View Full Version : Match Day 12 - TFC @ Club Foot - Sat May 13 7:39pm - I know you think that

05-09-2023, 07:41 PM
I shouldn't still love you



Have At It People

05-10-2023, 07:35 AM
Will start it off with what I think might be a big story here.

Impact / Club Foot security for travelling TFC fans is notorious for being lax and inadequate.

I suspect after last night that there will be attempted reprisals for the TFC fan attacks on IMFC fans.

Before this game, TFC & IMFC should make a joint statement about crowd behaviour expectations.

Hala Hrvatska
05-10-2023, 07:48 AM
If we lose this one, do we all agree Bradley fired at the final whistle and he can find his own way back from Montreal?

I just see another listless game..and loss unfortunately. The team has given up and tuned Bradley out.

05-10-2023, 12:21 PM
Probably for the best


People need to cool off

Ultra & Proud
05-10-2023, 01:35 PM
All I know is that if the song on the match thread for the Wednesday match vs. NYRB isn't Toxicity by System of a Down then I'm not sure what we're doing here.

05-10-2023, 01:49 PM
Ooooo...interesting......I usually try to be slightly more upbeat then that song.......interesting idea though....

05-10-2023, 04:07 PM
Probably for the best

People need to cool off

Probably, just got my ticket refunded. Have to think of something else to do now.

Understandable given circumstances.

05-10-2023, 05:31 PM
I think TFC fans should be banned from viewing this game on television as well. For lots of compelling health reasons.

05-10-2023, 06:15 PM
I think TFC fans should be banned from viewing this game on television as well. For lots of compelling health reasons.

I'm not planning on watching. Going to dip out for a few games. Between the NER game, last night and the leafs probably getting swept tonight it ain't good for my mental health!

But I'm happy they are playing Montreal again. If they can't get fired up and want revenge there is no hope for this season.

Mr. Inbetween
05-11-2023, 11:16 AM
Latest roster update; yikes!


Mr. Inbetween
05-11-2023, 11:32 AM
Looks like it’s gonna be Lamb(s) To The Slaughter; and BB is the leg.

05-11-2023, 11:47 AM

05-11-2023, 11:48 AM

Ultra & Proud
05-11-2023, 12:03 PM
I assume that means he is probably retired unless he comes back next season. Can't see that being rehabbed at 36 in a few months.

ag futbol
05-11-2023, 12:46 PM
Between what we saw on Tuesday + injuries, this feels like it could be an absolute slaughter. There’s basically nothing left at CB or CM to provide cover which makes it tricky in the best of times. Add in this team is sinking like a rock and it looks bleak.

05-11-2023, 04:11 PM
Between what we saw on Tuesday + injuries, this feels like it could be an absolute slaughter. There’s basically nothing left at CB or CM to provide cover which makes it tricky in the best of times. Add in this team is sinking like a rock and it looks bleak.

I have no idea whose going to play Saturday. We have 3 CBs out and now all our midfield except MAK and Servania.

I think we need to switch formation for sure, 4-3-3 will leave us too exposed.

4-4-2. Drop one of Insigne or Berna to midfield. Maybe Petretta goes left mid and Franklin stays left back?

Sapong and Insigne up top.

Petretta - MAK - Servania - Berna in mid.

05-11-2023, 04:17 PM
The expectations are.....low

05-11-2023, 04:24 PM
Guessing we'll see


+no substitutions until the 85th per Bob's usual.

Mr. Inbetween
05-11-2023, 04:25 PM
The expectations are.....low

Low? Try the music has stopped!

http://forums.redpatchboys.ca/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAoHCBUVFRgVFRUYGBgYGBgYGRoYGhoYGRgcGBgaGhgYGR gcIS4lHB4rIRgYJjgmKy8xNTU1GiQ7QDszPy40NTEBDAwMEA8Q GhIRGDQhJCExNDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDE0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0ND Q0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NP/AABEIAKUBMgMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAABBQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBAUGB//EAEAQAAIBAgQCBwUFBQcFAAAAAAECAAMRBBIhMQUGEyJBUXGBk TJSYaGxByOSwdEUM0JDchUWJFNigvBzorLC4f/EABkBAQEBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgMEBf/EACIRAQEAAgICAgMBAQAAAAAAAAABAhEhMQNBElEiMnETYf/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A4RRJAIxRJVE08xyiOAioJIBIhgWOAjwIo WQNAlPH48ILLYt3d3jE4xisiWB6z6D4DtMyaOGJtbWP63jhsmI xTv7Tad2wlQ0yToL Etrwyo50UmatLlmsRcGxkuUnt2xwvqMOhXdDdWK29PTabfDeNZ zkqWBOxGg8DIMRy7iRqQD5zIr4dkNmUqe4xMpfaZeO 47YrHIkzeBY/pFyN7a/Md82kSSuFmkeSKqSdUk4paRtFApGlJZddY3LIqsyRmSWWWMKS7 FcrEtJykbllENohWTFI0rAhIjGEmKxpWUQFYhEmIjGECFljGEm IjHEsVWqLKlVZeeU6ssRRqiVnEt1JWqCK641EYkUxJGxCEIBCE IHVKJMsYgkiw81SKJIojVEkQSBVWPyxyiOIsL92siOT43WzVsv Ytl89z9flN/guUJe285KocxZ 8k s3eFV9LTOfT1 Lix1 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w8hNB0nO3lzyvPCoRI3WW2SQssJtl4hZk4mbeJWY2LWdMUZNaV XEt15VaWuuKMxpjjGmRuEhAiEKIQhAIQhA7URmKrhEZj2DQd57 BJAJjcxV/ZT/cfoPzhwxm6w4ojTFEO50SBhABFtARYHZcoZhRaoq5gjkOBuAQC CR3G5F/hNzivAkxKCpTF7i m4 EpfZSgzVidjkRh2EMCR8x8zOqx FbDB3otYMrWX3WtoROeWXOmdcvI2oP0vQgknNlHjfaekct8DGG Qu/tsOt8ANlnm2LwzU3ZGvmBOvbvqb99wdZ6Vy3jDiaKO5uVGV/iy9p8RYzOXTrepTeNsTh61Rh1AjeZIsB855OJ7Dzew/ZKiAW 7ZvTaePzfj6YEW8SE2FvC8SF4AYKYhMBAfeAjRHQyVZd5ep5sT RH sH01/KUm2mzyZSzYpT7qs3yt clvBeJa9IdJCyyVLk2iY9MoBE47ebau6Su6RyOSbSPFMVml2o4 tdDMLEp2TYquTeY2MexnTE2ya0qtLVftlVpqu2KMxDFMSR0IYk UxIBCEIBCEIHbO4UFibAbkzkcXiC7lm7ezew7hL/GcdmORT1V3I7T gmUYYwx1yIkLwvDZbxRGgxRAWLeJCB6D9kYzVMQh2ZEN 5lY2 TH0nZ8frAU3Z2ACKWfvGlgPjc7TkvsicK9UntIA8lYzU 1HEhaKKN3YA/EJdh85wy5yJN3TzrieMNau1RhbOSco2Udij9Z0vJOIysyE2Wwu bbLewe3bYmx DfCcmVGh JPrNflvEZMQnc11PoT U3ZuPRljPjXacyvmw9cnUFHt5DSeSz13mED9mq9xpv/AOM8hEuHTzlhCJNhYkS8LwCF4hgID1jo0Rw3hkPtOv8As5w Z67 6qr Nif/AFnHuZ2PJ1bo8O5G71APJF/VjM5dMeS6xrsUazQ4o4yiZVGq5IY3teS8SV8pfYDa/b4Tlrl5to0exkOOq3mc1dri5j8a5AtN65N8ojU3mRj6gvpJhXN 7Sjiz1jOkjeM5Va7Ek3lZpNWOsgaWvRiYYkWJI2QxIsSAQhCAQ hCA6ES8LwEMITaXBURhDVYHpCxC9bT2rDTwBhLdMUR0bFEKdCJ CB6H9mGgZu9yPSmP1jPtIxweqiDZF ss/Z7TtQB956reiov5TD5z/AH//ADuE52fltcf2jnll/hD2rU/6h8wR cziZLhqmV0Pcyn0IMO9vGnpnF3zYOr/ANJ/pPJJ6jxt8uErf0MPJtJ5dLj085YkWNM2FtGmKTEgEBCEB4ipGg xymA1jrNDB8UemoUAWBJ9ZnExYSyWarteXefDh1dXoioGHV1As ddDcbG49Jl4vmyrUQIygAG nyE520LTPxm9sf5Y/To Hc0Glf7sPfv7PlK N4 9RsxUDS1hMS0BLqdn WO96ay8TFvY175XfEXN5TWSATR8cYezXkTySRtDUNiGBjSZGim AgIkBTEheEAhCEDU4bwDE4gjoqTsD/ABEZU/GdJtYnlWlhtMXXZqhAK0sMudwDszs1go0PZPRq/EEwqKAoCIoCKPGygTjsSC7mo5uXa7W ngNvKc7k3hjcnPUOE0CwLLXC9zBD4XykESLmSyZKYsFtmGXa2w t8504QX0GmvxgmGpuCHRW33ANpJn9ut8G/bzuEvcWwwR7KLA6gd2sozpLtws1dC8LwhKj1Xkynlw9P m/m7Fv0nN88EdJodc3ytOp4SQlNE7cq39BpOM5xe9dvL6TGuTHuM EmJmjWMQGV229C4vXzcPZ/ep0/ 4r s86nTtjs3DmTtVkXyDgj6TlyYk4cfZY2F4TQIQhAIQhALx4jI4 wEiXhCAXheEIBeKIkVYEiSVZEkmSWM0hkTyVzIXMENMbAmJeRo sIl4XgLCJeEBYQhA9Q5ixOdkseroPHQ2 sqVFs4UbFc3zGk5zGcyK1stMrqDq19pdpcVDsrlhtlttacssa7 HKSarcSnZiPgD841bB2/pBlT 0Uzix0ykE cbh8WKlUgHQLv5zGnoln253mUdZfOYs3 a1AZPOYE7YdPJ5J VEmwoBdb7XB9NZDOl5FwArV2VhfqafC5Go9Ja5103DTmGcnXec jzLUzVWPhOuxeFNFmHcDOJ4ml2ZvheSM43lnRDC8QmV12t9L9y y97i/gNfrKUeDpbzjIZohCEqCEIQCEIoW8BBAx6oYppmE2jhH9GYhQw psIQgE6Hk3BpUrnOoYKhYA7XuBcjtnPTpuRagFdgTYshA JDA2EDu6HBaLEA0kUHtKCw UlxXBMOi5glNvgEA7Ly M6vVL3tpfLaVatV3WzG /d3TGWN Usy4 tOHiy8uU3ljJN675/rCw5w7lQmHQlgSeqvUANrk2 UcaeG6XouhS9t8q2va9vG0dgeGPSKMpW ocXNmF7gjTcRv9lvcPnGfPnt/Dv32ve2k27xXDYfMQcMls5TNlW2bu2jDUwwAJwya5hbKvtKbZd t9RL G4UodncXbOWXU2FzcXHfIcRwgs7sGAB6yjufTU/DSFRH9n1/wyWDql8q7nfs7IjHDDP8AcJdL6ZV6wBtcaS0eHN0aJcZg4djrq bkn6yGtwYsHNxmLllOux7G0gMqLQvZMMrkKGbKi9UEX8zMvnDA 0loLUSmEbOo0GU2YEkMB4CbVThr3ORls6qHBvoVAF1ImPzYmTC IjMC cdu9s5J18RA4iEIQh1JLy6tUj/AJaEIZvac1DYkG0s8sOzVGBO4GvnFhM5dO3h/YzmsWdRe9g31mHaJCMejy/tS2lvh9dqZJUm9u EJa5tAY6pUuMxHiS31MpPUcZ7OdRY3sbju128oQkIpWiEQhK0W IREhCUWi2iQlQQhCASSlCEJU aOWoTCEIV6p27JGxvCECs0SEIaEVYQgSdI3vN6mOFRveb1MIQG tUb3m9TGmo3vN6mEISDpG95vUxOlb3m9TCEKOlb3m9TDpW95vU whAOlb3m9TBiTuSfHWEIDYQhA//9k=https://media.tenor.com/SQJOQXoWZ_IAAAAC/margin-call-this-is-it.gif

05-11-2023, 04:52 PM
Nah, I remember seasons where the only hope for weeks on end was less then 3 goals against and maybe scoring one.

Mr. Inbetween
05-11-2023, 05:14 PM
All you and others are always remembering are really 'good times' sir. TFC was never as bad or bleak as early 80's Blizzard.

05-11-2023, 05:28 PM
All you and others are always remembering are really 'good times' sir. TFC was never as bad or bleak as early 80's Blizzard.


I loved Ace Not So Long Ago more than most current TFC players.

(OK 98% of you will not get this one.)

Mr. Inbetween
05-11-2023, 07:03 PM
Challenge! I loved Ace Not So Long Ago more than most current TFC players. (OK 98% of you will not get this one.)

If it is who I think it is, believe he was African; maybe South? Last name escapes me. Anyways, raise you a Roberto and a Sam. :)

05-11-2023, 09:46 PM
If it is who I think it is, believe he was African; maybe South? Last name escapes me. Anyways, raise you a Roberto and a Sam. :)


Ace and Jomo Sono, both South African, were both terrific on that team.

Red CB Toronto
05-11-2023, 10:29 PM
Probably for the best


People need to cool off

Having had a supporter ticket that was canceled and refunded yesterday, it is now much cheaper to just go. TFC away tickets were $59 in 112 where in the lower half of the section it is currently $39. There are lots of very good deals for tix on Stubhub. For someone who just wants to enjoy the match and support the 11 men on the pitch I am looking forward to it.

Mr. Inbetween
05-11-2023, 11:34 PM

Ace and Jomo Sono, both South African, were both terrific on that team.

OMG! Those names! Wow, just triggered a memory/image. My father… me turning to him watching… ‘No-No Sono!’. :)

A stroll down NASL memory lane! Let’s Go To The Ex! A carpet on cement, keystone copish accompanying music, ground passes eventually bouncing to the cracks of the floor, physical/chippy play…

https://youtu.be/q2zln_hcmRA (https://youtu.be/q2zln_hcmRA)

Mr. Inbetween
05-12-2023, 12:56 AM
I assume that means he is probably retired unless he comes back next season. Can't see that being rehabbed at 36 in a few months.

I would think so, supposedly…‘It takes up to three months after surgery for most people to function normally. For high-level and recreational athletes, your orthopedic surgeon and physical therapist will create a “return to sport” protocol that takes three to six months and prepares you to get back to training and competition’.

Mr. Inbetween
05-12-2023, 05:17 AM
Possibility TSN1 and TSN2 not/no longer televising the TFC vs. CFMTL match. Will broadcast another MLS match?

05-12-2023, 06:24 AM
We get Matt Cullen & Greg Sutton on the broadcast this week


REF: Chris Penso
AR1: Micheal Barwegen
AR2: Lyes Arfa
4TH: Matthew Nelson
VAR: Kevin Stott
AVAR: Rene Parra

Mr. Inbetween
05-12-2023, 02:14 PM
IIUC, BB has recently apologized on record at least twice now for not having his players prepared and/or getting match tactics wrong. I just hope he realizes sooner rather than later, using the words of Tab Ramos, that 'Sometimes you can talk too much. You can have all the systems you want but you depend on your players, you have to adjust whatever your system is to the players you have. So, it’s not so much about you and your system, it’s about the players and how you can get the most out of them.'


Ultra & Proud
05-12-2023, 02:27 PM
IIUC, BB has recently apologized on record at least twice now for not having his players prepared and/or getting match tactics wrong. I just hope he realizes sooner rather than later, using the words of Tab Ramos, that 'Sometimes you can talk too much. You can have all the systems you want but you depend on your players, you have to adjust whatever your system is to the players you have. So, it’s not so much about you and your system, it’s about the players and how you can get the most out of them.'


Well he has us playing in a good way now so there's always that.

Mr. Inbetween
05-13-2023, 08:52 AM
https://media0.giphy.com/media/rFcHtaRbamuxfJztvC/200w.gif?cid=82a1493bwr48797lpuz1q7yf9o7b3rvwtzkau 2lt6k7nbpd1&ep=v1_gifs_related&rid=200w.gif&ct=g

Mr. Inbetween
05-13-2023, 09:02 AM
Not sure if this is the latest update?


Mr. Inbetween
05-13-2023, 09:10 AM
Newly sponsored team bus for the hotel to stade trip...


Mr. Inbetween
05-13-2023, 09:12 AM

So what if the...


Kamp Berg
05-13-2023, 09:19 AM
Newly sponsored team bus for the hotel to stade trip...


Haha! Looks about right!

Mr. Inbetween
05-13-2023, 09:36 AM
Thoughts on a likely match line-up? IDK? Maybe...

RL - AM - MAK - RP
JMR - BS - KF - LI

Kamp Berg
05-13-2023, 09:47 AM
Thoughts on a likely match line-up? IDK? Maybe...

RL - AM - MAK - RP
JMR - BS - KF - LI

I would think


Cause why change what isn’t working?

05-13-2023, 10:17 AM
Thoughts on a likely match line-up? IDK? Maybe...

RL - AM - MAK - RP
JMR - BS - KF - LI

Here what i would do but don't matter as Bob will use 4-3-3 even though all our players are injured

Richie - Mabika - Perlman- Franklin
Berna- Servania- MAK - Petretta
CJ - Insigne

Mr. Inbetween
05-13-2023, 10:19 AM
I would think


Cause why change what isn’t working?

Hmmm… Buckley’s-esque! Looks awful and may work.

Kamp Berg
05-13-2023, 10:32 AM
Hmmm… Buckley’s-esque! Looks awful and may work.

Lol. I didn’t realize Servania was available, he’d take Thompson’s spot then.

05-13-2023, 10:41 AM
Here what i would do but don't matter as Bob will use 4-3-3 even though all our players are injured

Richie - Mabika - Perlman- Franklin
Berna- Servania- MAK - Petretta
CJ - Insigne
This might be the closest we get to competitive. I'd play insigne as a second striker behind CJ, otherwise same.

05-13-2023, 11:24 AM
It would be nice if the league didn't think we were all vampires.

What a beautiful day for a nice afternoon game.

05-13-2023, 11:46 AM
Mabika and Curic keep a cleansheet and become the greatest CB pairing in MLS history. Real Madrid come in with offers for both, but both stay because they love 7:30 EST start times too much.

05-13-2023, 11:48 AM

ag futbol
05-13-2023, 12:12 PM
Mabika and Curic keep a cleansheet and become the greatest CB pairing in MLS history. Real Madrid come in with offers for both, but both stay because they love 7:30 EST start times too much.
“I want to play only in league with speciality subscription networks that nobody buys because I don’t believe in advertising my talent”

05-13-2023, 12:19 PM
This might be the closest we get to competitive. I'd play insigne as a second striker behind CJ, otherwise same.

Yes 4-4-1-1 would also be great. For me this is the strongest XI with whose is available while also being defensively responsible. We have two rookies CBs so we need to keep numbers back.

Also would love to see Petretta on the wing, he mentioned he likes to go forward and we know he will come back and defend as well.

Anyway doesn't matter. Can you place bets on formation? Bob for sure is going with 4-3-3 which will leave us exposed in the back.

05-13-2023, 03:11 PM
A bit surprised they didn't add both Curic and Pearlman (since both trained with first team this week) so they'd have a CB on the bench as well, since there appears to be a curse on our central players. Guess this means Kaye will be the emergency CB again like last game

05-13-2023, 03:11 PM
“I want to play only in league with speciality subscription networks that nobody buys because I don’t believe in advertising my talent”

Don't believe that 40% shit in the other thread. Tech reporters at Apple's last meeting with MLS, just a few weeks ago, were reporting Apple is ecstatic.

It's not about the subscription base. It's about how many MLS Season pass watchers tune to other Apple products.

Just giving it to Season Ticket Holders was probably enough alone to justify it for them.

The reason they're doing a month free is almost certainly to hook in people who say they won't pay for it. I see a lot of "I already subscribe to, I'll only watch free games on TV..."

Those viewers are useless to them in all senses unless they are convinced Apple has a superior product (which televisually, it does) . If that works, those same people will then look at other Apple TV offerings.

They're building a subscription network. It's not about MLS, it's about GUARANTEE DRAWS. Team loyalty draws loyal people and makes them loyal customers. So they signed up baseball first, then MLS.

They will probably, eventually, go after one of the big two or hockey.

05-13-2023, 03:14 PM
A bit surprised they didn't add both Curic and Pearlman (since both trained with first team this week) so they'd have a CB on the bench as well, since there appears to be a curse on our central players. Guess this means Kaye will be the emergency CB again like last game

Maybe the announcement just didn't go out or maybe his first-team training this week didn't go well.

05-13-2023, 05:41 PM
Kaye playing as a CB?


05-13-2023, 05:44 PM
Imbalance much?

No expectations for a result - just don't embarrass & work hard.

Mr. Inbetween
05-13-2023, 05:51 PM
Kaye playing as a CB?…

Imbalance much? No expectations for a result - just don't embarrass & work hard.

No Petretta, so MAK as a CB is a maybe. Agree, no expectations other than an honest effort.

05-13-2023, 06:29 PM
I would be thankful if somebody would post a working link for a stream.

ag futbol
05-13-2023, 06:30 PM
No Bryce Duke for Mtl. He was a big addition in recent weeks and one reason for their rebound in form.

Still feels like we we are going into this with an empty deck though. 4-3-3 feels kinda silly.

Mr. Inbetween
05-13-2023, 06:30 PM
Kosi Thompson at CB!? Maybe CFMTL’s attackers will be distracted by his great legs.

Mr. Inbetween
05-13-2023, 06:34 PM
I would be thankful if somebody would post a working link for a stream.

?Try… http://hdtv.720pstream.me/soccer-streams

05-13-2023, 06:37 PM
?Try… http://hdtv.720pstream.me/soccer-streams

Mr. Inbetween
05-13-2023, 06:37 PM
Kosi Thompson at CB!? Maybe CFMTL’s attackers will be distracted by his great legs.

MAK… you are the CB!

05-13-2023, 06:39 PM
Richie, Mabidini and Kaye as CBs.

05-13-2023, 06:39 PM
MAK… you are the CB!

we're playing a 5-2-3

laryea-Mabika-Kaye at the back


05-13-2023, 06:41 PM
That should be looked at.

Mr. Inbetween
05-13-2023, 06:41 PM
Last man!?

05-13-2023, 06:42 PM
Clear red! He was past him

05-13-2023, 06:43 PM
Clear red.

Fuck you Penso you better make up for that.

05-13-2023, 06:46 PM
Clear red.

Fuck you Penso you better make up for that.

I don't blame Penso for that, I blame VAR for not even looking at it.

05-13-2023, 06:47 PM
Very small sample size, but Kaye looks calm and composed as a CB.

05-13-2023, 06:48 PM
This formation has Montreal somewhat confused I think

ag futbol
05-13-2023, 06:49 PM
This formation has Montreal somewhat confused I think
And our players too, judging by the amount of missed passes and hand waiving in the attacking third.

05-13-2023, 06:50 PM
Very small sample size, but Kaye looks calm and composed as a CB.
I agree. To me seems like him playing back, removes the pressure he might feel to make good attacking passes which lef to giveaways. Here he can focus on defense and make more simple passes, which is what he's been better at this seqson

05-13-2023, 06:55 PM
I agree. To me seems like him playing back, removes the pressure he might feel to make good attacking passes which lef to giveaways. Here he can focus on defense and make more simple passes, which is what he's been better at this seqson

He has the attributes to be a decent CB in MLS. Is an average runner, is tall and can make the passes a defender needs to in order to start an attack. Gotta see how he defends set pieces and his man marking when under fire though.

ag futbol
05-13-2023, 06:57 PM
Chris Penso is ridiculous.

05-13-2023, 07:01 PM
Chris Penso is ridiculous.

Handing out yellow cards like they are candy at Halloween.

05-13-2023, 07:03 PM
Perhaps Montreal isn't taking it seriously because of TFC's weak lineup, but they really don't look very good so far.

05-13-2023, 07:03 PM
Desperation does positive things to work rate. They're trying tonight, no doubt.

ag futbol
05-13-2023, 07:07 PM
Handing out yellow cards like they are candy at Halloween.
If had actually called the last five fouls before hand maybe guys wouldn’t have taken so many liberties.

05-13-2023, 07:10 PM
Honestly super happy about how we have played.

05-13-2023, 07:11 PM
I sorta dig this funky, super-mobile defense.

05-13-2023, 07:13 PM
I sorta dig this funky, super-mobile defense.

Same. Mabika is so long and rangy, Richie obviously has incredible pace and MAK looks so much better when not under pressure.

05-13-2023, 07:14 PM
Montreal not all that good either.

Would be nice if Freda would occasionally make the obvious choice rather than the hard one.

05-13-2023, 07:15 PM
I wonder if we could've turned Okello into something like what Mabika is

ag futbol
05-13-2023, 07:21 PM
I appreciate JMR is still only 18 but they have to instil some more fight in this kid. Otherwise he’s going to be another one of these academy players in who might have great skills but get bullied right out of the pro game because they don’t understand the level of competitiveness.

05-13-2023, 07:22 PM
I personally would move JMR inside, sub Kosi out and put Kerr on the wing. I will forever maintain that JMR is a central midfielder.

05-13-2023, 07:23 PM
I don't think it's just fight missing with JMR. He's been quite poor tonight.

05-13-2023, 07:23 PM
I appreciate JMR is still only 18 but they have to instil some more fight in this kid. Otherwise he’s going to be another one of these academy players in who might have great skills but get bullied right out of the pro game because they don’t understand the level of competitiveness.

I don't think he is as athletic as he has been advertised to be. He is a smart and technical player.

Mr. Inbetween
05-13-2023, 07:23 PM
I sorta dig this funky, super-mobile defense.

Finally saw it, on the screen, positionally, the 5-2-3. Franklin had a solid half.

05-13-2023, 07:23 PM
As a half of football that was absolutely awful, two bald men fighting over a comb, felt like a cpl game. For us? With everything happening I'll take it I suppose. At least we look committed

05-13-2023, 07:24 PM
Well... I think that was pretty positive, other than the thre forwards still being largely out of sync. Good work rates, mobile back three covers a ton of space

Dare I say Bob may have found us a second look?

05-13-2023, 07:24 PM
Broadcast feels like mashup of Rogers local channel commentators and CFL camera crew.

Mr. Inbetween
05-13-2023, 07:25 PM
I don't think it's just fight missing with JMR. He's been quite poor tonight.

The only change I might consider so far.

05-13-2023, 07:27 PM
strong decision by bradley to go with the 5-4-1...the inflexible myth is busted again...he got the formation and players right...now the question is if he can get the second half coaching right which has been his big weak spot

05-13-2023, 07:32 PM
Seeing small signs of Sepong starting to get in sync we with Insigne. Feda with Sspong not so much.

Mr. Inbetween
05-13-2023, 07:32 PM

Working? It is hit and miss for me, but when it works, it’s decent. Watched the Leafs with it (unfortunately) last night.

05-13-2023, 07:34 PM
The level of this match... seriously.... not better than 2 bottom teams fighting it out in Endland's League Two.

Mr. Inbetween
05-13-2023, 07:37 PM
Haven’t conceded; so far. At least, we are not 2021 TFC!

05-13-2023, 07:38 PM
Working? It is hit and miss for me, but when it works, it’s decent. Watched the Leafs with it (unfortunately) last night.

Working, but has no commentary.

Mr. Inbetween
05-13-2023, 07:39 PM
I understand he is physical, but is Offor dirty?

05-13-2023, 07:41 PM
Mabidini with the block!

Mr. Inbetween
05-13-2023, 07:45 PM
Mabidini with the block!

3 of 25 years; 22 more to go. Forza! :)

05-13-2023, 07:45 PM
Montreal pushing up always in this half to remove the advantage of our defensive speed. Losada is a smart coach.

05-13-2023, 07:46 PM
I just looked at the stat line and I dont think I want to tune in, looks like a horrendous match of football to watch.

Hopefully y'all down at the game are liquored up.

05-13-2023, 07:47 PM
Not gonna call him out yet, but a certain DP has not been worth the money he is being paid.

05-13-2023, 07:47 PM
insigne and johnson need to do better

05-13-2023, 07:48 PM
Yeh, JMR being reactive there.

Our lack of midfield is starting to show.

05-13-2023, 07:48 PM
I just looked at the stat line and I dont think I want to tune in, looks like a horrendous match of football to watch.

Hopefully y'all down at the game are liquored up.

It is horrendous.
Like most of the time lately.

05-13-2023, 07:49 PM

05-13-2023, 07:49 PM
No, you can't fucking give him a second card for that...

ag futbol
05-13-2023, 07:49 PM
Okay… looking for positives. Mabika has played a couple of really good games.

05-13-2023, 07:49 PM
Oy vey. So fucking dumb.

They adjusted, we didn't.

05-13-2023, 07:49 PM
Not gonna call him out yet, but a certain DP has not been worth the money he is being paid.
Which one they are both stealing money right now .

05-13-2023, 07:50 PM
insigne and johnson need to do better

Yeah, Johnson was a pylon at that goal.

05-13-2023, 07:50 PM
huge mistake by rutty who gets a second yellow for time wasting

ag futbol
05-13-2023, 07:50 PM
Yeah, Johnson was a pylon at that goal.
Did feel a bit easy for him to pass it in like that. But sometimes hard to get an accurate feel of it from the camera angles

05-13-2023, 07:51 PM

ag futbol
05-13-2023, 07:51 PM
And that’s not a second yellow?

05-13-2023, 07:52 PM
Our guy throws a ball away and gets a second yellow. Theirs shoves our guy over the boards and gets nothing. Now THAT is some bullshit.

05-13-2023, 07:52 PM
No problem guys!
We have 2 multimillion players on the pitch.
We will score 2 in no time!

05-13-2023, 07:53 PM
Our guy throws a ball away and gets a second yellow. Theirs shoves our guy over the boards and gets nothing. Now THAT is some bullshit.
I guess the ref wants Bob out ASAP?!

05-13-2023, 07:55 PM
Yeh, Penso is way to lenient we with the physical and not with the 'I'm in charge stuff. "

05-13-2023, 07:55 PM
Oy vey. So fucking dumb.

They adjusted, we didn't.

Losada got such a raw deal at DCU. He has a mediocre team firing on all cylinders while we have two of highest priced DPs struggling to get touches on the ball.

05-13-2023, 07:55 PM
Bill Manning after the game to the board of MLSE.


Highest payroll in the league loosing to a Montreal team twice in a row that was gutted and on a shoestring budget.

Someone mentioned earlier we were like 3 wins in 20 matches?

05-13-2023, 07:55 PM
The only change I might consider so far.

BB wasn't listening to us, now he only has 10 men on the field.

05-13-2023, 07:55 PM
DPs look totally checked out.

05-13-2023, 07:56 PM
Do we have a shot on net?

That Herrera shove thing was disgraceful. Losada smartly takes him off before the makeup call comes.

Ultra & Proud
05-13-2023, 07:58 PM
At least we went back to looking like we're trying hard but creating zero chances. We get a little better and we'll be back to drawing everybody in no time.

05-13-2023, 07:59 PM
Bernadeschi looks sad and exasperated - like his dog died. Totally different figure from when he joined.

Mr. Inbetween
05-13-2023, 08:00 PM
No, you can't fucking give him a second card for that...

Inexperience? I suspect Losada goated JMR into that. Still, besides players, is a coach allowed to fight for a ball that is ‘in play’ at the touchline? If he would have grabbed it from JMR could Losada have received a yellow?

05-13-2023, 08:00 PM
You have 5 fucking subs, Bob. Why not use atleast 1?

05-13-2023, 08:01 PM
Richie kept him onside ugh

05-13-2023, 08:02 PM
Mbika claiming for an offside when he tried to play that ball and it came off him shows that he doesn’t even know the fucking offside rule. Atrocious from a CB.

05-13-2023, 08:02 PM
I am just so sad about the state of this squad. We need a rebuild from the top down.

05-13-2023, 08:02 PM
DPs look totally checked out.

The only chance whatsoever, I believe, Bradley gets fired this season is empty stands or Italian mutiny. Body language on the pair of them suggests there's a chance.

05-13-2023, 08:03 PM
69:25 - Insigne chatting to a MTL fan not even paying attention while the ball is in play

05-13-2023, 08:03 PM
The only chance whatsoever, I believe, Bradley gets fired this season is empty stands or Italian mutiny. Body language on the pair of them suggests there's a chance.
Fede comments at the beginning made it sound like he was on the verge of asking for BB’s head

05-13-2023, 08:04 PM
I am just so sad about the state of this squad. We need a rebuild from the top down.

Last year was the rebuilding year for this year. Sad to consider.

05-13-2023, 08:05 PM
The crazy thing about this league is that despite how horrendous a start to the MLS season it has been, we're only 3 points out from a playoff spot..........

You just know that's being brought up to the suits that know nothing about sports.

05-13-2023, 08:05 PM
Last year was the rebuilding year for this year. Sad to consider.

Yep, there is no rebuild option. We're up against the cap with a squad with absolutely no trade value, nobody is touching these contracts. The only space we'll have to move are buy outs or contract expirations. Even if we fire bob, the replacement is working with his squad in the short term

05-13-2023, 08:06 PM
I am just so sad about the state of this squad. We need a rebuild from the top down.
State of squad not that bad. Some pieces need to be changed, sure. But the squad has excellent to okay pieces according to role throughout.

Even MAK is a solid piece, not worth his salary or trade price, but we have him and he can start and play with competent coaching.

05-13-2023, 08:06 PM
In the future spending bigish on two European DPs, one young South American DP and three u-22 players needs to be the move. Anyone named Bradley need not apply.

05-13-2023, 08:07 PM
10 injuries to this team and people in here saying this game means anything about Manning or Bob Bradley's future?

05-13-2023, 08:07 PM
Make a sub! What else do you need to see?!

05-13-2023, 08:08 PM
10 injuries to this team and people in here saying this game means anything about Manning or Bob Bradley's future?

We're pretending the rest of the season just hasn't happened? This isn't a game that exists in isolation, or goes against a pattern

ag futbol
05-13-2023, 08:09 PM
10 injuries to this team and people in here saying this game means anything about Manning or Bob Bradley's future?
Yeah, I hear you. I think the issue is when you produce so much suck and make lame excuses for your failures, when you run into genuine bad fortune, people have already lost their patience and don’t want to hear it.

Ultra & Proud
05-13-2023, 08:09 PM
The crazy thing about this league is that despite how horrendous a start to the MLS season it has been, we're only 3 points out from a playoff spot..........

You just know that's being brought up to the suits that know nothing about sports.
That's what they said last year and will say ongoing forever.

Injuries + gelling + we're only ____ points out of a playoff spot is our mantra. Rip down that "This is our House" sign and put this up instead.

05-13-2023, 08:09 PM
10 injuries to this team and people in here saying this game means anything about Manning or Bob Bradley's future?

What is the difference between this game and the others we have seen this year?

05-13-2023, 08:10 PM
Make a sub! What else do you need to see?!

The current TFC bench is non-league level, might as well pull someone out from the stadium to play.

05-13-2023, 08:11 PM
We're pretending the rest of the season just hasn't happened?

Once we saw the injury list, this result was inevitable.

Complain about the season but this game means nothing as far as management is concerned.

05-13-2023, 08:12 PM
The current TFC bench is non-league level, might as well pull someone out from the stadium to play.

It is true, but there comes a need to try something when you are getting absolutely pinned back. You would think these TFC II guys were signed for a reason.

Mr. Inbetween
05-13-2023, 08:12 PM
Penso schooling Bob!

05-13-2023, 08:13 PM
Yes there are 10 injuries, but one of the criticisms from the start was lack of depth. Injuries will happen and you need depth to prepare for that. But another thing is that older players are obviously more prone to injuries. And looking at examples of depth who were brought in - Vázquez, Diomande - are/have been guys who are now injured. We brought injury prone guys in to be depth for our injuries.

05-13-2023, 08:13 PM
Once we saw the injury list, this result was inevitable.

Complain about the season but this game means nothing as far as management is concerned.

I see what you're saying but it doesn't mean nothing. It's still a game where 1) the opposition manager adjusted to the game and we didn't, and it lost us the game 2) our two DPs look like they'd rather be anywhere else. 2, especially, is not something that can be excused by injuries. They look like they do not want to play for him. Fede did not look like that when the season started

Also injuries aren't a catch all excuse when your catastrophic cap management has left us with literally zero depth which means they hurt us far more than they otherwise would. Maybe a third dp would have helped? Or the cheap/free depth we decided to just give away?

05-13-2023, 08:14 PM
Hopefully they let Curic play. This game is done anyways. Let the kid have an MLS debut

05-13-2023, 08:15 PM
Some people on this board will never remove their lips from the club’s ass (maybe they work for the club who knows)

Not worth the argument

ag futbol
05-13-2023, 08:15 PM
Yes there are 10 injuries, but one of the criticisms from the start was lack of depth. Injuries will happen and you need depth to prepare for that. But another thing is that older players are obviously more prone to injuries. And looking at examples of depth who were brought in - Vázquez, Diomande - are/have been guys who are now injured. We brought injury prone guys in to be depth for our injuries.

Ultra & Proud
05-13-2023, 08:16 PM
Once we saw the injury list, this result was inevitable.

Complain about the season but this game means nothing as far as management is concerned.
Big picture, sure.

Small picture, same issues all year with whatever lineup is in there.

05-13-2023, 08:17 PM
Yes there are 10 injuries, but one of the criticisms from the start was lack of depth. Injuries will happen and you need depth to prepare for that. But another thing is that older players are obviously more prone to injuries. And looking at examples of depth who were brought in - Vázquez, Diomande - are/have been guys who are now injured. We brought injury prone guys in to be depth for our injuries.

Best part of this post - all fact and not skewed by opinion.

05-13-2023, 08:18 PM
Is it just me or Kosi wearing short shorts and no shin guards again.

Ultra & Proud
05-13-2023, 08:20 PM
Is it just me or Kosi wearing short shorts and no shin guards again.
He wants a spot on Lower Body FC.

05-13-2023, 08:21 PM
Gonna apologize to OG and anyone else who is trying to find some light in the darkness. We are just upset, I think all of us expected more of our manager/sporting director and this squad we spent a lot of money on.

05-13-2023, 08:22 PM
Congratulations to Antony Curic on an MLS debut

Mr. Inbetween
05-13-2023, 08:24 PM
Any chance, having to also have to re-program his footballing mind, that MAK can be eventually molded into a decent 6?

ag futbol
05-13-2023, 08:24 PM
I feel like Themi is better than half the youth players we give regular minutes to.

Mr. Inbetween
05-13-2023, 08:25 PM
He wants a spot on Lower Body FC.

Another brilliant! :)

05-13-2023, 08:26 PM
And now some players want to brawl.

05-13-2023, 08:27 PM
Richie and Quito are both just shit disturbers.

05-13-2023, 08:27 PM
Rutty came out of the room. Definitely getting an extended suspension

ag futbol
05-13-2023, 08:28 PM
This is a dumpster fire

05-13-2023, 08:28 PM
JMR getting 3+ games now. Brilliant.

Ultra & Proud
05-13-2023, 08:28 PM
Any chance, having to also have to re-program his footballing mind, that MAK can be eventually molded into a decent 6?

I've been saying this. He is leading MLS in tackling. In a proper system his passing would be fine from there.

Mr. Inbetween
05-13-2023, 08:29 PM
Quioto has been jawing since the last match with Laryea.

ag futbol
05-13-2023, 08:30 PM
Look at that, RBNY won tonight, we are officially last place.

Edit: in the east…

05-13-2023, 08:30 PM
All in favor of a "You don't know what you're doing" chant next home game, say aye?

05-13-2023, 08:32 PM
Quito has been jawing since the last match with Laryea.

Yep, they were going at each other all night last week. I wonder if this dates back to last year or wcq?

05-13-2023, 08:36 PM
four losses and a draw in six games without key piece michael bradley

05-13-2023, 08:36 PM
I love you guys. This is an incredibly dark time, but we will see it through to the end.

05-13-2023, 08:37 PM
four losses and a draw in six games without key piece michael bradley

Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Wait I have to catch my breath...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Good night, last one turn out the light.

05-13-2023, 08:38 PM
four losses and a draw in six games without key piece michael bradley

God yeah, remember all those wins and the sexy football over the last year? I think we were all anticipating that shield win until his injury, right?

05-13-2023, 08:40 PM
JMR just lost a few hundred thousand $ off his transfer fee tonight.

Ultra & Proud
05-13-2023, 08:45 PM
Look at that, RBNY won tonight, we are officially last place.

Edit: in the east…

They beat my prediction by a week. I also had us last overall by mid June. Maybe we can beat that prediction too but that depends on Vanney's boys. SKC are doing their part the past two weeks.

05-13-2023, 08:46 PM
lol the injury excuse here it comes.maybe they shouldnt sign a bunch over 35 and injury prone players.they should be fired jus for that

Ultra & Proud
05-13-2023, 08:47 PM
lol the injury excuse here it comes.maybe they shouldnt sign a bunch over 35 and injury prone players.they should be fired jus for that

We don't have a lot of over 35's in reality. Our physio staff just turns them into that after a few months of treatment.

05-13-2023, 08:50 PM
Guys, we’re still only a win out of fifth.

05-13-2023, 08:52 PM

Mabika in the back - needs a calm head beside him but not bad
MAK at the back - might be an option in a few years but his positioning would have to improve
Sapong started to get together with Insigne - he's also banging away on long balls and getting touches
The kids in garbage time played decently
SJ - some great saves & moved the ball quicker tonight
Kobe Franklin - did what he could which is all you can ask
Somehow, nobody got a 5th yellow


JMR - mental meltdown after ball watching for their first goal, again and that stuff after the game is just unprofessional
Berna - pass the damn ball
BB - didn't adjust to their half time adjustments & offence still focused on "the way we play" - not pragmatic enough - when we had actual wingers going wide (kid garbage time) we looked more dangerous

Ultra & Proud
05-13-2023, 08:59 PM
BB - didn't adjust to their half time adjustments & offence still focused on "the way we play"

No need to adjust when we're doing things in a good way.

05-13-2023, 09:02 PM
Guys, we’re still only a win out of fifth.

That's why I think the brass ain't firing anybody yet.

ag futbol
05-13-2023, 09:10 PM
Guys, we’re still only a win out of fifth.6 of those teams have a game in hand. The gap is bigger than it first appears.

And our overall form, dear god, it feels hopeless.

05-13-2023, 09:17 PM
Well now that the Leafs are out, MLSE attention will likely shift to TFC

05-13-2023, 09:44 PM
As demoralizing as that was, we really got jobbed by Penso.

First, he ignores a last man red card that should have put us up a man after 20 mins.

Then he yellows a high toss to the throw-in man for a player already on a yellow, instead of giving him a warning.

Then two minutes later, Herrera pushes Franklin over the ad boards when they're already out of bounds, clearly out of bounds, and he doesn't even get a warning, let alone a second card.

Don't get me wrong, the way it played out, this was lost on Bob not adjusting us at half time to make up for Montreal creating superior numbers in the middle by dropping a man back.

But if the referee had done his job properly, this likely would've turned out differently.

05-13-2023, 09:58 PM
good result tonight, the boys put out their best efforts, it just wasnt meant to be, can you imagine if we had a fully healthy squad and a proper physio team to prevent these injuries, i could only imagine how much better it would be

05-13-2023, 09:59 PM
JMR just lost a few hundred thousand $ off his transfer fee tonight.

Training with Liverpool 2 years ago and in the 100 players to watch list ... to this. Should probably have sold.

05-13-2023, 10:10 PM
Training with Liverpool 2 years ago and in the 100 players to watch list ... to this. Should probably have sold.

Nah he isn't all that. Just had a good connect/agent. Waaaay overhyped.

Mr. Inbetween
05-13-2023, 10:51 PM
Yep, there is no rebuild option. We're up against the cap with a squad with absolutely no trade value, nobody is touching these contracts. The only space we'll have to move are buy outs or contract expirations. Even if we fire bob, the replacement is working with his squad in the short term

Not sure. Maybe? IDK? Apart from some of Michael Singh's recent reporting, which also suggests the MLSE Board may have reigned in the spend. I mean the money was there originally for Insigne, Bernardeschi, as well as, Belotti. I believe it may have to do more with the notion that in that meantime some flexing by ERogers and his board henchman TStaffieri has occurred; happened/is happening, supposedly with the Raptors & TML. I may be too optimistic in my belief that any MLSE Board spend decision could be reversed. I also think there is still the chance that TFC could be afforded some relief by the next window. There is a least a possible consideration/decision involving MB; perhaps the use on him of MLSPA CBA Injury Relief Sec. 10.10 (xv). Especially if Father and Son are shown the door, then the possible use of the understood revised one in-season Buyout version of SEC 10.27 on him or even someone else? Moreover, IIUC, there is then, if not the upcoming window, by the next, the more discretionary and murky possibility of the Salary Budget Floor SEC 10.10 (xvii) correction/s impact that seem/s to afford some not publicized yearly relief/funds to certain clubs as an offset; likely with additional funny money, that may be shared equally among any delineation between club spenders as a check and balance against the club under-spenders, in order to then meet the overall yearly minimum required spend on player salaries?

Mr. Inbetween
05-13-2023, 11:02 PM
I would not be surprised if a lot of the squad are experiencing mental fatigue. I wonder if TFC members have the option to consult a team psychologist; like a Dr. Sharon Fieldstone on Ted Lasso.


Mr. Inbetween
05-13-2023, 11:14 PM
And now some players want to brawl.



https://twitter.com/MicheleZinn/status/1657571008235155457 (https://twitter.com/TFC5ever/status/1657590268088991745)

Mr. Inbetween
05-13-2023, 11:21 PM


Mr. Inbetween
05-13-2023, 11:41 PM
Did anyone notice/see if Bob even tried getting involved to break-up/stop the melee? Or given what transpired during the match did he feint being in some deep discussion with Losada and stand by while some his squad lost discipline and let loose?

05-14-2023, 02:27 AM
Guys, we’re still only a win out of fifth.

With at least 3/4 of all MLS team being bottom feeder League One quality (not their "on paper" value - that's about average League One, but the technical-tactical match quality they offer), plus the ridiculous % of all teams getting a playoff spot, any team in MLS must be exceptionally brutally bad to be not in close touching distance with a last place playoff position at this point of the season.

05-14-2023, 06:45 AM
The league should review the video and see Quioto smacking CJ right in the face then ran away at the end. That has to be a suspension.

05-14-2023, 06:51 AM
With at least 3/4 of all MLS team being bottom feeder League One quality (not their "on paper" value - that's about average League One, but the technical-tactical match quality they offer), plus the ridiculous % of all teams getting a playoff spot, any team in MLS must be exceptionally brutally bad to be not in close touching distance with a last place playoff position at this point of the season.

Lol, totally. It’s a stupid system. That we’re anywhere near fifth is a joke.

05-14-2023, 09:34 AM
That was demoralizing, even with a depleted lineup.

05-14-2023, 09:58 AM


Holy shit that is telling.

We win almost every statistical measurement: duels, tackles, interceptions,

We match them in possession 50/50

We get no shots.

Meanwhile, Penso is handing them the game: 19 fouls and four yellows to 8 and one....and they get no reds. Meanwhile, our guy is thrown off for tossing a ball over the players' head.... when Losada has actually stepped between him and the player and he may just be tossing it over Losada's head. Either way, a warning for someone on a yellow.

We had one yellow... and one red. They didn't even record the second yellow, he just gave him a red, apparently.

Almost stat identical, the teams.... except in the offensive end, where they were productive and we produced absolutely nothing.

05-14-2023, 10:35 AM
We were hot garbage but the "brawl" is entirely on Penso.

Ultra & Proud
05-14-2023, 11:18 AM
Meanwhile, our guy is thrown off for tossing a ball over the players' head.... when Losada has actually stepped between him and the player and he may just be tossing it over Losada's head. Either way, a warning for someone on a yellow.

We get a second yellow for time wasting in a match we were trailing 1-0 in.

05-14-2023, 11:21 AM
We get a second yellow for time wasting in a match we were trailing 1-0 in.

Totally jobbed.

But it wouldn’t have mattered. They have a functional and responsible offence. We have two guys trying to slide-rule passes to teammates who don’t know what they’re doing.

05-14-2023, 12:22 PM
I don't think the team lacks motivation, the will to win is there. BB is just a stubborn bastard. I mean, the writing is on th wall, his system is not working and never will. We should be mauling every opponent, yet it's the other way around. Need to switch to a 4-4-2 formation and dominate the midfield. This team struggles far too much moving forward. Did we even get any shots on net? It's disgraceful. Can't believe BB is still here.

05-14-2023, 12:30 PM
I don't think the team lacks motivation, the will to win is there. BB is just a stubborn bastard. I mean, the writing is on th wall, his system is not working and never will. We should be mauling every opponent, yet it's the other way around. Need to switch to a 4-4-2 formation and dominate the midfield. This team struggles far too much moving forward. Did we even get any shots on net? It's disgraceful. Can't believe BB is still here.

I think his lack of recognition of the problem means they HAVE lost the will to win. They face even a little adversity now, like yesterday's first goal, and they stop pressing, they stop closing on their defenders quickly, they start ball watching. They're totally in their own heads because he does nothing to motivate them.

05-14-2023, 12:55 PM
The first fix needed for this team is to find a DP striker that'll be able to play with the Italians. A proven striker with lots of goals in his history. Anything short of that and we'll miss the play-offs. The current strikers we have are not good enough for this level, and the Italians won't score enough as they're not strikers.

Ultra & Proud
05-14-2023, 12:57 PM
I would not be surprised if a lot of the squad are experiencing mental fatigue. I wonder if TFC members have the option to consult a team psychologist; like a Dr. Sharon Fieldstone on Ted Lasso.


Well the good news is that last year they hated each other and now they've come together under the cloud of TFC despair & hopelessness.

We might not win and our mental health might suffer again but at least we're helping people forge meaningful bonds through a level of misery only we are capable of.

05-14-2023, 01:11 PM
Well the good news is that last year they hated each other and now they've come together under the cloud of TFC despair & hopelessness.

We might not win and our mental health might suffer again but at least we're helping people forge meaningful bonds through a level of misery only we are capable of.

Right now being both a TFC fan and Leeds United fan is a special sort of fun.

05-14-2023, 02:10 PM
I think that firstlly the team has alot of ties to begin the season, this means we have points but they haven't been wins. this is positive for the ties in points where we have 12 points but there are pmu a few games discrepency between us and like further mid teable. hence, when we hacen,t played that much yet, we are noticing that some good of laast night like rejecting the ball and having our kits look like they are supposedd to look like on the pitch. we really cant have any red cards playing away, it causes too mch sort of revile where you see tthat insigne and bern provide front roles sometimes creating this italian ball that is possible to gett either way. you would have to assume that things are going to be good htats why its way too early to say anything but you need tto say you want alot.

05-14-2023, 02:15 PM
Right now being both a TFC fan and Leeds United fan is a special sort of fun.

to be fair im used to this sort of dysfunction as a fan of both teams lol.

leeds 2018-2021 and tfc 2015-2020 was the exception to the rule really.

05-14-2023, 02:28 PM
to be fair im used to this sort of dysfunction as a fan of both teams lol.

leeds 2018-2021 and tfc 2015-2020 was the exception to the rule really.

Yeah, but tell me you didn't think TFC at least had put it behind them?

05-14-2023, 02:32 PM
Yeah, but tell me you didn't think TFC at least had put it behind them?

i did, it's all fallen apart in spectacular fashion.

kind of like leeds this year too tbf.

05-14-2023, 02:34 PM
i did, it's all fallen apart in spectacular fashion.

kind of like leeds this year too tbf.

There are some strong paralells. Two sporting directors who have questionable judgment of talent, two managers (for most of the season) who have a "system" they insist on sticking to most of the time, both eschewing width in the offensive zone in favor of penetrating from the top corners, both being stymied by a basic low block.

It's almost like Jesse was... oh that's right, he's a Bob disciple, even before Red Bull.


05-14-2023, 07:29 PM
.... They have a functional and responsible offence. We have two guys trying to slide-rule passes to teammates who don’t know what they’re doing.

Yeh, pretty much this.

Penso is a younger version of Silviu Petrescu - more concerned about where the ball is thrown from or the FK taken then about what constitutes a yellow card offence.

ag futbol
05-14-2023, 08:51 PM
Yeh, pretty much this.

Penso is a younger version of Silviu Petrescu - more concerned about where the ball is thrown from or the FK taken than about what constitutes a yellow card offence.
Totally agree. It felt really amateur out there.

The inconsistencies between different MLS officials is nuts. Nobody could look at Penso and claim he’s calling the game the same way as Elfath and then someone like Villarreal calls in different than those two.

All the good leagues sit down and have the officials standardize how plays are interpreted. Allegedly MLS does the same but I wonder if they didn’t just leave that meeting early and go to the bar to get drunk.

Mr. Inbetween
05-15-2023, 12:42 AM



Mr. Inbetween
05-15-2023, 02:45 AM
Chris Penso may hold currency with MLS, being one half of PRO's golden couple, husband to Tori Penso, but I think TFC got robbed. By just issuing the Yellow Card, the sitch became clear and obvious; the wrong call was made. And it's starting to feel like it happens frequently to the club. A decision that may have changed the entire complexion and outcome of that match...





Mr. Inbetween
05-16-2023, 06:05 PM



Mr. Inbetween
06-01-2023, 02:27 PM
Seems TFC/MLSE found responsible for the lack of security for/around visiting CFMTL supporters at this match.


06-01-2023, 03:27 PM
Absolutely agree, how they could walk up there, regardless of who started the altercation is just ridiculous.