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08-17-2008, 06:47 PM
The supporters groups will do what they do every week. They will sing, chant, wave flags, stomp their feet, drink beer, then go home and bitch online about how things have to change.....

If you want to walk away, be my guest. Nobody's forcing you to support this club, you know.

There are bound to be tough times, and frustrating times like these. But if you consider yourself half a real supporter, you'll never turn your back on the club. It's also times like these that separate the glory hunters from the diehards.

08-17-2008, 06:47 PM
No need for sarcasm. If you can't stomach the club anymore, then by all means don't. I was just explaining why I can't and won't give up on the club.

This is a painful time to be a TFC supporter, but I personally can't walk away from the guys on our team who do give their all every week (Brennan, Robbo, Ricketts, Barrett, Ibrahim, Sutts, etc.), just because a few guys play with no passion or care.

If that makes me a tool, then so be it. I can live with that.

- Scott

I'm not being sarcastic. Seriously, it's just exasperating for me.

Maybe it makes me impatient and untrue, but it's just frustrating to be fed so much hope and then have it all taken away.

08-17-2008, 06:50 PM
twistedchinaman: I'm pissed as hell we didn't pick up a striker, either. But the thing is, in this match, we had half our usual first team. Plus also, I feel like it's about time I officially lowered my expectations for the season... :noidea:

08-17-2008, 06:53 PM
No need for sarcasm. If you can't stomach the club anymore, then by all means don't. I was just explaining why I can't and won't give up on the club.

This is a painful time to be a TFC supporter, but I personally can't walk away from the guys on our team who do give their all every week (Brennan, Robbo, Ricketts, Barrett, Ibrahim, Sutts, etc.), just because a few guys play with no passion or care.

If that makes me a tool, then so be it. I can live with that.

- Scott

Word Shakes...word.

If I am a sucker...then so be it. I love this team and will continue to sing for them at BMO Field.

Everybody else can do what they want.

08-17-2008, 06:55 PM
I think the argument is being twisted a bit here - nobody is saying they will stop supporting the club - they're just saying that something needs to be done.

Shakes McQueen
08-17-2008, 07:00 PM
twistedchinaman: I'm pissed as hell we didn't pick up a striker, either. But the thing is, in this match, we had half our usual first team. Plus also, I feel like it's about time I officially lowered my expectations for the season... :noidea:

I'm honestly starting to think a striker isn't really our problem. The last few games, our forwards have barely even managed to get their foot on the ball in the attacking third. And yet, every time they do, they actually make some decent attempts at the goal.

I think our problem is being exposed as poor play between the defenders and midfielders. Robert and Harmse made a laundry list of cringe inducing passes today. James caused the second goal when he basically gave up on the play. And James/Velez horribly misplayed the ball that lead to the first goal.

We need better distribution and control. Our boys treat the ball like a hand grenade, and dish it off to the person closest to them almost every time. It has lead to a lot of awful interceptions.

Carver needs to force the whole team to sleep with a game ball for a week, so they develop a relationship with the ball, and learn to love it. Then maybe they won't be willing to give it away so easily.

- Scott

Shakes McQueen
08-17-2008, 07:00 PM
I think the argument is being twisted a bit here - nobody is saying they will stop supporting the club - they're just saying that something needs to be done.

Not true. A couple of people said exactly that. Whether they said it out of frustration, or meant it, I do not know.

- Scott

08-17-2008, 07:01 PM
I think the argument is being twisted a bit here - nobody is saying they will stop supporting the club - they're just saying that something needs to be done.


Taking a step back sometimes gives one a little bit more perspective, it's not that I don't love the team and you guys. It's just the level of disrespect that we've been shown by the lazy bums with their quality of play. Maybe they're unskilled, but the effort just doesn't seem to be there.

You may be saying that I'm crazy and watching another game, and maybe I've never supported a team in the effect that I have -- most of you have had teams to support for many, many years. I don't. You guys have had experiences in deep emotional attachment in a team of your choice. Even with the Flames here in Calgary, the connection is still not as strong as what I've seen from some of you here.

And I've said before I am impatient, and for something like this is I can see is a long term emotional investment. But with the bullshit from all quarters, it shakes that confidence downwards to the root. And today the reverberations finally hit the tip of that root. And what am I supposed to show my dissatisfaction? I can't exactly go down to BMO when I'm almost 2000 km away from it. The only place I have really to talk about this team is, well, here.

I'm shooting straight from the heart here, people.

08-17-2008, 07:03 PM
I think the argument is being twisted a bit here - nobody is saying they will stop supporting the club - they're just saying that something needs to be done.
What some people ARE saying, though, is that the people at BMO Field shouldn't cheer so fervently. Essentially, that's telling people to stop doing the things that supporters clubs are supposed to do.

The idea of "ultras" is a group of people who sing and bring banners and do their thing no matter the score or the opponent. So many people on this board have some inferiority complex over us not apparently being as good as European supporters, well, you sure as hell would never see the kind of posts that are being made in this thread on a board for any big European club.

08-17-2008, 07:04 PM
I'm honestly starting to think a striker isn't really our problem. The last few games, our forwards have barely even managed to get their foot on the ball in the attacking third. And yet, every time they do, they actually make some decent attempts at the goal.

I think our problem is being exposed as poor play between the defenders and midfielders. Robert and Harmse made a laundry list of cringe inducing passes today. James caused the second goal when he basically gave up on the play. And James/Velez horribly misplayed the ball that lead to the first goal.

We need better distribution and control. Our boys treat the ball like a hand grenade, and dish it off to the person closest to them almost every time. It has lead to a lot of awful interceptions.

Carver needs to force the whole team to sleep with a game ball for a week, so they develop a relationship with the ball, and learn to love it. Then maybe they won't be willing to give it away so easily.

- Scott

I vote Shakes as poster of the day!

08-17-2008, 07:05 PM
I'm honestly starting to think a striker isn't really our problem. The last few games, our forwards have barely even managed to get their foot on the ball in the attacking third. And yet, every time they do, they actually make some decent attempts at the goal.

I think our problem is being exposed as poor play between the defenders and midfielders. Robert and Harmse made a laundry list of cringe inducing passes today. James caused the second goal when he basically gave up on the play. And James/Velez horribly misplayed the ball that lead to the first goal.

We need better distribution and control. Our boys treat the ball like a hand grenade, and dish it off to the person closest to them almost every time. It has lead to a lot of awful interceptions.

Carver needs to force the whole team to sleep with a game ball for a week, so they develop a relationship with the ball, and learn to love it. Then maybe they won't be willing to give it away so easily.

- ScottI noticed that for sure during this match. Brennan's the only one who doesn't have a touch like a brick at the back. We have to slow it down at the back and find space to play it into, guys are just hoofing the thing left and right. I was watching Blackburn Rovers v Everton on Saturday, and that (distribution in our own half) was the biggest difference between Premiership clubs and ours.

08-17-2008, 07:06 PM
Oooooh, T-F-C is shiiiiite!

08-17-2008, 07:08 PM
One thing's for sure though - I'm totally done watching the away games. I've had enough.

08-17-2008, 07:08 PM

Taking a step back sometimes gives one a little bit more perspective, it's not that I don't love the team and you guys. It's just the level of disrespect that we've been shown by the lazy bums with their quality of play. Maybe they're unskilled, but the effort just doesn't seem to be there.

You may be saying that I'm crazy and watching another game, and maybe I've never supported a team in the effect that I have -- most of you have had teams to support for many, many years. I don't. You guys have had experiences in deep emotional attachment in a team of your choice. Even with the Flames here in Calgary, the connection is still not as strong as what I've seen from some of you here.

And I've said before I am impatient, and for something like this is I can see is a long term emotional investment. But with the bullshit from all quarters, it shakes that confidence downwards to the root. And today the reverberations finally hit the tip of that root. And what am I supposed to show my dissatisfaction? I can't exactly go down to BMO when I'm almost 2000 km away from it. The only place I have really to talk about this team is, well, here.

I'm shooting straight from the heart here, people.
I can understand that. Hell, I feel like it's about time I stopped watching the Leafs (of whom I have been an insanely diehard fan since I was four years old), if there was ever a team that betrayed their fans, it's them. And while I criticize management all the time, as well as individual players who I feel are either floaters or just plain suck, as long as there are guys out on the ice in blue and white, I'm cheering for them to win. It's frustrating as hell sometimes, but when you're a fan of a team as shitty as the Leafs (let's call a spade a spade, people...), you learn loyalty the hard way.

The fans I feel most sorry for are Leeds United fans, if any of you guys know their story over the last five years, you'll probably agree...

08-17-2008, 07:10 PM
If you want to walk away, be my guest. Nobody's forcing you to support this club, you know.

There are bound to be tough times, and frustrating times like these. But if you consider yourself half a real supporter, you'll never turn your back on the club. It's also times like these that separate the glory hunters from the diehards.

I'm just saying, all this talk about a revolt led by the supporters groups is a bunch of shite. It will never happen. Just people talking outta frustration.

08-17-2008, 07:11 PM
I can understand that. Hell, I feel like it's about time I stopped watching the Leafs (of whom I have been an insanely diehard fan since I was four years old), if there was ever a team that betrayed their fans, it's them. And while I criticize management all the time, as well as individual players who I feel are either floaters or just plain suck, as long as there are guys out on the ice in blue and white, I'm cheering for them to win. It's frustrating as hell sometimes, but when you're a fan of a team as shitty as the Leafs (let's call a spade a spade, people...), you learn loyalty the hard way.

The fans I feel most sorry for are Leeds United fans, if any of you guys know their story over the last five years, you'll probably agree...

I lived through the years that the Flames repeatedly missed the playoffs. It was hard. It's evoking the same thing right now, but it just seems so much harder to deal with this one.

08-17-2008, 07:14 PM
What some people ARE saying, though, is that the people at BMO Field shouldn't cheer so fervently. Essentially, that's telling people to stop doing the things that supporters clubs are supposed to do.

YOu see, I am totally agreeing with you but am reading that some folk want to lead some kind of protest at the BMO and all I was saying is that "they won't". And probably shouldn't either.

08-17-2008, 07:17 PM
YOu see, I am totally agreeing with you but am reading that some folk want to lead some kind of protest at the BMO and all I was saying is that "they won't". And probably shouldn't either.

I don't think ANYONE is saying that we all as a collective unit should stop cheering -- I think the point is we need to show some sort of dissatisfaction and sometimes just plane ole bitching isn't enough especially after an especially bad performance.

08-17-2008, 07:36 PM
Ok my conculsion on todays game:

1. Carver has once again show than he can not put together a line up. His lack of forthought cost the team a ton of flexibility in the second half.

2. We all know Velez tries but he is not the brightest guy. When he thinks, he screws up.

3. James should stop chewing gum.

4. Robert is more worried about his hair than the game. He obviously played like crap.

5. Smith tries but cmon, horrible first touch and has been useless all season. The fact he still gets playing time is a disgrace.

6. Good start for the other Smith...lets hope he does not get infected by the disease of the others.

7. Btw, I presume Marshall will not play for Jamaica being injured an all..lets say he better not play...if he does, I dont want to see his face again.

8. The rest of the guys played OK (I want guys like Ricketts who try and care)

9. I better see some investment in this team next year. MLSE has made over 400% return on their investment and I sure hope they continue to invest in team.

See you all of you buggers against Jamaica...I am bringing the smoke.