculous for them not to respect FIFA dates, but it's not very reasonable to expect them to change this fact mid-season.

Sure in a round a bout way it's about having better chances at winning the game. In reality though, it's more about simple logic. Both teams have agreed that a postponed/rescheduled game should be in order. It's not doing it because our best player is injured, it's because we're missing a FULL FUCKING TEAM. The MLS will reschedule games due to extreme circumstances, but apparently missing your entire team isn't one of them. Their inability to even remotely accept that FIFA dates is one of many reasons why this league still struggles to gain proper recognition around the world.

09-04-2008, 08:18 AM
sorry but the vast majority of people have this completely wrong

MLS is right. If TFC choose to load up on international players, then TFC must bear the consequences. International players would be worth more if it were otherwise.

Ensco you are correct.

when TFC selected their players they knew that it could be aproblem down the road. you can't all of a sudden cahnge the rules midway thru the season. TFC has to live by the rules.

And by the way, why does everyone care if the game is postpone dor not. Last week we played a depleted Chiva staem with all of opur regular starters and we got embarrassed. What makes people thinkm it would be any different this weekend? Because we are playingalying at home? A place where we haven't won in almost 3 months????

09-04-2008, 08:26 AM
Their inability to even remotely accept that FIFA dates is one of many reasons why this league still struggles to gain proper recognition around the world.

Selling soccer in America is a tough job. Traditionally, international play in other sports has meant very little to American sports fans (and Canadian fans - in hockey we send players from teams that don't make the playoffs to the 'World Championship,' afterall).

But one of the main things soccer has going for it is the international appeal. And, like you say, in order to get the league taken seriously in the rest of the world, and therefore getting more players willing to play here, it needs to be more international.

I think you can see it working in stages. First the league needs to get established in 20 north america markets with reasonable fan bases and teams playing in their own stadiums. Then they can align the league more with other leagues in the world.

And really, in most parts of the world, soccer doesn't need to be 'sold,' so no one really knows how to do that.

09-04-2008, 08:27 AM
In the future they could look to add talent like Guevara's or Ruiz's but from another latin american country with richer futbol talent. Those two are skillfull, but they would never be good enough to be selected for the Argentian, Mexican, Brasilian, Chilean, Paraguayan, Uruguayan..etc national teams. Problem is TFC went out and got good international players from countries whose national teams have less to choose from.

MO, for fuck sake get Directv and watch the games from Argentina on TyC Sports and Fox Sports en Espanol.... its the cheapest form of scouting that you can do.

09-04-2008, 08:51 AM
Ensco you are correct.

when TFC selected their players they knew that it could be aproblem down the road. you can't all of a sudden cahnge the rules midway thru the season. TFC has to live by the rules.

And by the way, why does everyone care if the game is postpone dor not. Last week we played a depleted Chiva staem with all of opur regular starters and we got embarrassed. What makes people thinkm it would be any different this weekend? Because we are playingalying at home? A place where we haven't won in almost 3 months????

I understand what you are saying and I agree to an extent, however, this situation just demonstrates how this league is its own worst enemy. Results aside, you can argue that TFC has made an attempt to improve its side by adding international caliber players. The leagues own rules are punishing teams such as TFC for trying to add depth and quality because they simply refuse to follow FIFA international dates like every other league in the world. I'm assuming you follow Serie A; how many times during a regular season do they adjust scheduled games when teams get bogged down with European and or Cup fixtures. They do it all the time.
The second problem is the 18-man limit on the senior roster. How can any club expect to compete on various fronts with such a short roster. TFC is not the only example here, look at what happened to the other MLS teams who failed to qualify for the CCL this past week. MLS clubs simply do not have the depth and man-power to compete on all these various fronts. The league has also hancuffed itself with its low salary cap. The pupose of this was not to allow teams to spend themselves into bankruptcy years ago. But I think that those years are behind us especially now that most teams seem to have stable ownership and are working towards their own soccer specific stadiums. TFC can take some credit in providing the league with the blueprint for building a successful franchise (at least the business model anyways lol).
Its time for this league to wake up and make some serious changes if it wants to be competitors on the world stage. We're never going to attract Beckham quality players on a consistent basis if the MLS doesn't step up to the plate and stop running its operations like a bush league.
Sure we can argue that TFC is crap and we brought in the wrong players, but you can't argue that they haven't made a legitimate effort to bring in some quality and depth even though the results have not been positive. The league is punishing clubs for trying to be competitive with their rules and inflexibility.
TFC will probably lose once again this Saturday, but how legitimate is that result going to be when half the team is gone. The league is practically handing Chivas 3 points. How does that make the playoff race (in the West in this case) legitimate?

09-04-2008, 10:17 AM
Here's the problem in a nutshell. Two years ago most of the teams in MLS were second banana in their stadiums. This is changing rapidly. Today.....

8 teams are the lead tenant in their stadiums, and could probably reschedule games easily:

TFC, Chivas, LA, Chicago, Dallas, Colorado, DCU, Columbus

6 teams that are second (or third or fourth) banana in their stadiums:

NY, NE, KC, SJ, RSL, Seattle

By 2010, NY and RSL will have moved into an SSS, and 10 of 14 (11 of 15 including Philly) will be the lead tenant. KC will move or have an SSS deal. At that point, there will probably be enough flexibility to permit a different league-wide rescheduling philosophy.

09-04-2008, 12:13 PM
god lets hope so.....

09-04-2008, 12:50 PM
I understand what you are saying and I agree to an extent, however, this situation just demonstrates how this league is its own worst enemy. Results aside, you can argue that TFC has made an attempt to improve its side by adding international caliber players. The leagues own rules are punishing teams such as TFC for trying to add depth and quality because they simply refuse to follow FIFA international dates like every other league in the world. I'm assuming you follow Serie A; how many times during a regular season do they adjust scheduled games when teams get bogged down with European and or Cup fixtures. They do it all the time.
The second problem is the 18-man limit on the senior roster. How can any club expect to compete on various fronts with such a short roster. TFC is not the only example here, look at what happened to the other MLS teams who failed to qualify for the CCL this past week. MLS clubs simply do not have the depth and man-power to compete on all these various fronts. The league has also hancuffed itself with its low salary cap. The pupose of this was not to allow teams to spend themselves into bankruptcy years ago. But I think that those years are behind us especially now that most teams seem to have stable ownership and are working towards their own soccer specific stadiums. TFC can take some credit in providing the league with the blueprint for building a successful franchise (at least the business model anyways lol).
Its time for this league to wake up and make some serious changes if it wants to be competitors on the world stage. We're never going to attract Beckham quality players on a consistent basis if the MLS doesn't step up to the plate and stop running its operations like a bush league.
Sure we can argue that TFC is crap and we brought in the wrong players, but you can't argue that they haven't made a legitimate effort to bring in some quality and depth even though the results have not been positive. The league is punishing clubs for trying to be competitive with their rules and inflexibility.
TFC will probably lose once again this Saturday, but how legitimate is that result going to be when half the team is gone. The league is practically handing Chivas 3 points. How does that make the playoff race (in the West in this case) legitimate?

I agree with most of your points.

The MLS has flaws, several flaws but you can't change the rules during the season. At season end all the teams, owners, GM's and league officials can get together and discuss all the positives and neagtaives that occured during the year. They can then decide by vote (Majority vote) on the changes they want to implement.

You can't make a change during the year because it benefits our side. If they postpone the game, it won't be fair to New York, DC and Dallas who are fighting for the last place spot.

Last week TFC had the advantage. Chivas were missing 4 regular starters due to injury. TFC were the favourites to win the game. What if Chivas went to the league and said postpone the game because of our injuries????

The sad thing is that TFC blew their chance last week when we had all of our regulars and Chivas didn't. We lost, Tough break. Now we have to live by the consequences of our poor play.

At the end of the season all the issues can be debated and voted on in the proper format.

And please no excuses, the league is not giving away 3 points to Chivas. TFC gave 3 points to them last week and 3 points to New York the week before and 1 point to SJ and 1 point to RSL at home etc etc etc. That's the real problem, the real issue.

09-04-2008, 01:09 PM
I agree with most of your points.

The MLS has flaws, several flaws but you can't change the rules during the season. At season end all the teams, owners, GM's and league officials can get together and discuss all the positives and neagtaives that occured during the year. They can then decide by vote (Majority vote) on the changes they want to implement.

You can't make a change during the year because it benefits our side. If they postpone the game, it won't be fair to New York, DC and Dallas who are fighting for the last place spot.

Last week TFC had the advantage. Chivas were missing 4 regular starters due to injury. TFC were the favourites to win the game. What if Chivas went to the league and said postpone the game because of our injuries????

The sad thing is that TFC blew their chance last week when we had all of our regulars and Chivas didn't. We lost, Tough break. Now we have to live by the consequences of our poor play.

At the end of the season all the issues can be debated and voted on in the proper format.

And please no excuses, the league is not giving away 3 points to Chivas. TFC gave 3 points to them last week and 3 points to New York the week before and 1 point to SJ and 1 point to RSL at home etc etc etc. That's the real problem, the real issue.

Makes sense ... But I still think we should voice our displeasure towards the problems that exist in this league and Don Garber's inability to deal with them so that it's 100% clear what flaws piss us off the most and what they should work on changing during the off season.

09-04-2008, 01:43 PM
I agree with most of your points.

The MLS has flaws, several flaws but you can't change the rules during the season. At season end all the teams, owners, GM's and league officials can get together and discuss all the positives and neagtaives that occured during the year. They can then decide by vote (Majority vote) on the changes they want to implement.

You can't make a change during the year because it benefits our side. If they postpone the game, it won't be fair to New York, DC and Dallas who are fighting for the last place spot.

Last week TFC had the advantage. Chivas were missing 4 regular starters due to injury. TFC were the favourites to win the game. What if Chivas went to the league and said postpone the game because of our injuries????

The sad thing is that TFC blew their chance last week when we had all of our regulars and Chivas didn't. We lost, Tough break. Now we have to live by the consequences of our poor play.

At the end of the season all the issues can be debated and voted on in the proper format.

And please no excuses, the league is not giving away 3 points to Chivas. TFC gave 3 points to them last week and 3 points to New York the week before and 1 point to SJ and 1 point to RSL at home etc etc etc. That's the real problem, the real issue.

Nobody is arguing the fact that TFC has shit the bed in several games this season. That being said, they are still technically in the hunt for a playoff spot. Teams like NY, DC, and Dallas are losing at most 2-3 players for these qualifying matches. TFC is losing 9 or 82% of their starting lineup. How is that fair and legitimate for the standings?
I would be in agreement if the rules were the rules straight across the board in this league, however the league has demonstrated time and time again that it is willing to bend the rules now and again for certain clubs. Trust me, if teams like LA, NY or Chicago were in a similar predicament, something tells me Garber and the MLS would bend over backwards to help them out. Sure LA is going to miss 3 players in their next match for WC qualifying, but were missing 9 (half our total senior roster).

09-04-2008, 01:44 PM
It doesn't seem to make any difference for us if we have the starters on the field...

true, I'm looking forward to see what our youngin's can do... has to be better than the PIECE of S#$T defending last weekend... com'on mo suit up for us... take a corner... :canada:

09-04-2008, 02:02 PM
true, I'm looking forward to see what our youngin's can do... has to be better than the PIECE of S#$T defending last weekend... com'on mo suit up for us... take a corner... :canada:

The problem is that Velez is the only true defender we have available for this game.

Shakes McQueen
09-05-2008, 05:41 AM
The real problem is that, if the league grants our request for a rescheduling because we are missing 7 call-ups, where do you draw the line?

Suppose another club is missing two for their game, but it's their best players. Do we make an exception then?

Suppose a team is missing 6, but they are all bench players, do we do so then?

Suppose a team is decimated by injuries - do we reschedule all of their matches until some people get healthy?

I don't necessarily agree with the idea that TFC "made their own bed" on this one, as International dates shouldn't have MLS matches - and that is the MLS FO's fault. However, the rules are what they are for this season, and clubs have to abide by them.

At least Garber has said he will be looking at the problem after this season.

In the meantime, support our cobbled together roster for this weekend. It sounds like Dichio is going to be playing, so perhaps he can spur the youngsters on to victory.

Keep in mind our last victory was compliments of a mostly reserve roster, against a team only slightly worse than Chivas.

- Scott

09-05-2008, 07:21 AM
I say we call up ALL the emergency keepers and put them on our bench... you know, just incase we need a sub.

09-05-2008, 07:23 AM