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View Full Version : Epic Business FAIL…The killing of the Golden Goose

10-18-2010, 01:41 PM
Back in November of 2006, a coworker of mine stuck her head into my office and ask if she could have a word.

She told me that she was leaving the company to work for Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment and, specifically, the new Toronto football franchise, TFC. She wanted to tell me personally and asked for some footy advice and my thoughts on pro soccer in this market. Knowing my involvement with the Toronto Celtic Club, she was very interested in the city’s “football culture” and how as a marketer she could tap into it.

This young woman is extremely bright and a favourite of mine, so over the next couple of weeks I spent time explaining that there would be three types of TFC supporters...the corporate fan, the Soccer Mom and the football supporter. The latter would be the hardest to engage but the one that would be unlike any customer MLSE currently had. If won over, they could be a "Golden Goose".

She ask if I was a candidate and I told her bluntly that I doubted I would commit money nor time to a league I know little about. However, when I recanted the story to my father, he suggested that with all the money the family spends annually on a team 3,000 miles away, we should collectively purchase 4 tickets for the entire family, which we did.

The Monday after the first game at BMO, I sent her this email:

April 30, 2007

Absolutely fantastic!

The park is magnificent!

Tremendously exceeded my expectations!

I was so happy for you and your peers down there on Saturday! Bravo!

I went back to my club (the Celtic Club) for a pint Saturday afternoon and even the toughest and most cynical of critics admitted they were impressed. However, the honeymoon won’t last unless the team improves, they really are woeful to watch. I’ve spoken to 15 or 16 guys who were there on Saturday and they all said the same thing…terrific atmosphere/crappy team. But today’s not about the footy, it’s about the experience!

The two supporters clubs, U Sector and the Red Patch Boys also deserve a tremendous amount of credit for the success of Saturday. Be sure to treat them accordingly, the backbone of any club in Britain or Europe are the independent supporters clubs. Fan interaction is what will make a TFC game like no other sports experience in this market and if the product becomes (even remotely) competitive this will be the ticket/event to see in Toronto, I really believe that. It was really FUN!!!

If I could I’d buy another pair of cheaper seasons tickets for the girls, I would.

One other point, I couldn’t believe how communal it was down there. Not only did I see tons of people I hadn’t seen in years but same was happening around me…old neighbours, teammates, teachers, classmates, co-workers (I saw your Dad but didn’t get a chance to say hi, your Mom’s hot!!!) It was like a big reunion, people laughing, people hugging, very positive vibe! You can’t buy that kind of karma!!!

Jesus, I’ve become a walking/talking ad for TFC!!!

Congrats, I knew an organization with you in it couldn’t lose.

C’mon the TFC!!!

She left MLSE the following season to pursue her MBA.

For all the resources MLSE has, in Season One, to not recognize that the "Football Culture" is unlike hockey, basketball and condos was a huge marketing error. To allow themselves to ignore its power for three more seasons is an EPIC BUSINESS FAILURE!

Saturday's game was a peek into the future, MLSE. A sporting event with a half filled stadium, zero atmosphere and a shit product. I can't begin to imagine what November 15 at BMO will look like but it will be ugly and embarrassing.

Tom and Paul, you have done what I thought back in April of 2007 was next to impossible, you have made the TFC experience like all your other products. You have killed the Golden Goose.

10-18-2010, 01:54 PM
I'm so glad that the goose metaphor is sticking.

10-18-2010, 01:57 PM
I'm so glad that the goose metaphor is sticking.

Like I said Saturday Parky, you looked splendid in Green!

10-18-2010, 02:21 PM
The following is the last paragraph of a long email I sent to my Account Manager last month.

"Forcing purchase of the Cup Final and games that may not happen next year plus not holding price per game ticket costs in my opinion was a poor business decision and MLSE might live to regret it. I think it shows a lack of understanding of the market you are selling to particularly when the product is so poor. I hope I’m wrong. Don’t kill the goose that laid the golden egg!"

As you can see - I agree with you. Honk!! Honk!!

10-18-2010, 02:54 PM
What a stupid and terrible front office. The paranoia and bitching seen on the boards warning of this scenario has invariably happened. There was forewarning.

Even if the team was winning, they clearly didn't realize that the backbone of this team is the supporter's groups and the hardcore fans. We are not the Maple Leafs. They would have a hard time renewing the expensive seats even if we made the playoffs.

Silly bastards - both Paul B and Tom A should be fired

10-18-2010, 03:04 PM
Somebody should do a banner with a golden goose getting strangled.

10-18-2010, 03:19 PM
Quick question I'll post in any ticket renewal/protest/town hall meeting/MLSE related thread:

Is it worth it for those of us who've yet to renew to call our ticket agents today and demand a price deduction or else we're not renewing?

Based on the response I may or may not make a new poll/thread (yay! Another protest related thread...)

Red Rat
10-18-2010, 04:58 PM
MLSE has failed so badly to the point that nothing will be fixed.

This meetings are nothing but PR so they can say say we will look into it and nothing.


10-18-2010, 05:51 PM
First they killed the golden goose. Next, they'll try and sell it at the concourse as some new exotic dish at their exorbitanly high prices.

10-18-2010, 06:58 PM
TFC has been shot to hell by a cannon.

Well, at least I still have Liverpool FC to look forward to each week. Oh, wait. That's right. *sigh*

10-18-2010, 07:13 PM
Thanks for posting that,makes me think of all the decisions.

10-18-2010, 07:25 PM
TFC has been shot to hell by a cannon.

Well, at least I still have Liverpool FC to look forward to each week. Oh, wait. That's right. *sigh*

What I wanted to posted Sunday..

10-18-2010, 07:39 PM
TFC has been shot to hell by a cannon.

Well, at least I still have Liverpool FC to look forward to each week. Oh, wait. That's right. *sigh*

yeah I'm feeling pretty suicidal about now.

10-18-2010, 07:52 PM
How sad indeed... almost brought a tear to my eye as I too recollect how magical that season 1 was...

Heart of Stone
10-18-2010, 09:44 PM
With MLSE at the helm the success of Toronto F.C. came and went like shit through a goose...

Red Rat
10-18-2010, 10:14 PM
yeah I'm feeling pretty suicidal about now.

don't do it bro, I tried last week only to be saved by Anselmi telling that he needed my money and explaining to me why I should renew.... It's the atmosphere


10-18-2010, 10:58 PM
I agree with Toronto_Bhoy. Had MLSE hired him instead , maybe the golden goose would still be alive. MLSE-murderers!

It would take a f-ing miracle to revive the goose now.

Keystone FC
10-19-2010, 04:55 AM
Somebody should do a banner with a golden goose getting strangled.

10-19-2010, 06:08 AM
TB has summed it up perfectly. MLSE, through their greed & hubris, have made their bed.