View Full Version : CCL: Santos Laguna @ Toronto FC First Leg Post-Match Thread

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03-29-2012, 12:32 PM
Torreon does not sound like a fun place to visit, or play soccer in.


I know TFC has some dedicated supporters, but I would not recommend anyone to go there. i also hope the team brings good security with them.

03-29-2012, 12:33 PM
Yeah I don't think it was offside but can you see in that video if he handled the ball when he received the pass?

I've watched it back a couple of times and I don't think it was hand ball. Put it this way - if Ryan Johnson had controlled the ball with the top of his chest/shoulder and scored and it been ruled no goal, we would have been utterly pissed! So, I don't think it was sufficient to call it handball. It was a fantastic run by the Lanuna player, that's for sure. It's another example of an opponent busting our weak offside trap very easily. I can see it happening over and over agian this season if we aren't careful.

03-29-2012, 12:33 PM
Will we get the same officials for the second leg? I remember the Jamaican refs doing both legs against LA.

I thought the ref did a pretty good job, although, instead of getting angry and telling the player to get up, i would've handed out yellows for obvious flops and feigning injury. In fairness to the official, the Santos player's studs were up and he did slightly lash out at the end of the play. Ecks did bring that collision on himself, but i could see other refs giving that challenge a red.

03-29-2012, 12:34 PM
Three words for Hérculez Gómez: BAGS OF PISS.

03-29-2012, 12:35 PM

Based on what Canary saw, we may want this to blow over rather than get more attention.

Gomez is a twat... He's so full of shit when he breathes its like a wet fart!

Linesman had the players in his sight lines the entire time - that's why when he saw the headbutt he sprinted onto the pitch...

Gomez can blow hot air all he wants, predicting scores and quoting the Seattle game - I'd say shove the comments up his ass but he'd enjoy that too much...

03-29-2012, 12:36 PM
Three words for Hérculez Gómez: BAGS OF PISS.

Craig Forrest must cringe when he hears those 3 words. He must see bags of piss in his nightmares.

03-29-2012, 12:36 PM
Yeah I don't think it was offside but can you see in that video if he handled the ball when he received the pass?

Both angles don't show it at all. All I know is it was not offside. The broadcast doesn't show whether he handles it with his arms.

03-29-2012, 12:37 PM
Three words for Hérculez Gómez: BAGS OF PISS.


However my three words for Gomez are slightly different: F*** RIGHT OFF!

03-29-2012, 12:37 PM
I think it is a fact that the cold chilly windy condition did have an affect on Santos Laguna.

I want to be optimistic about TFC as much as possible, but the practical reality is that FMF teams at home are pretty darn near impossible to beat.

But until the game is played, who knows what will happen. Up the Reds

Further to your reply to TFC Barrie, even Winter mentioned in the post-game interview that Santos did not play to their full potential. Pretty much what you said.

03-29-2012, 12:42 PM
It was one of the more entertaining games I've seen at BMO. They all played very well. I'm surprised no one has talked about the game Johnson had. He was fantastic in that attacking midfield position. All over the pitch, played good defense and contributed up front. Great game from him, as well as all the others everyone else has mentioned.

03-29-2012, 12:45 PM
Unless the whistle went well before the fights broke out. Morgan hit him while the play was still going on, well before the fight. But I never heard a whistle at any point so, yeah, maybe.

the game was still being played before they both went down.....players rushed the field before final whistle.....and having spoke with Ashtone previously he's a great kid and well aware of giving and taking crap....he isn't intimitated;.. also see his game for Canada where there also was a brawl.......he took a shot , then gave it back ..lol.........A true Toronto boy.......as his knowledge grows within the game his future is unlimited......he never misses a cross but I would like to see them higher and dip in better which hopefully will come with time....he can outrun anyone.....

03-29-2012, 12:46 PM
But my prediction for the next game is a loss by multiple goals. Not a 10-1 loss but they will put several by us. Probably 3 or 4 goals.

I can't believe how much I am agreeing with you recently.

I am proud of our guys for getting this far, beyond all odds, and it will be no shame to lose to SL in Mexico.

03-29-2012, 12:51 PM
From what I saw last night on TV, there was no handball on that play.

03-29-2012, 12:51 PM
If Morgan instigating the incident is true, we really shouldn't be celebrating unsportsmanship like conduct

Agreed, 100%.

03-29-2012, 12:55 PM
I can't believe how much I am agreeing with you recently.

I am proud of our guys for getting this far, beyond all odds, and it will be no shame to lose to SL in Mexico.

I don't think my positions have ever been incredibly extreme or illogical...it's just how bitter I was towards this club that made my position hard to agree with. :lol:

03-29-2012, 12:55 PM
Further to your reply to TFC Barrie, even Winter mentioned in the post-game interview that Santos did not play to their full potential. Pretty much what you said.

If anything, last night brought the squad together. There's a chance they can pull off the improbable (not impossible) next week. It's these improbable situations that make this sport so entertaining.

03-29-2012, 12:57 PM
I think we've finally reached the time for Roogsy and OT to hug it out...

03-29-2012, 12:58 PM
Agreed, 100%.

In my opinion, when you're this deep in the CCL - do WHATEVER IT TAKES to win...

Instigate, Intimidate, Chirp, Yap, Hard Tackles, Handballs - I don't care...

Its football, the team that wins is the one with most goals, not "spirit points"...

TFC did exactly that last night, hard tackles, commitment to challenges, Big Ecks was yapping in their wingers ear all match - they went to war, and came out 1-1, for that I'm proud of the lads...!!!!

03-29-2012, 01:00 PM

I agree Carts. THIS IS FOOTBALL not the national crocheting championships.

BITE THEIR BALLS OFF if you have to!

http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSw9qeqSUXKpBqYNrDXJH_0Arfywoc19 kUk7wlZFocbFoGDdcgZIpGeO6WLZw

03-29-2012, 01:01 PM
Further to your reply to TFC Barrie, even Winter mentioned in the post-game interview that Santos did not play to their full potential. Pretty much what you said.

Roogs, do you honestly believe that we were at our full potential? after two embarrasing losses in a row? one coming just 4 days earlier?

03-29-2012, 01:04 PM
In my opinion, when you're this deep in the CCL - do WHATEVER IT TAKES to win...

Instigate, Intimidate, Chirp, Yap, Hard Tackles, Handballs - I don't care...

Its football, the team that wins is the one with most goals, not "spirit points"...

TFC did exactly that last night, hard tackles, commitment to challenges, Big Ecks was yapping in their wingers ear all match - they went to war, and came out 1-1, for that I'm proud of the lads...!!!!

I won't argue with any of this. I WANT my team to do whatever it takes to win and I'm not going to say they shouldn't. But that doesn't mean I have to celebrate the ACTS themselves, just the results :)

03-29-2012, 01:16 PM
Not that this adds much to the arguement but its more for my curiosity. I want to try to understand our payroll vs. the other teams left in the CCL. The closest I could get was market value on transfermarket. But it paints a very nice underdog position and we should all be proud of the perfromance so far:

Toronto: $9.9M euro value

Santos Laguna:$26.5M euro value

Monterrey: $34.5M euro value

Pumas: $18M euro value

Also just for fun the other 4 teams booted in the quarters:

LA: $13.5M euro value

Seattle: $12M euro value

Monarcas: $27M euro value

Metapan: $ No value on most players.

Hmmm...I wonder how we'd do if we weren't hampered by a salary cap?

03-29-2012, 01:16 PM
What the brawl yesterday reminded me of.

3:30 mark end of round 2


03-29-2012, 01:18 PM
I do believe we should bite their balls off...

...whilst dodging bullets.

03-29-2012, 01:33 PM
The brawl (between players) was fine - but why the hell did security rush onto the field like they were bouncers at a nightclub? If this was Europe, TFC would be in a heap of trouble for that. Let's hope there aren't ramifications because of the security issues?

03-29-2012, 01:42 PM

As briefly hung during last nights CONCACAF Champions league match between TFC and Santos Laguna (MEX)

"Stop the violence in Mexico"
"Stop the war against drugs"

It was immediately removed by security due to "upsetting CONCACAF" please share.


03-29-2012, 01:44 PM
And this song reminds me of this tie...


TFC Cityboy
03-29-2012, 01:51 PM

As briefly hung during last nights CONCACAF Champions league match between TFC and Santos Laguna (MEX)

"Stop the violence in Mexico"
"Stop the war against drugs"

It was immediately removed by security due to "upsetting CONCACAF" please share.


well if they wanted publicity, perhaps it wasn't a great idea to hang this on the same side as the cameras!

03-29-2012, 01:57 PM
We stand in 127, that is our section... I don't follow you. Anyways we were made to take it down by security.

03-29-2012, 02:06 PM
We stand in 127, that is our section... I don't follow you. Anyways we were made to take it down by security.

In some areas of the world you would have been arrested for putting it up and the club charged. I'm not suggesting that would have been appropriate in any way, just that security making you take it down isn't the worst thing in the world.

03-29-2012, 02:11 PM

Yes, but this is CANADA. I agree with C_R, that was total bollocks.

03-29-2012, 02:12 PM
We stand in 127, that is our section... I don't follow you. Anyways we were made to take it down by security.

He was saying, for maximum publicity, hanging it on the east side of the stadium would mean the cameras would be facing it - giving it TV exposure during the match...

On the west railings, banners aren't seen on TV from the game-follow camera, and most replay camera angles...

That's all...

03-29-2012, 02:18 PM

Yes, but this is CANADA. I agree with C_R, that was total bollocks.

Yeah. that' why i said in "some areas of the world..." and not "usually in Canada...".

03-29-2012, 02:28 PM
Ahh gotcha, we prefer to be in control of our banners and displays. Also we don't want to misrepresent the people who may have had this in front of them. I understand why security did it (it's their job) but feel it was a just cause.

03-29-2012, 02:45 PM
Yeah. that' why i said in "some areas of the world..." and not "usually in Canada...".

I misunderstood. Carry on ....

03-29-2012, 02:50 PM
Yeah after seeing the reverse angle, I'll take the offside call back as Harden is definitely playing him on.

What the video doesn't show, is that Gomez uses his arms to bring the ball down, looks like a shoulder on the replays but from the opposite angle it was 100% his arm.

03-29-2012, 03:06 PM
so fucking tough...its gona be to go in there and get a result!!!! Something about our team...its fucking magic!! cant wait till weds!!

win or lose this team needs a welcome home ...returning from MEXICO!!

Proud of these boys!!

03-29-2012, 03:09 PM
Can't blame CONCACAF for wanting to keep politics away from the game. I agree with the banner's sentiment but also understand the reasoning behind it's removal.

03-29-2012, 04:07 PM
Very proud of our Club last night.
Down a goal and never stopped fighting for the badge.
The atmosphere was electric, great job by all supporters.
One of the best games I've been at in 5+ years.

Can't wait until next Wednesday, anything can happen in a one off game.

Come On You REDS


Code Red
03-29-2012, 04:16 PM
A solid effort from the boys. They came to play and a 1-1 result is definitely better than a loss or a high tie. CSL's flopping and diving was sickening to watch but at least Salazar wasn't buying into most of their acts.

Not going to be easy going into Mexico but so far, nothing has been easy. If there's one thing this club can do is compete when it counts. Let's hope they have the endurance to finish off these guys next Wednesday.

03-29-2012, 05:40 PM
Gomez says Morgan initiated the incident


03-29-2012, 05:49 PM
Very proud of our Club last night.
Down a goal and never stopped fighting for the badge.
The atmosphere was electric, great job by all supporters.
One of the best games I've been at in 5+ years.

Can't wait until next Wednesday, anything can happen in a one off game.

Come On You REDS


What's with the avatar?

03-29-2012, 05:55 PM
What's with the avatar?

You can't figure it out ?

03-29-2012, 05:56 PM
You can't figure it out ?

No. u_u

03-29-2012, 06:07 PM
The brawl (between players) was fine - but why the hell did security rush onto the field like they were bouncers at a nightclub? If this was Europe, TFC would be in a heap of trouble for that. Let's hope there aren't ramifications because of the security issues?

The security rushed the field for Bradford vs. Crawley FA Cup match the other day:


03-29-2012, 06:08 PM
No. u_u

SL are a bunch of diving Cu@ts
Got it now

03-29-2012, 06:10 PM
Gomez says Morgan initiated the incident

http://www.concacaf.com/page/CL/NewsDetail/0,,12813~2704650,00.html (http://www.concacaf.com/page/CL/NewsDetail/0,,12813%7E2704650,00.html)

and a bitchy little veiled threat about 'you dont know the city we play in'... oh yeah? well MY DAD IS BIGGER THAN YOUR DAD, GOMEZ!

J .
03-29-2012, 06:16 PM
I thought it was a great game played by the guys. I thought JDG missed the guy on the goal, should have had him marked tighter. Lambe to me is not living up to his billing. Too many of his crosses are of a very very poor Andy Welsh quality and I find he isnt in tune with the other players. Unfortunately Plata hasnt arrived this season so hopefully someone can lock down the left side for us sooner than later. Looking forward to Saturday, time to turn the series between Clownumbus and ourselves in our favour, starting with a win Saturday. Has to be a win. Its as close to a must win as there is this early. Cant drop these points folks.

J .
03-29-2012, 06:18 PM
and a bitchy little veiled threat about 'you dont know the city we play in'... oh yeah? well MY DAD IS BIGGER THAN YOUR DAD, GOMEZ!

Hes one of those really tough dudes who talks all the time but wont back it up. Oh yeah, well Ill call my friends type and they will show you how tough I am... Lol.... I really fucking hope the soccer gods favour us next week and eliminate these idiots.

03-29-2012, 06:33 PM
Hes one of those really tough dudes who talks all the time but wont back it up. Oh yeah, well Ill call my friends type and they will show you how tough I am... Lol.... I really fucking hope the soccer gods favour us next week and eliminate these idiots.

I think the soccer Gods have been with us throught this latest CCL campain since the rainout against the Whitecaps at BMO last May 25th. Why not one more time in Mexico.

03-29-2012, 07:32 PM
I hope the Towrads step up big time in Torreon next Wednesday...

03-29-2012, 08:01 PM
Lots of MLS fans rooting for TFC in this situation. (I also remember cheering for RSL in last year's CCL.) Example, from the "Gomez issues warning" article on the MLS website, this is what a commenter from Los Angeles had to say: "I want Kocic to stuff Gomez in game 2, and Ryan Johnson to have chunks of Santos players stuck in his cleats after he runs them over for the series winning goal."

03-29-2012, 08:17 PM
I think banners must be in english, for some reason i remember that bieng a rule

Code Red
03-29-2012, 08:41 PM
Lots of MLS fans rooting for TFC in this situation. (I also remember cheering for RSL in last year's CCL.) Example, from the "Gomez issues warning" article on the MLS website, this is what a commenter from Los Angeles had to say: "I want Kocic to stuff Gomez in game 2, and Ryan Johnson to have chunks of Santos players stuck in his cleats after he runs them over for the series winning goal."

Good to see supporters of other MLS clubs getting behind TFC. MLS teams going deep in this tournament is good for the league, not just the club itself.

03-29-2012, 08:50 PM
One of the best all time games I have ever seen at BMO.

03-29-2012, 09:07 PM
Re watched the game today and got goosebumps when Aceval buried. Finding out Koevermans won't be around for the second leg sucked but I'm not erasing that game off my PVR.

The boys brought it last night and so did we in the stands. Last night is the reward we get for all the tough times we go through.

03-29-2012, 09:08 PM
One of the best all time games I have ever seen at BMO.

People who think Santos 'lost' this game should look up the game stats, which we led in pretty much every category other than fouls.

This was a well-executed gameplan, with one moment of weakness on the offside trap. we played positionally the same offensive game IN their zone, but instead of building through the back, distributed through the middle via the target forward, and sometimes shorter to Johnson in the hole.

I thought everyone played well. Aceval was positionally shaky and made some bad decisions, but kinda made up for it with the blistering left foot.

That game plan really did them. We sat off their backline completely but still pressured quickly at the half line. It really broke up their flow, and forced their backline to distribute more long balls than would be normal for a team that usually uses patient pressure.

I don't know if it'll survive the altitude (which to me is quite logically the only component that shows up again and again in explaining repeated late MLS losses there) but we should probably stick with it.

Code Red
03-29-2012, 10:04 PM
Re watched the game today and got goosebumps when Aceval buried. Finding out Koevermans won't be around for the second leg sucked but I'm not erasing that game off my PVR.

The boys brought it last night and so did we in the stands. Last night is the reward we get for all the tough times we go through.



Repeat x10

03-29-2012, 10:09 PM
^ beauty. Thanks.

03-30-2012, 10:58 AM
Ha Gomez makes me laugh. What is he trying to do with a comment like this?

"I don't know how much you guys know about our home crowd and the city we live in, but it's probably not the smartest idea picking a dogfight."

I swear if this were a UEFA competition he would get disciplined for enticing crowd violence. Why isn't it the smartest idea to pick a dogfight? How is that relevant to the city you live in and your home crowd? Did our fans in Toronto run onto the pitch? Seriously what a mickey mouse mentality.

Hey Gomez, congrats on pointing out that a Mexican club has more violent fans and being proud of that. You just summarized one of the biggest problems in football (other than corruption). I am proud that we don't have violent fans..that we can all go to BMO Field with children like a civil society.

03-30-2012, 11:03 AM
I don't think Gomez was being malicious with his comments, he's usually a class act.

To me it just sounds like he's just sending a fair warning in case any travelling Toronto FC fans (if there are any) decide to go all "hoolie" in Torreon.

03-30-2012, 11:08 AM
Ha Gomez makes me laugh. What is he trying to do with a comment like this?

"I don't know how much you guys know about our home crowd and the city we live in, but it's probably not the smartest idea picking a dogfight."

I swear if this were a UEFA competition he would get disciplined for enticing crowd violence. Why isn't it the smartest idea to pick a dogfight? How is that relevant to the city you live in and your home crowd? Did our fans in Toronto run onto the pitch? Seriously what a mickey mouse mentality.

Hey Gomez, congrats on pointing out that a Mexican club has more violent fans and being proud of that. You just summarized one of the biggest problems in football (other than corruption). I am proud that we don't have violent fans..that we can all go to BMO Field with children like a civil society.


Where's CONCACAF FO to punish Gomez for making such comments? What a joke!

This shows how much we rattle Santos. lol

mdc 77
03-30-2012, 11:10 AM
Santos Laguna and mexican football in general doesn't have violent fans. Gomez is just a journeyman footballer who is enjoying the dim lime-light that is being shone on him right now. He doesn't sound all that intelligent either.

03-30-2012, 11:25 AM
1. I hope we beat these scumbags and Bob de Klerk runs out and rubs it right in his face...

2. If we're going to lose, and are down by a pair - I have no problem with Aceval or Johnson breaking this f*cks nose...