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View Full Version : Raul Gonzalez looking for retirement home in MLS?

02-25-2009, 12:08 PM
MADRID (AP) — Real Madrid's all-time leading goal scorer, Raul Gonzalez, plans to play two more seasons for the Spanish club before retiring, although he may play on in the United States.
"It's a difficult situation because in reality you always want to go when you're at the top. But when you're playing well then you start asking yourself, 'Do I really want to go?'" the 31-year-old was quoted as saying in Wednesday's edition of sports daily Marca.
"In this moment, I've marked the date as 2011."
Raul only recently surpassed Alfredo di Stefano's Madrid scoring record with his 311th goal. He has scored 13 league goals this season and is also Spain's all-time leader with 44 goals.
Raul, who has only ever played for Madrid, goes into Wednesday's Champions League match against Liverpool looking to build on his record 66 goals in European competition — 64 of those in the Champions League.
"Six months before that date, in December or January, will be the moment to look at the actual reality and see if it benefits the club and me," Raul said.
He said he'd like to take a year off to travel but could also be tempted by the prospect of playing in Major League Soccer for a season, like former teammate David Beckham.
But whatever he does, he plans to return and work at Madrid at some level.
"I'm 90 percent sure my future will be tied to football and to Real Madrid," he said.


02-25-2009, 12:11 PM
good find , this reminds me of ruiz though , except for the fact he has all of RM's goals HAHAHA if we could ....im sure we would.....:canada:

02-25-2009, 12:13 PM
oh God no......I would throw up if Raul ever played for TFC!!!

Ossington Mental Youth
02-25-2009, 12:16 PM
itd be amazing but for sure dudes gonna wanna play in LA or NJ

02-25-2009, 12:17 PM
No thanks... no more decrepit players like Gallardo in this league.

Lucky Strike
02-25-2009, 12:26 PM
No thanks... no more decrepit players like Gallardo in this league.

:eek: Assuming that you're comparing Raul to Gallardo who you're calling decrepit, I totally can't agree. Come on, it's Raul, arguably one of the best Spanish players ever!

02-25-2009, 01:16 PM
If he really wants to come, then let him come NOW!

Fuck him for saying "ahh i'll just come over when i'm 33yrs", Umm Sorry Raul, GO FUCK YOURSELF!

02-25-2009, 01:23 PM
This is why I am all in favour of Mo not using his DP slot on a broken down Europe vet only interested in an easy end to his career. We need players who buy into the team and the league, players who want to be in Toronto and who want to win championships. If it takes Mo three years or ten years to find that player, or even if he never finds him I don't care, just as long as the rest of the team he puts together is winning.

02-25-2009, 01:31 PM
I'm pretty sure Raul would want to go to New York or LA and NOT Toronto. Much like any other star that may come the way of the MLS.

02-25-2009, 01:33 PM
This is why I am all in favour of Mo not using his DP slot on a broken down Europe vet only interested in an easy end to his career. We need players who buy into the team and the league, players who want to be in Toronto and who want to win championships. If it takes Mo three years or ten years to find that player, or even if he never finds him I don't care, just as long as the rest of the team he puts together is winning.

QFT - and totally agree with the posts above about broken down old players coming here for a quick pay day, a holiday and some self worshipping as a lauded god who can do no wrong just to bask in their own glory. FUCK OFF!!!! :mad:

02-25-2009, 01:40 PM
:eek: Assuming that you're comparing Raul to Gallardo who you're calling decrepit, I totally can't agree. Come on, it's Raul, arguably one of the best Spanish players ever!

If you and I both had MLS teams, I'd gladly let you take him.

And we're not talkin Raul now, we're talkin Raul in 2 or 3 years. Don't forget to buy him a pair of knees when you sign him to your DP slot.

02-25-2009, 02:29 PM
He is definitelythe right fit for RSL. I would imagine S.L. would use their "relationship" with Madrid to lure Raul.....

I can definitely see it going down that way.:p

02-25-2009, 02:47 PM
This is why I am all in favour of Mo not using his DP slot on a broken down Europe vet only interested in an easy end to his career. We need players who buy into the team and the league, players who want to be in Toronto and who want to win championships. If it takes Mo three years or ten years to find that player, or even if he never finds him I don't care, just as long as the rest of the team he puts together is winning.
Although this was probably the idea when the DP rule was started I agree that it shouldn't be the case. I think the only way you'd get a player actually invested in this team is if he was canadian:canada:

Shakes McQueen
02-25-2009, 08:28 PM
As a Barca fan, let me just say: Fuck no!

Let the Galaxy have him.

- Scott

02-25-2009, 09:47 PM
I think the only way you'd get a player actually invested in this team is if he was canadian:canada:

I think that's baloney. no offence, but take a look at Robbo and Dichio.

They might not be at Raul's level, but they're not canadian either and they've both shown full on commitment to TFC and the fans.

02-25-2009, 09:51 PM
His wife is smoking. I can just see her now sitting with us at BMO.
