View Full Version : Class action suit against MLSE

06-04-2009, 08:42 PM
The way I see things, not including the Real Madrid game in the season tickets is a breach in contract. Although it is not stated anywhere that the int'l game should be against RM, it's also not stated anywhere WHICH game should be included. Therefore, provided that there will be 2 int'l games this season, we should be entitled to choose one as part as our package. Also, ALL int'l friendlies from years 1 and 2 have been included in the package.
If anyone has any connection with a lawyer's firm, maybe they could ask for some advise whether such a suit would stand. I would sign up right away.

06-04-2009, 08:44 PM
Ok we are going a little overboard with this people. I am going to close this because it's unecessary. So far out of the realm of reality that we don't need another thread to air our grievances. Sorry mate...gotta shut'r down.