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View Full Version : Vote for the Season Ticket Fix

10-16-2010, 08:49 AM
The Season ticket fix appears so obvious to me:

A 2011 Season Ticket package that includes
only the 17 regular season MLS games for
the exact same total price as last year.

This will allow the fan base to survive almost completely intact, feel respected, invigourate ticket sales and launch the "NEW Toronto FC" into the next few seasons. Will this do it for you? Is this the solution? How do you feel about this?

10-16-2010, 09:34 AM
nope pull it back to 2009

Section 117
10-16-2010, 09:46 AM
How about MLSE pay us to attend the games?

Let us fans run the team. So when we screw it up we will have no excuses or someone to blame.

Toronto Gunner
10-16-2010, 09:55 AM
I just renewed - I'm happy with the concessions that have been made by removing the unwanted games.

10-16-2010, 10:20 AM
I am not renewing and know a lot of people who are not too. There is going to be a lot of new fans next year, provided that waiting list isn't a work of fiction.

10-16-2010, 10:20 AM
I just renewed - I'm happy with the concessions that have been made by removing the unwanted games.

Holy Shit! They got rid of the MLS cup? I better check that out right now...

< pause as I check my email and account manager >

What are you talking about Gunny - you have been hoodwinked!! - the MLS cup is still there!! What concession are you talking about? Not charging for a game which may not happen 10 months from now is not a concession - they were being investigated for unsavoury business practices on that one... :hump:

Section 117
10-16-2010, 10:34 AM
In respect to the CCL games most North American teams charge for playoffs in advance and then are credited if they dont make it. So in actuality there was no illegal practices or anything like that or tied selling

i have renewed my tickets and I am not ashamed about it

10-16-2010, 10:42 AM
Holy Shit! They got rid of the MLS cup? I better check that out right now...

< pause as I check my email and account manager >

What are you talking about Gunny - you have been hoodwinked!! - the MLS cup is still there!! What concession are you talking about? Not charging for a game which may not happen 10 months from now is not a concession - they were being investigated for unsavoury business practices on that one... :hump:

Maybe he wants to attend the MLS Cup? :rolleyes:

10-16-2010, 11:11 AM
In respect to the CCL games most North American teams charge for playoffs in advance and then are credited if they dont make it. So in actuality there was no illegal practices or anything like that or tied selling

i have renewed my tickets and I am not ashamed about it

It may not be illegal, but it's a shitty way to treat your customers.

Section 117
10-16-2010, 11:17 AM
The sad things is the majority of the us would by them anyways

10-16-2010, 11:27 AM
The sad things is the majority of the us would by them anyways

Any examples or links that prove that ssh's are charged a year in advance for the following seasons potential playoff run?

10-16-2010, 11:30 AM
The sad things is the majority of the us would by them anyways

You're right. Most of us will likely buy them if TFC qualify. And it is sad the MLSE did what they did and caused this whole thing.

So this begs the question of why MLSE bundled them in now when they know their fans will buy them if they qualify? The only answer is their greed. If they actually cared they would not have done it in the first place.

So again, it's a shitty way to treat your customers.

10-16-2010, 11:35 AM
You're right. Most of us will likely buy them if TFC qualify. And it is sad the MLSE did what they did and caused this whole thing.

So this begs the question of why MLSE bundled them in now when they know their fans will buy them if they qualify? The only answer is their greed. If they actually cared they would not have done it in the first place.

So again, it's a shitty way to treat your customers.

That's just it. People are not buying them. There's only been around 10000 people at the ccl games. If mlse ties them into the ssh's package they will be getting revenue from an additional 8000 fans who would not have bought them normally. GREED at it's best.

10-16-2010, 12:09 PM
If the club put a freeze on ticket prices for at least one season in addition to dropping the 2 extra CCL matches, then I would renew in a heartbeat.

Just speaking for myself here, but I wouldn't mind checking out the MLS Cup. Truth be told, I'd rather pay for it than the two extra CCL games (though my preference would always be to have the option to buy, not have it automatically included in my package).

Keep the per game price the same as 2010 and drop the 2 CCL matches and we're a go for renewal.

10-16-2010, 12:32 PM
first off, there was 18 games in the package for this season, you want to pay the exact same total price for 17 games? mlse would love you.

I voted yes I would renew, but then I already renewed when it was at the 22 game level, and am actually looking forward to going to the mls cup.

10-16-2010, 12:44 PM
and am actually looking forward to going to the mls cup.

Shhh, there's a rebellion going on round these parts, Dunc... :D

10-16-2010, 12:46 PM
I have no problem with anyone going to the MLS Cup.

I just don't like being forced to purchase tickets to it.

10-16-2010, 09:43 PM
funny... removing unwanted games that you know you'll eventually buy anyways is seen as a concession by some

10-17-2010, 03:45 PM
I don't care about the MLS cup being removed, I would buy the ticket anyways if it was an opt-in. What I care about is that they freeze ticket prices this year. That is the only thing that will convince me to renew. Right now, as it sits, I'm not renewing.

10-17-2010, 04:07 PM
funny... removing unwanted games that you know you'll eventually buy anyways is seen as a concession by some

This needs to be quoted for emphasis.

How exactly is it a concession when eventually you will wind up paying for them anyways? Like Boris said in the interview, the only concession here is that instead of paying for them upfront you are paying for them a few months later. In the end, the revenue that they are generating from the fans won't change and the increased profits they will make from charging more this year never changed at all.

10-17-2010, 07:03 PM
This needs to be quoted for emphasis.

How exactly is it a concession when eventually you will wind up paying for them anyways? Like Boris said in the interview, the only concession here is that instead of paying for them upfront you are paying for them a few months later. In the end, the revenue that they are generating from the fans won't change and the increased profits they will make from charging more this year never changed at all.
Has it been stated anywhere that if we qualify for the CCL that the games will automatically be billed to our accounts? I haven't seen it in my statements. If not then they become optional and about 8 to 10 thousand people will likely NOT pick up that option, as was the case this season. Therefore, no new revenue would exist unless they somehow found a way to interest people in this SHAM of a tournament!

10-17-2010, 11:05 PM
This needs to be quoted for emphasis.

How exactly is it a concession when eventually you will wind up paying for them anyways? Like Boris said in the interview, the only concession here is that instead of paying for them upfront you are paying for them a few months later. In the end, the revenue that they are generating from the fans won't change and the increased profits they will make from charging more this year never changed at all.

A lot of people seem to be assuming that we are going to be in CCL next year, and shit, looks like a longshot to me right now. For me this is definitely a concession, because I don't want my money sitting around there bank for ten months to not qualify and be handed a credit against next years ticket. It's principle, don't charge me for games that may not happen.

I think we need to demand more, but we need to recognize this as a step. People have different things that they're upset about, for me the $22 ticket to mls cup was never the biggest one, since I would have bought it if it was an option. My main concerns are/were the per game increase and the games included that may not happen, though I do agree the mls cup should have been optional.

10-18-2010, 09:39 AM
The Season ticket fix that would work is put the back to 2009 full season ticket price for mls 2011 season games only and have mls cup , canadian cup and CL as optional.

Fort York Redcoat
10-18-2010, 10:17 AM
Ticket freeze, drop MLS cup. I'm fine.

10-18-2010, 12:46 PM
The Season ticket fix that would work is put the back to 2009 full season ticket price for mls 2011 season games only and have mls cup , canadian cup and CL as optional.

Ticket freeze, drop MLS cup. I'm fine.

We need to be realistic about what is viable and not -

Price freeze (rollback?) can be implemented very easily - just adjust the payments/refund money.

Canadian Cup / CL - They've already dropped the CL games and I'm sure most of us will want to see the CC games anyways, not much to be gained here.

I think we're beyond the point of TFC offering to opt in/out of the MLS Cup - It's being held on November 21st and they need people in the seats. Unfortunately the onus will be on the STHs for this. TFC could further discount the tickets for us.

10-19-2010, 07:53 AM
My solution:

Have a seaon package that only includes reguler season games at the price of what tickets cost in 2008-2009. And give us a MLS cup game for extra cheap.

Have another package that is the season tickets plus 2 tickets to the Canadian Championship games for extra early buyers cheap. Otherwise you can buy Canadian Championship tickets once the season starts for an extra few dollars.

Champions League dont even charge prices yet and same with playoffs, are team is shit and dont charge us for games that probably wont happen.

10-19-2010, 11:11 AM
The only fix is to drop prices (not raise them as MLSE has done). What I don't get is how stupid they are to think that their money comes entirely from ticket sales. Also, if they gouge people on the tickets it just means they will lose money elsewhere (ie. concessions and merchandise) which I think could be much more profitable.

10-21-2010, 12:37 PM
I renewed last week and I am fine with the package.

10-21-2010, 03:58 PM
Had this been done earlier, I may have renewed, now I am pissed of.

king dave
10-26-2010, 11:37 PM
nope pull it back to 2009