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09-02-2008, 09:32 AM
"You gotta have heart."

This phrase, immortalized by the coach of the seldom-victorious Washington Senators, served as words of encouragement in the musical Damn Yankees. Since then it has been echoed by hundreds of coaches and athletes as a source of inspiration. The meaning of the phrase has maybe been lost on our TFC. In fact, it seems the loss has shaped their way of thinking about the sport.

"It's not about winning and losing. I take it all to heart." Although a loss still counts in the standings, Ricketts feels that if he can look at his play and honestly say that he did everything possible to win, it's not as hard to take. He accepts that sometimes the competition can simply be better, or a team can successfully find a hole in the opposition's defense.

But Ricketts insists that sometimes "two teams are so well matched that it really does come down to who's playing with more heart. I've seen that happen more than a few times."

"Who wants it more?" That's the question Ricketts, a professional footballer, asks himself when he is face-to-face with his competition. It is also the question he asks of his teammates. He feels that a team's tendency to over-analyze a situation can be one of its biggest obstacles. Too much focus on the physical component takes away from the mental aspect of the game. Ricketts believes that to play well, you have to connect the mind and the body.

"Someone can fill the perfect athletic portion, but I think anyone can beat anyone else on any given day, if they have the desire in their hearts."

signed, just for fun.

09-02-2008, 10:09 AM
Yes they play with alot of heart, and its not bad luck....they just don't seem to have a gameplan when they go out there....

09-02-2008, 10:38 AM
I don't question the heart in many players, but there are a few hangers on. But the problem is not having all of the tools necessary to do the job.

09-02-2008, 10:55 AM
i dunno about heart... but talent is a problem with 2-3 regulars ;)

Captain Croatia
09-02-2008, 11:10 AM
Of course they play with heart. Its the talent department lacking for us.

No player wants to lose.

Fort York Redcoat
09-02-2008, 11:17 AM
Loaded question. A losing team seldom has enough heart. It's the desperate/optimistic/dedicated supporter that says they just need that extra something/skill/etc.

09-02-2008, 11:24 AM
F*ck heart...that's for fairytales...i want some skilled players.

09-02-2008, 11:28 AM
F*ck heart...that's for fairytales...i want some skilled players.

No way. Why would we want skilled players? We just need a bunch of guys who work really, really, really hard every game. That's enough for us.:rolleyes:

09-02-2008, 01:12 PM
We go 8-0-0 the rest of the way, and we're in for sure!


09-02-2008, 01:17 PM
No way. Why would we want skilled players? We just need a bunch of guys who work really, really, really hard every game. That's enough for us.:rolleyes:

The salary cap may be taking care of this - skill pays better.

09-02-2008, 01:21 PM
I'm no big ManU guy or anything, but the point is at least addressed:)


09-02-2008, 03:08 PM
We have two former league MVPs, three former gen addidas players, two former first picks in the first round, a former starting winger for Tottenham Hotspur, and two captains who spent most of their careers in one fo the best leagues in the world.

Combine that with our winning streak earlier this year, and it's fairly abdundantly fucking obvious that we have talent in spades.

What we lack is players who give enough of a shit to fight for 90 mins -- along with the one area where we do seriously lack talent, which is defense.

So it's a bit of both.

09-02-2008, 04:12 PM
We have two former league MVPs, three former gen addidas players, two former first picks in the first round, a former starting winger for Tottenham Hotspur, and two captains who spent most of their careers in one fo the best leagues in the world.

Combine that with our winning streak earlier this year, and it's fairly abdundantly fucking obvious that we have talent in spades.

What we lack is players who give enough of a shit to fight for 90 mins -- along with the one area where we do seriously lack talent, which is defense.

So it's a bit of both.

that sounds like the definition of heart to me.

damn laurent robert must of spread the lazy disease while he was here.team was winning before he got here. i didnt know it was contagious but its so obvious now.

09-03-2008, 01:04 AM
Can't make this anymore simpler:

The younger players like Ibrahim are out to make a name for themselves and play with an aim to win. It's not always pretty and they make a good share of mistakes on the pitch, but they definitely have the heart. The other players with passion are the Canadians - guys like Brennan and Sutton. They put in just a bit more effort because TFC is representing their country in the league and that's something to be proud of.

Now with all that said and done, wouldn't it be nice if we had more of those aforementioned players?

09-03-2008, 09:25 AM
We have two former league MVPs, three former gen addidas players, two former first picks in the first round, a former starting winger for Tottenham Hotspur, and two captains who spent most of their careers in one fo the best leagues in the world.

Combine that with our winning streak earlier this year, and it's fairly abdundantly fucking obvious that we have talent in spades.

What we lack is players who give enough of a shit to fight for 90 mins -- along with the one area where we do seriously lack talent, which is defense.

So it's a bit of both.

Agreed. Again. I still cannot get over how we lost Tebily.