View Full Version : Paul Marnier Sighting

09-12-2012, 10:00 AM
Hi Guys,

I spotted Paul Marnier in regular clothes right around the Metro Convention Centre while heading to the Jays game last night.

He looked like he was in a rush while talking on a cell.

I'm assuming he may have been possibly going somewhere prehaps to see the Canada game.

I thought about saying something but didn't want to interupt his phonce call.

Still kinda cool to see him, I bet no one else would have recognized him though.


09-12-2012, 10:28 AM
so he was wearing his gameday shorts??

09-12-2012, 11:55 AM

Section 117
09-12-2012, 11:58 AM
My question is did a. he look drunk? or b. was waving his hands around like a lunatic?

TFC Tifoso
09-12-2012, 12:35 PM
I spotted Paul Marnier in regular clothes right around the Metro Convention Centre while heading to the Jays game last night.

By regular clothes is that his regular clothes that make him look like a hobo (complete with taped up glasses), or regular clothes that most of us self-respecting people wear?........

09-12-2012, 12:37 PM
Step 1:
Avoid just going "yes, no, uh-huh, bye.". Instead, picture a friend on the other line of the phone, and make up a conversation in your head. For instance, picture your friend going: "So, how did [insert event here] go?" and answer.

Step 2:
Change your facial expression occasionally. It will look like you are actually "hearing" something.

Step 3:
Try to add in some actions and movements, so it seems that you're really talking and trying to explain/express something to the "opposite side."

Step 4:
Don't forget to pause. This is important. You would stop talking and listen when your friend is really talking to you on the phone, wouldn't you? Try to fill your pauses by making up your friends response in your head. This will ensure that your pauses are long enough to be believable.

Step 5:
Try to remember an earlier conversation you had with a friend. Then, reenact it. Imagine your friend saying what he/she said earlier, and come up with a response.

Step 6:
You might want to turn on your ringtone and/or record a pre-made conversation earlier. You can also listen to some of your voicemails and react to them as if they are a real life conversation.

Step 7:
Walk fast and pretend you know where you are going.

09-12-2012, 01:55 PM
http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSd13kd5StZMXp4ugEHyctjZ1i6oRfQi 1kdCnebnAuAW0myz5CU

09-12-2012, 02:09 PM

09-12-2012, 03:04 PM
next time try to kick & hoof him, then run as fast as you can up the side walk. then come back...and do it again

see how he likes it

09-12-2012, 03:42 PM
Is Paul Marnier the brother of Grand Marnier?

09-13-2012, 11:06 AM
next time try to kick & hoof him, then run as fast as you can up the side walk. then come back...and do it again

see how he likes it

LOL - too funny. Make him pay $40 to go through it as well (every 2 weeks).