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View Full Version : UFC gets extra trains, why not us?

04-27-2011, 11:53 AM
I got this email from GO transit:

On Saturday April 30th as UFC fans celebrate the first event of its kind in Ontario, GO Transit wants you to jump on our bandwagon to participate in the excitement.
Lakeshore East riders that plan on attending the UFC Fan Expo at the Direct Energy Centre will have the option of getting on 2 extra trains departing Oshawa at 11:41 and 13:41 that will continue on to Exhibition GO Station in addition to regularly scheduled service.
For those enjoying fight night at the Rogers Centre you can now leave the worry of getting home after the event to us as we will operate two extra trains on our Lakeshore line, one to Aldershot and one to Oshawa, both scheduled to depart Union 30 minutes after the evening event ends.
We hope you enjoy your evening and have a safe ride home with GO Transit.

I don't have a problem with UFC getting extra trains, but why not us? After 4 years of excuses why GO couldn't provide us with extra trains (too crowded tracks, they can't control the schedule), now I see this. This makes me upset.

If ML$E are so concerned about attendance this year, they could do something about it!

04-27-2011, 11:57 AM
TFC games - 20,000 people

UFC - 55,000 tickets sold plus thousands pouring into downtown for all the UFC sponsored events and parties at 10+ other bars/clubs. Add to that all the people who will be heading downtown just to be near the action.

I think that would be the reason.

04-27-2011, 12:01 PM
I agree that TFC should be part of GO's planning.
I also understand that UFC is bigger than anything this city has seen for a long time.

Ideally, both get treated better.

04-27-2011, 12:30 PM
I thought that too, then I remembered the type of people I usually encounter when there's a UFC event on and laughed at go transit because that's likely two more delayed trains due to fights and damage.

04-27-2011, 12:33 PM
I thought that too, then I remembered the type of people I usually encounter when there's a UFC event on and laughed at go transit because that's likely two more delayed trains due to fights and damage.

Uh, really. Sorry but I'll call complete bullshit on that.

I have been to multiple UFC events and have never seen an altercation. Yet I clearly remember people attending TFC games who damaged Go Trains returning from games. Hey, let's start the debate on how many UFC riots have torn apart towns across Europe ... oh wait, that was hooligans at football matches.

If I sound pissed in my tone I am. Nothing but a complete stereotype being propagated on no foundation of proof.

04-27-2011, 12:36 PM
Bigger event and one time only. When TFC play in a final to 50,000 and/or we host a world cup match, then GO will add some trains for us too.

04-27-2011, 12:36 PM
Uh, really. Sorry but I'll call complete bullshit on that.

I have been to multiple UFC events and have never seen an altercation. Yet I clearly remember people attending TFC games who damaged Go Trains returning from games. Hey, let's start the debate on how many UFC riots have torn apart towns across Europe ... oh wait, that was hooligans at football matches.

If I sound pissed in my tone I am. Nothing but a complete stereotype being propagated on no foundation of proof.

I just compared it to my own experiences so it's not a stereotype nor is it without proof

04-27-2011, 12:36 PM
I thought that too, then I remembered the type of people I usually encounter when there's a UFC event on and laughed at go transit because that's likely two more delayed trains due to fights and damage.

Just like football / soccer fans - ALL ARE HOOLIGANS...!!!

Worst of the bunch "Red Patch Boys" - Drunk idiots who start fights...

Insert sarcasm voice obviously...

04-27-2011, 12:38 PM
TFC games - 20,000 people

UFC - 55,000 tickets sold plus thousands pouring into downtown for all the UFC sponsored events and parties at 10+ other bars/clubs. Add to that all the people who will be heading downtown just to be near the action.

I think that would be the reason.


04-27-2011, 12:38 PM
I just compared it to my own experiences so it's not a stereotype nor is it without proof

HAHAHA, also matches my experiences.

04-27-2011, 12:39 PM
more trains for tfc? not raptors? leafs? jays? monster truck? we will rock you? wing night at jack astors? this topic is nonsense.

04-27-2011, 12:39 PM
Worst of the bunch "Red Patch Boys" - Drunk idiots who start fights...

HEY... I resemble that remark

04-27-2011, 12:42 PM
In all seriousness - please, PLEASE, tell me that football supporters are not saying "...fans of this sports are this because I had 1 or 2 or a few experiences with some of them..." ...???

If that's the case, I never, NEVER, want to hear another complaint about "this journo says we're this" or "security thinks we're this" because you are doing the EXACT SAME THING...

For the record, I don't watch or like UFC, and I'm not going to the event...

But talk about the pot calling the kettle black!!!


04-27-2011, 12:42 PM
HAHAHA, also matches my experiences.

Careful now, you'll offend if you don't post proof!

04-27-2011, 12:47 PM
I like watching UFC, but every time I've done so in a bar it was annoying being surrounded by douchebags wearing Ed Hardy or Tap Out or Affliction muscle shirts and the smell of Axe body spray would give me a headache. There is a certain demographic that follows UFC that I can't stand.

Anyways, as for this GO thing, it makes sense. They use to do this for the Jays too, but that was back in the 50,000 fans per game days.

04-27-2011, 12:50 PM
I thought the trains this weekend were for the Leafs playoff game?


04-27-2011, 12:50 PM
please don't use the word "journos"

it's way too Frodo

04-27-2011, 12:51 PM
I thought the trains this weekend were for the Leafs playoff game?



04-27-2011, 12:52 PM
I thought the trains this weekend were for the Leafs playoff game?


Not just playoff game, but ROUND-2 Playoff game! :D

04-27-2011, 12:53 PM
Hilarious stuff! I've seen many UFC related altercations, I've also seen many football related altercations. Forgot everything was black or white on this board.

And no Carts, no one said fans of UFC are 'this'.

04-27-2011, 12:55 PM
Hilarious stuff! I've seen many UFC related altercations, I've also seen many football related altercations. Forgot everything was black or white on this board.

And no Carts, no one said fans of UFC are 'this'.

Not worth replying to (sh*t I guess I just did lol)....

No but seriously, not worth it...

04-27-2011, 01:06 PM
Not worth replying to (sh*t I guess I just did lol)....

No but seriously, not worth it...

Huh? What's the problem? Nobody said UFC fans are a certain way. Some of us have encountered lots of UFC related bullshit, doesn't mean anybody is painting all UFC fans with one brush. Many of my good friends are actually MMA fighters who run a local Dojo, you would never find problems in this crowd. Conversely, I see some sort of bullshit go down every matchday at Bmo, doesn't mean I think all 20,000 people there are hooligans or something.

04-27-2011, 01:10 PM
So why don't we get trains?

Some are saying 50k fans vs. 20k.

20k is enough to run 1 early train, if 50k deserves 2.

04-27-2011, 01:11 PM
just change the start time of the game to 30 mins past the hr


04-27-2011, 01:12 PM
So why don't we get trains?

Some are saying 50k fans vs. 20k.

20k is enough to run 1 early train, if 50k deserves 2.

Does anyone really know what number of TFC fans use GO?

For all we know extra trains aren't worth it.

04-27-2011, 01:13 PM
So why don't we get trains?

Some are saying 50k fans vs. 20k.

20k is enough to run 1 early train, if 50k deserves 2.

because it's not just 50k, it's also a ton of people coming to watch at bars and parties, which sadly doesn't happen for TFC

04-27-2011, 01:18 PM
haha and Real Sports advertise themselves every away game as the place to be to watch TFC, yet this Saturday, they said no...

04-27-2011, 01:19 PM
I take the Go...the tfc fans pack what, one train after the game....and that one train is not even that full. If TFC would get more train...then you'd need a couple more for every afternoon rush, every day, because it's much more packed then...beleive me it's not warranted...no one even stands on the trains (going eastbound at least) after the games. I certainly would waste a dollar on it....at least the UFC crowds are packing the bars and a bigger venue so there's incentive

04-27-2011, 01:21 PM
I take the Go...the tfc fans pack what, one train after the game....and that one train is not even that full. If TFC would get more train...then you'd need a couple more for every afternoon rush, every day, because it's much more packed then...beleive me it's not warranted...no one even stands on the trains (going eastbound at least) after the games. I certainly would waste a dollar on it....at least the UFC crowds are packing the bars and a bigger venue so there's incentive

Thanks. That's the kind of info I was looking for.

If the train isn't packed why would they change their schedule for TFC games?

haha and Real Sports advertise themselves every away game as the place to be to watch TFC, yet this Saturday, they said no...

LOL. That means there will be nowhere to watch the TFC game in HD.

04-27-2011, 01:24 PM
haha and Real Sports advertise themselves every away game as the place to be to watch TFC, yet this Saturday, they said no...

think of the numbers.

TFC is still a small fish in this big pond, and right now the only thing that would be bigger than the first UFC in toronto would be the leafs in the Stanley Cup Finals.

and one of those things will probably never happen in my lifetime. The other one is happening this weekend.

man.... let's put the ideas aside, and focus on the train schedule.

04-27-2011, 01:25 PM
LOL. That means there will be nowhere to watch the TFC game in HD.

there's always....



*not exactly as picutred

04-27-2011, 01:26 PM
just change the start time of the game to 30 mins past the hr

Has fuck all to do with anything.
They sure were jammed in there for Beckham.

04-27-2011, 01:27 PM
I thought the trains this weekend were for the Leafs playoff game?


Now you're just being mean. I'm going to rear naked choke you when i see you! Oh wait, didn't mean to play into a stereotype.

04-27-2011, 01:31 PM
there's always....home*

Not when Gol TV isn't available in HD, other than at Real Sports....

04-27-2011, 01:32 PM
TFC fans tend to split over numerous trains both coming in and leaving. If we were to all get on the same train (let's say the last one as it's quite possible for UFC that this will occur) then there may be more of a need for extra trains or to delay one until 30 minutes after the event

04-27-2011, 01:49 PM
i mean they estimate that what was it? $12 million worth of tourism dollars is coming from just the two offical days of UFC being in town? and expect at minimum 100,000 in the area?
yup doesn't make sense at all

04-27-2011, 01:55 PM
i mean they estimate that what was it? $12 million worth of tourism dollars is coming from just the two offical days of UFC being in town? and expect at minimum 100,000 in the area?
yup doesn't make sense at all

yeah, but add up all the TFC games, and you'll be looking at a much higher number than just a 'per game' total.

anyway, not sure what is being debated here anymore.

I like trains.

04-27-2011, 01:56 PM
just change the start time of the game to 30 mins past the hr


Wha? And lose all the TV contracts we have? Sometimes it's a good thing the guys in the FO know how to make money.

04-27-2011, 01:57 PM
Now you're just being mean. I'm going to rear naked choke you when i see you! Oh wait, didn't mean to play into a stereotype.

Unless you are female, I don't like the sounds of a "rear, naked choke".

msn staring face.

04-27-2011, 02:20 PM
You can't compare one time MAJOR event to TFC

04-27-2011, 02:36 PM
You'll all be pleased to know that in the Metrolinx budget for the upcoming year, to be tabled at tomorrow's board meeting, there is increased funding for special event GO service.

I'd provide a URL, but their website is down.

04-27-2011, 02:38 PM
The westbound train after TFC games are packed. At least the cars I always end up in, standing room only! As someone who takes the GO train everyday for work, it's as crowded after the match as it is at rush hour.

At least that has been my experience.

04-27-2011, 02:39 PM
Unless you are female, I don't like the sounds of a "rear, naked choke".

msn staring face.

I've BEEN female during a few prison stints. Does that count?

04-27-2011, 02:54 PM
fuck UFC..the only FC abbreviation I care about is TFC

04-27-2011, 03:37 PM
Unless you are female, I don't like the sounds of a "rear, naked choke".

msn staring face.

you put a comma in there of course it's going to sound akward!

04-27-2011, 04:24 PM
The westbound train after TFC games are packed. At least the cars I always end up in, standing room only! As someone who takes the GO train everyday for work, it's as crowded after the match as it is at rush hour.

At least that has been my experience.

The same here, anytime I've taken the west bound train after a tfc game it's standing room only. I don't know where people that think otherwise are getting their info.

04-27-2011, 04:29 PM
The westbound train after TFC games are packed. At least the cars I always end up in, standing room only!How busy is the westbound train that leaves 10 minutes before the game ends?

04-27-2011, 05:02 PM
Whether you stand or not on the Go seems to depend on what's going on.

If it's just TFC, you should never have a problem getting a seat. I always take the first westbound train after the game, and I've never not gotten a seat if nothing else is going on in the city. But I will walk through the train. I notice that people tend to bunch up at a certain part of the platform so certain cars are packed while others still have seats.

Also, if it's a weekday game you have the working stiffs already on the train when it arrives at the Ex. But usually they are also bunched into certain cars and other cars are almost completely empty.

Now, if there's something else going on it can be a packed. I had to stand going down to the game when there was a Blue Jays game on almost at the same time. I also had to stand going downtown on one of the days the Exhibition opened.

But I've almost always had a seat on the Go after games. I don't really think they need more trains for TFC unless there's something else going on, like a Jays game at the same time. But I would like trains that leave a bit sooner than 45 minutes after the game ends. I hope with the third rail in place across the lakeshore line that they soon start offering 30 minute service.

04-27-2011, 05:12 PM
We really are a whiny bunch now aren't we.....

04-27-2011, 05:52 PM
Uh, really. Sorry but I'll call complete bullshit on that.

I have been to multiple UFC events and have never seen an altercation. Yet I clearly remember people attending TFC games who damaged Go Trains returning from games. Hey, let's start the debate on how many UFC riots have torn apart towns across Europe ... oh wait, that was hooligans at football matches.

If I sound pissed in my tone I am. Nothing but a complete stereotype being propagated on no foundation of proof.

Was anyone else here at the 1986 CNE AC DC concert when there was a riot and GO trains where trashed and cancelled? The tickets booths had their windows smashed and a helicopter with a spotlight was flying over head.

04-27-2011, 06:12 PM
I like trains.

i thought it was proper

TFC Citygirl
04-27-2011, 09:02 PM
We (my family of four including 2 children) take the train to and from the matches. Trains are busy on the way in and we get seats together maybe 50% of the time. We never leave early to catch the train and always wait the 45 minutes. The trains are always busy, most often standing room only on both floors. And when the Jays are playing it can be even worse.
I had a good rant in my office when I received the email from GO about the extra trains for UFC.
Those of you that get seats everytime, consider yourselves lucky.

04-27-2011, 09:05 PM
We (my family of four including 2 children) take the train to and from the matches. Trains are busy on the way in and we get seats together maybe 50% of the time. We never leave early to catch the train and always wait the 45 minutes. The trains are always busy, most often standing room only on both floors. And when the Jays are playing it can be even worse.
I had a good rant in my office when I received the email from GO about the extra trains for UFC.
Those of you that get seats everytime, consider yourselves lucky.

go to the far end of either platform. you'll find seats. The middle of the train is the worst.

04-27-2011, 09:08 PM
think of the numbers.

TFC is still a small fish in this big pond, and right now the only thing that would be bigger than the first UFC in toronto would be the leafs in the Stanley Cup Finals.

and one of those things will probably never happen in my lifetime. The other one is happening this weekend.

man.... let's put the ideas aside, and focus on the train schedule.

if the Real Sports Bar is going to promote itself as the official home for TFC fans when they are on the road, sorry, but you can't just take days off because of other events, you're either committed to all the dates, or fuck off and stop selling yourself as the place to be for TFC fans - it's a lie; it's a con

TFC Citygirl
04-27-2011, 09:14 PM
We always go to the back end of the train. Always packed.

04-27-2011, 09:39 PM
Apples and oranges...toronto is gona crawling with people..it only makes sense...thousand will flock even without tickets

04-27-2011, 10:43 PM
We really are a whiny bunch now aren't we.....


04-27-2011, 10:59 PM
We always go to the back end of the train. Always packed.

do you walk through? I've never seen it packed in every car if you walk through. never after a game.

04-28-2011, 09:53 AM
How busy is the westbound train that leaves 10 minutes before the game ends?

Don't know, I don't leave early.

04-28-2011, 10:08 AM
fuck UFC..the only FC abbreviation I care about is TFC
QFMFT!!! :scarf:

04-28-2011, 11:08 AM
Don't know, I don't leave early.I've been known to catch the eastbound that leaves right on the hour. When I used to have seats in 104, it was fairly easy to walk out of the stadium, and get to the station in time to catch it (it always used to be 2-3 minutes late). Now they seem to be on-time more, our games seem to start later, and I'm further away, and I seldom see it.

However when I do, it has quite a good load on it. And a good load on the next one too. Eastbound, the load is distributed quite equally over 2 trains. Westbound it seems to be more on one.

Maltese Falcon
04-29-2011, 09:52 AM
In terms of accommodation, I wish the trains came ever half our during any big event in Toronto, Leafs/Raps/TFC/Concerts. The 1hr wait outside at exhibition isn't the highlight of my day when its raining. And I honestly hate to see people leave their seats early to catch the train that comes during the end of the game/show. Again seems to happen for any big event in Toronto. It would be one thing if their was a delay in game or overtime etc. but common it doesn't take rocket science to figure out that there are two 45 min halfs, or three periods of 20 mins...alter your schedule to accommodate the masses.

04-29-2011, 10:17 AM
does the TV broadcasters throw so much fit that TFC can't schedule games 30 mins before or later?

04-29-2011, 02:17 PM
I have left early on occasion, usually when the game is out of hand both positive and negative, and the west bound that comes at :50 is empty for the most part. I know leaving early sucks and i never do it in a close game, but it beats standing around for an hour and then cramming into a packed train. I'm with Maltese, GO needs to adjust the times accordingly for big events!!

As for UFC....if anyone care and isn't aware, all the fighters are staying at the westin harbour castle. Met several during my recent business trip to toronto this week including the Legend Royce Gracie!

04-29-2011, 02:24 PM
oh FFS not the Westin..the douchery level near me was already going to be high enough now it will be double that with people looking for autographs...ugh UFC weekend

Maltese Falcon
04-29-2011, 02:29 PM
does the TV broadcasters throw so much fit that TFC can't schedule games 30 mins before or later?
Money talks man why do you think there are afternoon hockey playoff games on NBC. I understand GO has a regular schedule to upkeep but there's a large majority of people relying on this as transportation...at least put up some kind of actual shelter at exhibition. It's not like Union where you can burn and hour on a bench in warmth.

04-29-2011, 02:32 PM
Money talks man why do you think there are afternoon hockey playoff games on NBC. I understand GO has a regular schedule to upkeep but there's a large majority of people relying on this as transportation...at least put up some kind of actual shelter at exhibition. It's not like Union where you can burn and hour on a bench in warmth.

I wonder if a study has been done on TFC fan attendance with respect to what mode of transportation they take to games.

I would be interested to know what % of the 20,000 who attend TFC games take GO, TTC or their cars.

Maltese Falcon
04-29-2011, 02:39 PM
^ With gas prices and parking cost and just from personal experience the Westbound trains are always full after any event I've been to in Toronto

04-29-2011, 02:44 PM
^ With gas prices and parking cost and just from personal experience the Westbound trains are always full after any event I've been to in Toronto

While that's all true, I doubt there are 10,000+ TFC fans taking GO.

GO is great if you live along the Lake both East and West of the City. But it doesn't make sense to use for a lot of the fan base.

Maltese Falcon
04-29-2011, 02:52 PM
While that's all true, I doubt there are 10,000+ TFC fans taking GO.

GO is great if you live along the Lake both East and West of the City. But it doesn't make sense to use for a lot of the fan base.
I never meant to suggest that 50% of the people are taking the GO...thats a bit ridiculous. How many people can the GO even accommodate? Regardless of the percent there is still no reason they couldn't bump the schedule back 10 minutes or provide shelter

04-29-2011, 03:54 PM
Uh, really. Sorry but I'll call complete bullshit on that.

I have been to multiple UFC events and have never seen an altercation. Yet I clearly remember people attending TFC games who damaged Go Trains returning from games. Hey, let's start the debate on how many UFC riots have torn apart towns across Europe ... oh wait, that was hooligans at football matches.

If I sound pissed in my tone I am. Nothing but a complete stereotype being propagated on no foundation of proof.

just because you haven't seen one with your own eyes doesn't mean they don't happen. Friend of my was at the first Montreal one and said he saw atleast 9 real fights. That's not to say that's the norm... who knows? But I certainly know TFC fans destroying Go Trains isn't the norm. I'm also not sure what riots on other continents have anything to do with us.

04-29-2011, 04:08 PM
The westbound train after TFC games are packed. At least the cars I always end up in, standing room only! As someone who takes the GO train everyday for work, it's as crowded after the match as it is at rush hour.

At least that has been my experience.

Mine as well

04-29-2011, 04:20 PM
I take the train early season, and late season. Going westbound, I always get a seat. All you have to do is take your shirt off, and sing Arrrrrrgoooooosss. Taking your pants off, only helps matters.

(seriously, go to the far west of the platform, seat every time, no trouble)

Maltese Falcon
04-30-2011, 09:44 AM
I take the train early season, and late season. Going westbound, I always get a seat. All you have to do is take your shirt off, and sing Arrrrrrgoooooosss. Taking your pants off, only helps matters.

(seriously, go to the far west of the platform, seat every time, no trouble)
well now every one of us is going to take your advice and all be crowding there

Blowing Bubbles
04-30-2011, 02:01 PM
if the Real Sports Bar is going to promote itself as the official home for TFC fans when they are on the road, sorry, but you can't just take days off because of other events, you're either committed to all the dates, or fuck off and stop selling yourself as the place to be for TFC fans - it's a lie; it's a con

MLSE in maximizing short term profits shocker.